I am wondering. My ps5 account is reset to 0 . I can see through website that it shows i have stubs and inventory and that my auctions are selling. I am wondering of i install ps4 veriosn will it see the correct account. Anyoen tried?

Accounts are linked. If i log in through the show account. i can not see inventory. If i log in through the PS5 account i can see inventory.
I am guessing this is why the i can not get my stuff to show again in game. Any possible fix?
Which modes? i am assuming non DD
Then how are people earming the 99's already at 1 mil? 2 days ago no one had Seager
@raesone_psn said in Tell me with a straight face:
@calisgw_psn said in Tell me with a straight face:
@raesone_psn said in Tell me with a straight face:
@silverbullet3519 said in Tell me with a straight face:
@raesone_psn said in Tell me with a straight face:
@silverbullet3519 said in Tell me with a straight face:
There it is. Every update someone says they changed something with hitting without telling us. Haven’t played since the update so can’t speak for sure but willing to bet when I fire it up it feels the exact same to me.
You're batting .315 over 13 games in the bottom of the ranks which means rookie/veteran difficulty online. I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference honestly but thanks for you input nonetheless, without actually even playing like you said so yourself.
Fair enough but my point still stands. Gets old seeing the same tired complaints all the time.
Edit to add I prefer to play offline to avoid the [censored] that y’all complain about all the time lol but in my limited online experience I haven’t had many issues.
And here you are complaining about my complaint. I hear what you're saying though, there are many people who complain over anything and everything. But we are not all the same and not every complaint is unfounded. To throw everyone who complains at any given time about any given thing on a big pile and discredit them just for the concept of complaining is not right. I've been playing this game for many many years at a high level year in year out. I've spent so many hours into this franchise, I know what I'm talking about. Your reply discredits all of that in the snap of a finger, just because I'm complaining. I don't appreciate that and that's why I responded the way I did.
Not saying you are wrong or right about changes, I have no clue as I don't play online much and when I do I'm low ranks. That being said, you can't blame him or anyone else coming down on your "complaint" about changes. The amount of complaint threads on these forums are enormous and to the casual viewer, it can look like yours is another one.
You could just scroll along if it annoys you. Replying is a conscious decision and the only thing it achieves is to tell me that it's another complaint post which I'm obviously aware of. So what's the goal here exactly?
Goal is , you shouldn't take it seriously if someone complains about your complaint
@raesone_psn said in Tell me with a straight face:
@silverbullet3519 said in Tell me with a straight face:
@raesone_psn said in Tell me with a straight face:
@silverbullet3519 said in Tell me with a straight face:
There it is. Every update someone says they changed something with hitting without telling us. Haven’t played since the update so can’t speak for sure but willing to bet when I fire it up it feels the exact same to me.
You're batting .315 over 13 games in the bottom of the ranks which means rookie/veteran difficulty online. I doubt you'd be able to tell the difference honestly but thanks for you input nonetheless, without actually even playing like you said so yourself.
Fair enough but my point still stands. Gets old seeing the same tired complaints all the time.
Edit to add I prefer to play offline to avoid the [censored] that y’all complain about all the time lol but in my limited online experience I haven’t had many issues.
And here you are complaining about my complaint. I hear what you're saying though, there are many people who complain over anything and everything. But we are not all the same and not every complaint is unfounded. To throw everyone who complains at any given time about any given thing on a big pile and discredit them just for the concept of complaining is not right. I've been playing this game for many many years at a high level year in year out. I've spent so many hours into this franchise, I know what I'm talking about. Your reply discredits all of that in the snap of a finger, just because I'm complaining. I don't appreciate that and that's why I responded the way I did.
Not saying you are wrong or right about changes, I have no clue as I don't play online much and when I do I'm low ranks. That being said, you can't blame him or anyone else coming down on your "complaint" about changes. The amount of complaint threads on these forums are enormous and to the casual viewer, it can look like yours is another one.
Spend all your Stubbs buying cards during flash sale. Sell 2 days later and now you have 2 to 3 x the Stubbs you had before.. Wait for next flash sale and repeat. Really not much time needed to get Stubbs in this game. Just need a brain , but from the posts i see here, that may be in short supply.
@vipersneak_mlbts said in Let's see if I got this right..:
@savefarris_psn said in Let's see if I got this right..:
@vipersneak_mlbts said in Let's see if I got this right..:
Ahh. You got one card, Mookie for millions of stubs....gratz! lol
False. NMS.
False? Money or not you spent stubs. If you have nothing else to spend them on then fine.
Money or NMS does not matter. Stubbs are beyond easy this year, just have a pulse and a somewhat functioning brain and you get unlimited stubs.
So in actuality , everything is same price.
@raesone_psn said in Is this good or sad?:
I'm conflicted. At least there are 97 people just like me.
My vote is sad
@raesone_psn said in Why do NMS players with Chipper/other elite players have such a complex?:
@samguenther1987 said in Why do NMS players with Chipper/other elite players have such a complex?:
@abbyspapa_psn said in Why do NMS players with Chipper/other elite players have such a complex?:
@mackattack000012_psn said in Why do NMS players with Chipper/other elite players have such a complex?:
It either means your pack luck is insane, or you spend all day inside working the market or playing the game. You’re not better than anyone you’re one of those 2.
I agree, I spend all day (and night) playing the game as NMS, but if I had the dough to waste I'd be spending it for sure. My pack luck has been atrocious this year.
I'm definitely not better than anyone else.
Same here, and i have never said i'm better then anyone and never will because i'm really not. I try not to even mention that i'm NMS because it really shouldn't matter.
I am also no money spent and I literally have every card just like pretty much everyone else. Who cares? I'm just happy I can spend my money on meaningful things instead. And no, that doesn't mean I'm poor. It means I'm smart. Put your annual fantasy sport gaming money in an index fund and thank me later.
You don't count. You go 12-0 easy so STAY OUT OF THIS CONVERSATION.
@jacksonvance35 said in Ohtani's slider:
@mcgalamaad_psn said in Ohtani's slider:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in Ohtani's slider:
I’ve seen some people get lit up using him. Maybe we overpaid for him.
Yeah, his pitching is definitely underwhelming but as a hitter…absolute animal
It sure is awesome to have a hitter in your lineup 1/5th of the games you play for 6 innings
Meh, nothing else to spend stubbs on. Game gives you way too many stubbs if you have a brain.
You do realize all 3 innings events are considered clutch time right? Its basically 7 8 9 innings of ranked games. Clutch ratings come into effect and quirks
P.S. there are other organizations but no one cares about them
@slipknot-008_xbl said in I like Rob Manfred:
@calisgw_psn said in I like Rob Manfred:
@slipknot-008_xbl said in I like Rob Manfred:
The many blunders of Manfred still don’t make him the worst in pro sports. I’d give that to Bettman. The only commissioner to cancel an entire season for a labour dispute and has had two more lockouts that I can remember. The game isn’t growing in popularity, franchises are being financially supported by the big clubs(Looking at you Arizona) and he continues to water down the league with new franchises. The NHL is also probably the worst league at marketing it’s stars. Ovechkin, Crosby, McDavid and Matthews as examples. None of them are really household names in the sports world like Brady, James, Trout etc. Now I realize part of that is on the players because they don’t market themselves well either.
Just realized the fundamental flaw in your argument after i responded. You said pro sports. You do realize pro sports is a global term right? Should of said USA Professional sports. Rugby and Soccer ( only really called Soccer in the states ) are the most popular sports globally.
Just realized the fundamental flaw in your response. You said USA Professional sports. You do realize there are teams based outside of the US right? Should of said North American Professional Sports.
See? I can nitpick small details too!
May have teams based in other countries, but they are incorporated as USA organization. Its why non USA teams had issues with visas and playing fields/arenas during Covid and so on. I get what you are trying to imply, but no, you are wrong.
MLB, NHL, NFL.NBA are USA Professional sports who may have teams in other countries from time to time.
@slipknot-008_xbl said in I like Rob Manfred:
The many blunders of Manfred still don’t make him the worst in pro sports. I’d give that to Bettman. The only commissioner to cancel an entire season for a labour dispute and has had two more lockouts that I can remember. The game isn’t growing in popularity, franchises are being financially supported by the big clubs(Looking at you Arizona) and he continues to water down the league with new franchises. The NHL is also probably the worst league at marketing it’s stars. Ovechkin, Crosby, McDavid and Matthews as examples. None of them are really household names in the sports world like Brady, James, Trout etc. Now I realize part of that is on the players because they don’t market themselves well either.
Just realized the fundamental flaw in your argument after i responded. You said pro sports. You do realize pro sports is a global term right? Should of said USA Professional sports. Rugby and Soccer ( only really called Soccer in the states ) are the most popular sports globally.
@slipknot-008_xbl said in I like Rob Manfred:
The many blunders of Manfred still don’t make him the worst in pro sports. I’d give that to Bettman. The only commissioner to cancel an entire season for a labour dispute and has had two more lockouts that I can remember. The game isn’t growing in popularity, franchises are being financially supported by the big clubs(Looking at you Arizona) and he continues to water down the league with new franchises. The NHL is also probably the worst league at marketing it’s stars. Ovechkin, Crosby, McDavid and Matthews as examples. None of them are really household names in the sports world like Brady, James, Trout etc. Now I realize part of that is on the players because they don’t market themselves well either.
Hockey as a whole isn't a popular sport in America. NHL is a very very small portion of hockey globally. Overseas, Hockey is more popular and thus profitable.
@untchable704_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@calisgw_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@untchable704_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@calisgw_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@untchable704_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@heykidmove_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
So how many diamonds out of how many packs? If you're going to call them a lie, provide your numbers.
So if a company tell you these are the odds you believe them with no proof. If I tell you the odds are a lie you need proof? Interesting.
You dudes are so fun to mess with. It’s more fun to just spin y’all in circles then listen to the same “the only way you could tell they were a lie is to get a billion pack history from SDS themselves” who wouldn’t give it up without a court order of some kind lol.
Aren't you late for your Trump Rally celebrating his re election victory.
I definitely voted for trump. And this is bait I am sure but I am way smarter than you so perhaps keep your twitter tactics there.
The funny thing is though, calling out a company is more of a left thing. Unless that company makes a video game then it’s a free pass from the Bernie bros. It’s weird.
Smarter? When you don't even understand how Statistics work? I am sorry you went to a hillbilly school that didn't teach/force you to take a Statistics class.
Go back to watching ONN
Way smarter than you. Enjoy a block. Youre not even worth the time of day. Go back to crying about your life on twitter lol. When you learn to have a normal conversation without going “but trump” maybe you’re life will get better.
The fact I KNEW you were a Trump supporter and ONN image is burned into your tube television proves my point.
@raesone_psn said in I like Rob Manfred:
Y'all gotta relax. Kieran created this thread, knowing it's a polarized topic. He enjoys himself at this moment when he sees people going at each other. Y'all forgot what trolls do?
But I am bored waiting for appointment
@untchable704_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@calisgw_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@untchable704_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
@heykidmove_psn said in Boy all those free packs sure does:
So how many diamonds out of how many packs? If you're going to call them a lie, provide your numbers.
So if a company tell you these are the odds you believe them with no proof. If I tell you the odds are a lie you need proof? Interesting.
You dudes are so fun to mess with. It’s more fun to just spin y’all in circles then listen to the same “the only way you could tell they were a lie is to get a billion pack history from SDS themselves” who wouldn’t give it up without a court order of some kind lol.
Aren't you late for your Trump Rally celebrating his re election victory.
I definitely voted for trump. And this is bait I am sure but I am way smarter than you so perhaps keep your twitter tactics there.
The funny thing is though, calling out a company is more of a left thing. Unless that company makes a video game then it’s a free pass from the Bernie bros. It’s weird.
Smarter? When you don't even understand how Statistics work? I am sorry you went to a hillbilly school that didn't teach/force you to take a Statistics class.
Go back to watching ONN
Trying ps4 version may help?
So here is the problem
If 15k is daily cap?
If 15k is daily cap?
Tell me with a straight face
Tell me with a straight face
Let's see if I got this right..
Let's see if I got this right..
Is this good or sad?
Why do NMS players with Chipper/other elite players have such a complex?
Ohtani's slider
Events vs ranked
I like Rob Manfred
I like Rob Manfred
I like Rob Manfred
I like Rob Manfred
Boy all those free packs sure does
I like Rob Manfred
Boy all those free packs sure does