I'm complaining because I can't get any further than the starter program in DD because it keeps freezing. Wish I could get a response a refund or just wipe my starter program back to the beginning to see if I can get past the open a card part without freezing
Still can't play DD because my game keeps freezing in the starter program at the open a pack part. Bought the early access to be able to do nothing. No response from them this is the worst response to a game I've ever owned
Still no response on why my game keeps freezing on the open a pack part of the program. Still not able to play DD because I have to finish this program but it freezes every time. Very mad and upset. What a waste of early access.
I cant open the pack to advance any further in Diamond Dynasty. The game freezes every time I try to open pack in starter program
I've literally sent a email. I have this issue. I cannot progress any further till this issue is fixed. Way start an early access for a game huh
Still can't get past the starter program this game is broken
I literally can't get past the open a pack in starter program it freezes every time there for I cannot play dd
Played 2 conquest games and did awesome and stats did not save. Please fix these kinds of issues quicker.
Everyone just complains…
Problems I’ve Encountered so Far (Report Your Issues Here!)
Starter Program
Starter Program
Can't progress past starter mission "open a pack"
Starter Program
Starter program
Servers not saving stats after game