Was ranked online yesterday and the pitching was extremely glitchy. I would throw a perfect release down and in sinker, and right after the release there would be a super brief pause and then the pitch would be all the way up at the top of the zone. Was also causing badly hanging breaking pitches not close to where I aim them on a perfect release. I heard this was an issue with pinpoint, but now seeing it with meter too. Very hard to play online ranked when you are holding your breath every pitch. Hopefully that gets fixed soon, but wasnt sure if anyone else had those issues

@Grave-Arbitar Yea someone from SDS needs to address this. I don't hate the idea of quitting penalties because so many people quit out of games. But if the game doesn't work in the first place then you can't have the quitting cooldowns. They are punishing us and not letting us play the game because their game is broken and freezes. Makes absolutely no sense.
Lol, not surprised. This game is becoming a joke and they simply refuse to address co op. Was disappointed to see that the new patch had no co op updates, but then come to find out they somehow broke the mode even more. So laughable
Let me start by saying I am 110% for people being penalized for quitting games because quitting was a big issue the last few years. That being said, last night I was playing co-op with 2 friends, and our game went into the classic freeze off (which so far haven't been as common as they used to be, but for some reason they still exist). Since we were frozen in the game in the first inning and we wanted to hop in another right away, I closed the app so I didn't have to sit there for however long the freeze of was going to take. Unfortunately, I received a 5 minute penalty and could not get in another game until the time ran out. Like I said, I think this is a great idea to penalize quitters, but if it is going to exist then freeze offs need to be completely eliminated (like just lagging both parties out), or there needs to be something that can differentiate a quit vs a freeze.
What is taking so long. We have waited long enough to get the return of 9 innings into the game. Co op needs to go back to being normal baseball again. I miss the days of taking normal at bats. Now there is no need to see pitches because you know the starter is going a complete game or theyre only using him for 1 inning, no in between. Please fix this
5 minutes isn't long because that was the first one I ever received. It goes up from there, so if it happens multiple times it will eventually be a long wait
Playing ranked co op and this mode is absolutely broken. When our pitcher gets selected, one of us sees one pitcher and the other two see a completely different guy on the mound. Foul balls are outs and outs are foul balls. Pitches are coming out of Mad [censored]’s right ear while he’s a lefty. The pitchers are straight up broken
@TheHungryHole said in Before Day 1 99’s:
@BRETTSANT05_PSN said in Before Day 1 99’s:
No it is definitely more fun having lower rated cards early in the game and working up to a 99. People think when the seasons change and you can't use set 1 anymore it will be different, but that just wont be the case because set 1 and 2 will overlap.
I see what you are saying with early headliners cycling out, but between attributes, parallels, and what would've been captain upgrades this year it wouldnt have been an issue at all. Plus, I used guys like Ketel and Lofton for at least half the year last year.
It just kind of sucks now that live series cards, live series collection rewards, and low 90s in general are already useless. Getting Live Series trout or Degrom at this point in past years would be one of your best cards until the all star series drops, no they are nothing more than a piece of a collection.
I especially don't see where they go with topps now, ASG, finest, etc. No room to grow cards already
no it is not, you are wrong - it is a trash way of playing - unless you live in your mums basement - no one wants to grind to infinity each year over year - mind numbing waste of real life
That's not what it is. If you think that, just wait until set 1 is no longer usable. You will have to restart the grind to get new cards. There is still an infinity grind, it is just significantly less rewarding because you just grind to go from 1 99 overall to a new one
I am seeing a lot of comments about freezing, and I agree that freezing in co op has been a huge issue this year. Co op is the only game mode where we continuously have the freezing issues much more regularly than any other mode. The biggest issue I have seen from this is that it makes it extremely difficult to rank up through the ranked co op seasons system. For every couple wins we get, we also get a couple freeze offs that for some reason penalize -40 or so. I think the co op reward system should be much more similar to how events are if freezing is going to continue to be an issue. Make world series at 50 wins or something, and all rewards are win based rather than the ranked systems numbers. It just hasn't worked as intended and I dont expect it to be fixed.
Its the same game as last year. We didnt buy next gen consoles to play a nintendo switch version of mlb
Devs, please stop ignoring co op. It is becoming apparent that there is no effort to truly grow or fix this mode. There are still issues with freezing/losing connections and there seems to be no progress made. The worst part is, when a freeze or loss of connection happens it penalizes our whole team in both ratings as well as these ridiculous quitting penalties. Why are we getting quitting cooldown penalties when the game breaks.
Some stuff isn’t even making sense. Most recently after I hit a homerun, the connection dropped (presumably the other team quit), and I got a plus rating for ranked, while my two teammates lost rating and both got a cool down penalty. Please fix something in co op
It is really a shame that the devs seems to not care one bit about co op. Such a great game mode with so much potential, and playing online with friends is what makes video games so fun. My prediction is that co op won't exist in the upcoming games because it is clear they have no intention of making it better.
Problems that remain with co op include:
-No PXP in the mode
-Freeze offs way too often
-Broken ranked system that you can't climb due to freeze offs
-Can still bring any started out of the pen
-No records or statsThings that need to be added
-Ability to form teams (like nhl clubs or nba pro am)
-Stat keeping for teams
-Stats count towards PXP and missions
-Separate co op reward path to incentivize playingPlease SDS. This is the best idea you have ever had and you are purposely letting it die. Why is no effort being put into the mode. It is clear that they were not ready to jump to all consoles and put way too many resources into that. Sad that we don't even have a next gen version and they still won't give us one single thing in co op. Done buying this game once they take the mode out which 100% will happen
As we all know, co op continues to have major issues that for one reason or another are not getting addressed. Wish the mode at least got enough love to be playable, but I guess it will continue to be an after thought. Things I have noticed are broken include
The 99 glitch. Simply absurd that this is still an issue. Makes the mode completely pointless since you don't even need to bring the cards you earned. Should be such an easy fix.
Throw meters being broken. The patch said this would be fixed but it has not been the case. The meters from the outfield don't work half the time and makes fielding that much more difficult.
Broken fielding subs. We noticed if you pinch run or pinch hit a player late in the game, when you get prompted after the inning to sub them out in the field, the game completely breaks and one player is forced to quit out due to the freeze
Freeze offs (I don't even have to elaborate here)
Quit Penalties for the game freezing. Not sure why cooldowns exist in co op but they do, and you still get punished for the game not working.
Hope these are addressed sooner rather than later. If the mode wants to see any growth, a good start would be to make it work properly.
It will but mostly because SDS made a poor game this year and there is no reason to play beyond June. Hope it makes them push for something new next year
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
@TheGoaler_PSN said in "Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs:
5 minutes is not a long time.
A 24 hour cooldown would be crazy.It increases my internet acted weird for a second on Saturday and I was in coop games with my friend(he was at my house) he kept getting kicked happened three times until I reset my router
After the 3rd time he got kicked- the cool down period was 30mins
Yea that is annoying. And sometimes it's not even your fault or your own internet, the internet of your opponents could be a problem and we just wouldnt know. I think 2k had a feature where if someone's internet was unplayable or causing freezing there would be a timer that would count them out if it didn't reconnect. Idk, they just gotta figure something so we can work around freeze offs
The worst change they have made yet. Literally no one asked for that. Have no clue what the decision was to make it nine innings but they are trying to kill off co op before it even has a chance.
Agree! SDS is turning into a mess. They need to get back to listening to the community. This isnt even a difficult change to make
Agreed, total joke that they arent even listening or addresing it
I agree with all of these, think your lists are very accurate too. It is crucial that they at least return to the option to play 9 innings again, just disrespecting the game of baseball otherwise. I would also add to the list to takeaway the ability to bring in starters out of the bullpen. Sick of facing randy johnson every game with no energy penalty. Along with that, the addition of maybe 1 more batter per player just so we can have some more options would be cool. Overall I think you got everything we need.
Just wanted to bring co-op back to the forefront as this topic on the forum seems to be completely dead. SDS had a great thing in the making with co-op and it was a fun mode, but the execution was so poor.
I decided to jump on with friends last night, and unfortunately we are still dealing with the EXACT SAME ISSUES WE HAVE HAD ON THE FIRST DAY!!!!!!! Random mid game freezes pretty much every other game in co-op is still a regular occurrence as it was when the game was new, and SDS claimed those issues were patched. Not sure how this is still a major issue that makes co-op borderline unplayable all the way in January, but it seems like they let the mode die. I am sure a lot of people stopped playing co-op in September or so due to all the issues, but I hope SDS does not think it is disliked or unpopular. People stopped playing because the mode was broken.
Along with that, make worthwhile rewards for next year, that could be similar to event rewards. Making it worth playing will make people want to play.
I look forward to MLB 2023, but I hope the bugs are fixed and that they are much more transparent with the fans. 2022 had more bugs than any other mlb game, and that is unacceptable.
Online Pitching Glitch with Meter
MLB The Show 24 Coop still has freezes and freeze offs!
Friends list disappeared
"Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs
"Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs
Co Op is Broken
Before Day 1 99’s
Need New Co Op ranked system due to freezing
Can we just enjoy the game for a week?
Co op issues are still existing
Co Op Gets no love :(
Persisting Co Op Issues
Will July 19 hurt The Show?
"Quitting" Penalty with Freeze Offs
6 innings??
Bring back 9 innings, allow us to chose more players, and rewards!!!!
End this 6 inning please
Co-Op Request List
Fix Co Op for 2023 Please