Persisting Co Op Issues
As we all know, co op continues to have major issues that for one reason or another are not getting addressed. Wish the mode at least got enough love to be playable, but I guess it will continue to be an after thought. Things I have noticed are broken include
The 99 glitch. Simply absurd that this is still an issue. Makes the mode completely pointless since you don't even need to bring the cards you earned. Should be such an easy fix.
Throw meters being broken. The patch said this would be fixed but it has not been the case. The meters from the outfield don't work half the time and makes fielding that much more difficult.
Broken fielding subs. We noticed if you pinch run or pinch hit a player late in the game, when you get prompted after the inning to sub them out in the field, the game completely breaks and one player is forced to quit out due to the freeze
Freeze offs (I don't even have to elaborate here)
Quit Penalties for the game freezing. Not sure why cooldowns exist in co op but they do, and you still get punished for the game not working.
Hope these are addressed sooner rather than later. If the mode wants to see any growth, a good start would be to make it work properly.