It's important with timing windows. You get more consistent timing windows with high vision guys. However, I find vision less important for pure power hitters (think Adam Dunn) who also have extreme pull hitting tendencies. I second the Scann video on this topic. He did an awesome job. Also, go to custom practice and read the strategy guide. It explains everything about vision and the other stats.

George Brett.
New controller always helps too. In case you're using an older one. The toggle sticks sway and get loose.
I think they give it to Arenado.
I'm the opposite. I'm early on everything online with VRR and 120hz activated.
I'd have to try the two different options. MLB the Show caps at 60hz refresh on either 4k or 1080p, so I'm thinking 120 fps may not make a difference online. Although the monitor can run up to 120fps, I'm not sure it would actually overclock the game at that framerate.
I've been playing with VRR on the past couple days. I haven't been dealing input lag issues. In fact, I'm early on a lot of pitches. But the VRR hasn't solved the embedded defects within the game, i.e. the RNG and flawed hitting system with PCI placement.
@limitlessrage__psn said in Question about VRR with my G7 Samsung monitor:
VRR capabil
I have the same monitor. It looks like AV is better for performance.
Hitting is bizarre. I've had perfect PCI placement and next to perfect timing and the ball is just a weak flyout. Lineouts galore. Also, whenever I get someone one base, contact with a baseball generally magnets for a double play like 80% of the time. Not to brag, but I'm sitting at like a 27-8 record this ranked season and half those loses are from games where, no matter how well I squared up balls, the RNG I mentioned above just killed me. I have had some close games against good players. I remember one where we were in extra innings and this guy hit a walk off homerun with Bryce Harper on a cutter at Bryce's knees. Overall, it just feels like user input has no relevance at all. More than ever, the game feels arcade-like - it's the game that decides whether you get a hit, not the player and his or her stick skills.
I've been testing different setups. For reference, I play with a wired connection directly into a gaming router. I have my PS5 set to priority over all other devices in the house. I generally have download speeds at 470mbs to 520mbs and uploads around 25mbs to 30mbs. I'm on a Samsung G7, 4k 2.1 HMDI, 144hz refresh rate monitor with adaptive sync capabilities. At first, I thought hitting was jacked up because I was playing 4k. Switching to 1080p didn't really fix the issue. I had hopes the VRR supplement would help things, but it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. Timing windows and lag aren't really an issue at all for me. It appears to be the game itself at this point. Everything people are saying about lineouts, flyouts, and double plays are consistent in my gameplay too. The game itself is poorly executed when it comes to hitting.
Pitching seems fine this year. But the pitcher stamina patch was bad. Pitchers have just as much stamina as they did last year, so it doesn't even matter whether you have plate discipline to wear a pitcher out. They can just keep going, which is frustrating and unrealistic.
Fielding is bit odd too. Diving catches can get a bit crazy. If you dive early enough, a player will slide into balls that are well outside their reach.
As far as a baseball simulation, this is not that game. The Show is more of an arcade and collectible experience at this point. Not worth putting much effort into, other than for obtaining rewards. The rewards are also a bit dumb. The Face of the Franchise has taken over everyone's lineups. Every game you play has unrealistically boosted players. Every lineup is filled with switch hitters so you are forced to use only pitchers with a sinker/cutter/slider combo to deal with the switch hitters. Soon, I'm sure we'll get bombarded with progressively juiced Topps Now cards that will someone end up being high 90 overalls. Oddly enough, players who get Topps Now cards early in the game cycle are high golds or low diamonds, but at the end, a player will likely get a high 90 overall for the same performance put on early in the game cycle.
I'll end the rant. But just wanted to toss out a more detailed experience to generate some commentary on the game and the issues.
@victor_sds_psn said in Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.:
Hi all.
The team is aware and investigating the recent issues with 120hz output and the impact it is having on matchmaking for PS users.
As other users have mentioned - if you're having troubles finding a match, you may want to try turning off the 120hz output option in the PlayStation settings.
- Settings -> Screen and Video -> Video Output -> Enable 120hz Output: Off
I'll reply again when I get further updates from the team.
EDIT: I know other users here on the forums have already mentioned it, but if turning off the 120hz output option resolved the issue for you, please reply and let me know. Thank you for your patience.
Turning off 120hz worked for me.
489mgs download and 22mgs upload.
@d_e_m_i_s_e_psn said in This game is awesome. Seriously.:
@raesone_psn said in This game is awesome. Seriously.:
Good luck. Can't wait to hear your opinion when you're 895 rated and lose to a guy who fouls off every pitch thrown miles out of the strike zone and hits bloopie after bloopie after bloopie before burying you with a grand slam on a perfectly executed pitch that went right down the middle.
This sums it up. Gave up a VERY early HR to Olson earlier. Meanwhile, my Mullins hits 2 balls almost dead center of pci for routine fly balls. Won some games, lost some games but off for the night. Ball is a blur. Can't read any pitches.
The ball is blurring because of laggy connection from the other opponent's internet. Just keep playing until you get good connection with a local server.
Same. I go PCI off. I turn it on briefly when I change levels to get a gauge of PCI size, but then go back to off. It's far easier to see pitches and time up swings.
Put the PCI where the sinker will end up in the strike zone and press X, square, or circle at the proper time.
Curious: Anyone play this game online (i.e. ranked season and BR) setting their monitor or TV to 4k? I find they game plays amazingly well. I suspect a lot of folks use 1080p (which is great for a lot of fast paced games), but I've really enjoyed the graphics and gameplay quality in 4k so far.
What experience can others relay?
Get good. Jk, that is a lot of innings. I'm sure they'll reduce later in the game cycle.
@nuhuskerfan04_psn said in pre ordered the digital deluxe editon was it the right move?:
I've never pre ordered a crazy edition of the game before only the basic $60. Is spending the $100 worth it?
Are you seeking validation for your purchase? Do you think it's worth it? Yes or no, that's your answer.
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in LG C1 & Series S Help:
Online play. It was the most fun I had experienced with the show....arguably ever. I did not change any settings on the xbox or the tv...just one day...I was late on pitches again. I was so early at one point when switching over from PS5 to Xbox Series S that I was too early on 100mph fastballs and whiffing before the ball got to the plate. It just makes no sense.
Input lag from your opponents. Your personal setup doesn't seem to overcome bad connectivity with the person you're playing. At least from my experience.
Is this a rhetorical question?
I run on this one the Samsung G7 Odessy:
The game looks great on this one can modify the screen response time. HDMi 2.1 capabilities as well.
Given the state of the servers, the game will probably only clock out at 20 FPS when you play someone on their dorm internet/TV.
How important is vision?
Who have you given up on?
How do I improve my pitching?
Lightning player
Struggling with 120 hz.
Question about VRR with my G7 Samsung monitor
Question about VRR with my G7 Samsung monitor
Is online gameplay really that awful?
Matchmaking issues, and 120hz output.
What’s your download / upload speed?
This game is awesome. Seriously.
What is your PCI setup?
Gameplay on 4k
No Point in Playing Ranked Seasons
pre ordered the digital deluxe editon was it the right move?
LG C1 & Series S Help
What mode would you play?
Gaming Monitors (Time for Update)
60 FPS is a Big L for 22