The game still freezes on routine ground balls to 2nd base! EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Veterans Stadium. and real life minor league/spring training stadiums
@pennstatefencer said in Pci is garbage and so is this game:
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Pci is garbage and so is this game:
Seriously? You guys actually see how garbage the hitting engine is with pitches and there’s just silence?? Not able to say “see you tomorrow” anymore??
You're the home team, which means you chose to play at Shippett. I'm sorry, but what exactly were you expecting?
The hitting may not be perfect, but you aren't doing yourself any favors playing at a small stadium with high elevation. Everyone and their grandmother knows the ball flies there. You shouldn't be shocked that two players with over 100 power can put it over the wall when the ball is only slightly outside the inner PCI with good timing.
Hahahaha that’s karma for picking Shippett!
@ladyswampfox_xbl said in 1,000,000!:
I have finally done it. After playing this game for 5 years and God knows how many hours, I have reached 1 million stubs!
And I didn’t pay a cent!
I have 2.93 mil with nothing to do with it. Also didn’t pay a cent
to replicate 2008 WS Game 5
Not a new card. Same as the 2019 SS. I’m fine with it. Fits on my Mariners theme team, still waiting for Jr. Also, they mention “Signature season” for these programs/moments. So it’s not really based off a whole career but sometimes only one season. But also it uses the best power and best speed and best fielding from any point in their career.
@bobbyromano24 said in Sr. Not Deserving of Program:
.296 CAREER BA. How many batters do you think hit .296 or higher this season alone?
The answer: only 17
.296 CAREER BA. How many batters do you think hit .296 or higher this season alone?
Bret and Aaron Boone and their father Bob. Forget who their grandfather is but that is three generations of MLB players and managers
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Quirks:
First pitch hitter is good but the best ones are dead red and breaking ball hitter. Boosts contact against those pitches so players tend to play above their attributes. Big reason why the trea turner is so good
as mentioned First pitch hitter, dead red, and breaking ball hitter are all super beneficial for hitters. also two-strike hitter. live series Bryce Harper has first pitch, dead red, and two-strike. so i am always trying to hunt a fastball but usually don't swing if there's one strike
only use meter. i feel like pinpoint was a cheat until they finally nerfed it. besides the pitching mechanic in MLB 2k11 was way better in my opinion (especially with Roy Halladay)
@ibonafidescrub_ said in TA Season 5-November 19:
@savefarris_psn said in TA Season 5-November 19:
@ibonafidescrub_ said in TA Season 5-November 19:
They will add a collection for Finest Trout. Makes sense because Acuña got hurt and got a 99 ASG card, Trout got hurt in the midst of his best start ever and they’ve been releasing finest cards lately… I hope to be right
They've been doing Finest since 2017. Trout has never had one.
Hopefully he will get it, with at least 94 fielding because he will be my LF anyway
think you want at least 95 so his secondary is still 90
Mike Schmidt. I find it very tough to hit righties above all-star difficultly with his stance/swing. Although I did just win a game because I hit two bombs with him, his average is down near .230 and around a .800 OPS.
@dirty-shawnchez_psn said in Gameplay Update 19:
Fix to BP screen for online H2H but nothing about grounders to second base causing freeze offs?
Mine game froze on a grounder to 2B too!
@bobbyromano24 said in How is Legend supposed to be enjoyable?:
@qwesty16_psn said in How is Legend supposed to be enjoyable?:
lol legend against degrom is not fun
only got 2 hits ..lost 2-0 i had logan webb on the mound and his 2 runs were solo homers that were mispitched over the plate
HOF against deGrom is not fun. And that’s every other game
What do you know. I try to play one game, it’s against a parallel V deGrom for the thousandth time. Game freezes in the 3rd inning. POS game
@qwesty16_psn said in How is Legend supposed to be enjoyable?:
lol legend against degrom is not fun
only got 2 hits ..lost 2-0 i had logan webb on the mound and his 2 runs were solo homers that were mispitched over the plate
HOF against deGrom is not fun. And that’s every other game
Thought I would finally be the first person to discover a card by doing the daily moment. Completed the moment at 12:01 PM by hitting a home run with Fielder in my 2nd at bat. Guess whoever unlocked Thome first hit a HR with Fielder in his first at bat smh
@hikes83_psn said in CT3 boost:
Was checking to see if anyone posted this but couldn’t find it. Anyways they permanently boosted the Chris Taylor ALDS card
How so?
1-0 game. 8 hits and 27 strikeouts combined. I only had two hits. Hit two balls hard for fly outs to the warning track. Most of the time can’t even come close to touching the ball. How is this supposed to be enjoyable? Such a waste of time.
Yes and no. Mostly no. Sometimes ehh. Plays like garbage most games but other times it's okay. Don't worry about wins or losses anymore because it's really a toss up. No consistency between all-star and HOF, sometimes it feels like it could be either. Face a 102 mph fastball every single pitch, every single game. deGrom, Ryan, Johnson, Crochet, run it back.
Months and months later…
Which stadiums would you like added?
Pci is garbage and so is this game
1,000,000! Now... 4,000,000!
Ken Griffey Sr. Prime vs Signature
Sr. Not Deserving of Program
Sr. Not Deserving of Program
Father Son theme team
Is pinpoint THAT much better than meter?
TA Season 5-November 19
Cards you want to do well with, but cant
Gameplay Update 19
How is Legend supposed to be enjoyable?
How is Legend supposed to be enjoyable?
Free 99 Thome
CT3 boost
How is Legend supposed to be enjoyable?
Are people still enjoying the game ?