Do not touch hitting

@crunklogic_xbl said in Hitting patch?:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Hitting patch?:
Do not touch hitting
Exactly. Hitting feels great! Don’t do us like last year when you patched hitting the first week when it seemed good and then became exponentially more difficult!
They ruined hitting last year because of the YT personalities. Hitting is the best it’s been in years.
As mentioned above, you do you my man. It does not matter to me how you spend your money.
However, I have spent $200-$350 each year since 2017 and I feel that is adequate to build a solid DD team. My problem is that my reaction time is getting worse each year as I age. I have a nice monitor set up & a PS5, it does not matter. Father time is undefeated.
It is reasonable to understand that they need maintenance done from time to time on these servers...But you have to also see the perspective of angry people that paid $60, $69.99, $84.99, or $99.99 for this game.
More shocked you didn't say that a 40 overall OF'er made a superman dive at the track to steal your 2nd hit.
I'll go further than that...Parallel system is the best MLB the Show feature in 5 years.
This is going to help absolutely
@bearsfan217_xbl said in Exit Velo:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Exit Velo:
Brutally honest opinion early lacks realistic physics. It is built for entertainment purposes & you are going to fight the games built in "catch-up" engine. You may have trouble finding this because all video game developers don't like to talk about it, but it's real.
Yep. DDA. Makes mode like this and MUT thrive, lining the pockets of sds and EA.
People on these boards & reddit alike lose their minds over it not being real & try to come up with examples...but it is 100% factual. Go watch people play on Twitch...around the 7th inning, they start hitting no doubt HR's with their PCI way off to the left on a pitch up and in.
SDS tries to explain it off, but sports video games are getting farther & farther away from "skill" & more towards entertainment value...How can we keep the consumer interested & convince them they are "good" at the game.
I am seeing an extraordinary amount of ground balls be fielded this year by silver+ defenders diving to make a stop. They seem to be sliding on wet grass with the amount of slide they get.
Are you enjoying this newfound animation or is it driving you crazy by taking away base hits?
@samguenther1987 said in Live Arenado:
@DoIHearBossMusic said in Live Arenado:
Is there a point to this dumb post? No one cares
No fair enough, i was honestly just thinking out loud, apologies. I ended up selling him.
It's a message board. Don't apologize for posting something meaningless. That's 99% of the posts. If people don't like something, keep scrolling.
@cbpm72_psn said in Parallel System:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Parallel System:
@cbpm72_psn said in Parallel System:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Parallel System:
@cbpm72_psn said in Parallel System:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Parallel System:
@cdnmoneymaker93_xbl said in Parallel System:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Parallel System:
@msacks11_psn said in Parallel System:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Parallel System:
I'll go further than that...Parallel system is the best MLB the Show feature in 5 years.
I wanted to say something like this but I’m having a hard time remembering much before the horrible souvenir exchanges lol
Well, it was the best feature until today when they totally screwed up the process lol
How did the change the process?
No change in the process...but all my tier 1 guys are tier 2 now and I did nothing.
Weird. No promotions for my players that I haven't been grinding all day
That’s what’s strange...neither have I. Logged on and the change was just there.
Oh I mean that I don't think I've had any promotions like that. I think I did all the grinding.
I RS also changed. I was 8-1 and now it reads 18-11
My RS still 2-2 which is right where I left it, so I guess I'm not affected by whatever is causing these promotions
Still a great game this year. This stuff will get ironed out.
@samguenther1987 said in Tatis HR in Mantle Program:
Use directional hitting and Power swing then aim for left field/right field. 3rd try i hit a monster homerun with him. I'm struggling with the Wille Mays moment though. I can get 2 hits no problem but i can't seem to hit a HR with him.
That one annoyed me
It appears that over the weekend conquest and showdown parallel xp was not transferring correctly. I’m not sure if this is gospel, but it’s a good thought.
I will get bombed for this opinion, but it is what it is...I love the game. Yes, I found that servers were awful in RS games last night, but the game is fantastic. There are some minor things that need to get ironed out, but this is a successful launch when thinking about it moving to Xbox & next generation consoles.
@the_dragon1912 said in Servers down again?:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Servers down again?:
It is reasonable to understand that they need maintenance done from time to time on these servers...But you have to also see the perspective of angry people that paid $60, $69.99, $84.99, or $99.99 for this game.
I have A much different perspective when it comes to the price of this game. It's a yearly expense. I pay the same for internet per month as I do for a year of this game. I pay more in a year in terms of Netflix and Hulu than a year of this game. Why does everyone act like a 1 time $100 expense that is supposed to last you all year should factor in? I get it, the servers shouldn't be this bad, but in today's day and age 100 bucks isn't worth a whole lot in the grand scheme of things. I just don't think people can look me in the eye and could tell me after the server issues get straightened out that the didn't get their money's worth or didn't get mor entertainment out of 1 year in this game than 2 months of cable. I'm actually surprised we haven't got the yearly class action lawsuit post yet
It's not really that bad...we're really on day 2 of the game. SDS offers the best sports game on the market, by far.
@chuckclc_psn said in How do you deal with losing?:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in How do you deal with losing?:
@mr7brown_xbl said in How do you deal with losing?:
I come to the forums and Poo-Post about dumb stuff that doesn't make me lose like RNG or check-swings to make myself feel better about losing.
There are undeniably RNG elements to this game. If people deny that, they are just lying.
A random number generator is the basic makeup of all video games to work right.
That is exactly why you get those "trash" hits against you.
@squid_adams_psn said in Homeruns and Matchmaking:
2- Home Runs. These have always been a problem for The Show, since I've been playing...but this year seems extra cartoony. I've been taken yard on pitches 3 feet out of the strike zone, with pinpoint fastballs right on the corners, changeups almost in the dirt etc. It really seems like a good strategy would be to put my cursor in one spot the entire game and then hit a home run anytime a pitch goes there. Then again, the past 2 days I have been barreling up pitches so much better (with good timing), but all I get are line outs or ground balls.
THIS has to be adjusted. Excellent point, btw. Homeruns are out of control, like an arcade game.
Brutally honest opinion early lacks realistic physics. It is built for entertainment purposes & you are going to fight the games built in "catch-up" engine. You may have trouble finding this because all video game developers don't like to talk about it, but it's real.
@savagesteve74 said in What hitting view do you use online in RS?:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in What hitting view do you use online in RS?:
@savagesteve74 said in What hitting view do you use online in RS?:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in What hitting view do you use online in RS?:
@savagesteve74 said in What hitting view do you use online in RS?:
Try strike zone offset. I’ll flip between strike zone and offset when I feel I’m struggling reading pitches. I’m sure it’s just a mental thing, but that slight change gets me focused again.
Also, try turning off pci for a bit and just focus on the pitch. You’d be surprised at how naturally your thumbs move with the pitch when the pci isn’t in the way.
I haven't tried this in years (turn off pci)...good idea
Also, try focusing on pitchers hat during release. When I’m struggling I realize I’m drifting my eyes down and looking at belt and then I’m late because I’ve missed a third of the ball path.
I have played this game for a long time & never tried this...I need to do this for proxy. I started off RS very strong (outside of SDS screwing up my record) and have lost 4 of 5. Trying to get back on track. Hitting is killing me...
Hope it helps, not everyone has the same approach, just offered some things I do when I’m strgguling (aside from the obligatory slump buster method that my wife would not be happy about).
I started 17-1 & I believe that I may be running into people that simply are better than me at the game. These tips will help with my frustration, though.
@zach_b25_psn said in Ernie Banks:
@blitzburgh618_mlbts said in Ernie Banks:
What an underwhelming card for his stats. I gave him a solid run in ranked seasons...roughly 12 games or so & he is hitting .125 for me. He's gotta go...Sad that Trea Turner is getting the start over him.
My Banks couldn’t hit water if he fell out of a boat and he’s only played offline
Card is awful for me...he left a LOT of ducks on the pond with his 100 Ab's on the squad.
Hitting patch?
Hitting patch?
LS Collection
Servers down again?
This is hilarious. (Observation not a complaint)
Parallel System
Is it just me, or does Double XP weekend...
Exit Velo
Diving Animations
Live Arenado
Parallel System
Tatis HR in Mantle Program
There may be someone who figured out why tiers are increasing on Parallel
Anyone else a little disappointed?
Servers down again?
How do you deal with losing?
Homeruns and Matchmaking
Exit Velo
What hitting view do you use online in RS?
Ernie Banks