Maybe @The_Canuckler and @BJDUBBYAH_PSN can help. They love praising SDS for their hard work L@L

Really SDS?
Cmon boys let's hear it
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@raesONE-_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@raesONE-_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@raesONE-_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@raesONE-_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Please feed the hamsters running your servers:
My “ping” is currently at 17 ms
You have no way of testing your ping while playing MLB The Show online against another user. Just no way of testing whatsoever.
Ookla Speedtest app
Tell me you know nothing about networking without telling me you know nothing about networking
Shouldn’t you be playing 2k 13 with Demise?
Nice attempt to deflect the fact that you're absolutely clueless about the topic you chose to discuss.
Thanks. I appreciate feedback from such important online personalities such as yourself.
Maybe if you played the current game of which you choose to offer your save wisdom of on this forum, It could be taken seriously.
Still doesn't change the fact that you showcased to everyone here how clueless you are, you can try and bait me over and over and over again. It's not gonna work. Hold this L.
It’s not a contest, maybe you should reflect on the fact that not everything in life is?
Edit. You’re not an important online personality. You’re just another username. Ones and zeroes.
This man must be a wannabe SDS employee
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Why am I being matched with people in Mexico and the West coast if I live in Boston:
@NR7LES_XBL said in Why am I being matched with people in Mexico and the West coast if I live in Boston:
I'd say player pool is just completely depleted.
- Two way pitcher glitch not being fixed for two weeks now with no plans in sight/communication from development team on wtf is going on
- No reason to grind for 900+ rating when everyone can achieve WS rewards by just playing and losing
- Gameplay hasn't been tweaked/updated AT ALL since launch.
It's obvious people are giving up, hell even the Devs have clearly given up based on the way they are handling everything. Hopefully the MLB license renewal goes in favor of 2k next time around.
No lifer shilling for 2k. Sad
MLB 2K was awesome bozo. I would pick 2k over the show any day of week. At least 2k fixes their [censored].
probably has like 100 players online playing rank lmfao this game Is dead.
@Bearsfan217_XBL said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
He's back to holding convos with himself
Sammy lives in your head huh
@NR7LES_XBL said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
People are asking you to doxx your business and are ridiculing you for not doing it lmao. This is the problem with this community.
Right? This community is garbage and full of scumbags.
@tybud_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
It's always dudes in Moms basement.
Good place to start a machine shop back in the day.
@eatyum_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@yankblan_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@tybud_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
Stop the hate. Let's not end up like 2K baseball.
Stop the hate? You just told SDS to shut down a game just because you're not liking the content. The world does not revolve around you, some people actually like this year's content.
So maybe you should just shut down your playing of MLB The Show, and leave us in peace.
No it doesn't but it does revolve to wealthy folks like me who pay for packs/cards to keep this game going. If it wasn't for folks who spend thousands of dollars for virtual goods you think DD would be a thing? Nope. Go play offline champ and let the big boys make a change.
OMG, what a pompous a**.
I would be curious to know what is your field of "expertise", M. Magic-fix Business owner and how it compares to what SDS is doing. You sound like the most awful boss ever.
" Customers is always right" take care of them, and they will take care of you, that's how we relate.
me my employee was ugly, I'd kick them out, not say you're right!
Just stop you don't know nothing about business.
@DeleteyourTTVBTW_MLBTS said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@samguenther1987 said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
This year's SDS support line is non existence. That tells you something.
Yeah no you don’t. If you owned a business that alone multiple businesses you would t have time to post on a video game board. I don’t doubt you spend your parents money on stubs, this comes down to you suck and can’t win so the game is bad. Stfu already. Now go on one of your 15 accounts and support yourself
I'm literally at my office laughing at this. My guy, you keep thinking I'm sammy who? Of course I have time to post on forums, I'm not working on the floor like you are! That's the thing, when you become a boss you let others do it for you.
Ok cool, whats the name of 1 of your bussiness?
Why would I disclose that to you, and all these random people? So you guys can raid my business? Haha think again.
Lol how could you possible contradict yourself more. Why wouldn’t you disclose your business to people? That’s usually how business works, you gain more business when people become aware of it. Obviously this is because your business is SOOOOO successful you couldn’t possible make anymore money than you do now and just sit around watching millions pour into your office while you swim through hundred dollar bills to get to the computer and complain about a video game…..
…..or you just….don’t have a business let alone a office.
My business is my business. I don't need negative internet attraction from geeks like you. Why would I need publicity from internet forums if my business is already successful? Sorry pal, nice try, I find it funny that this post brings out all the angry brokies and SDS employees wannabes LOL.
@NR7LES_XBL said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
This year's SDS support line is non existence. That tells you something.
Yeah no you don’t. If you owned a business that alone multiple businesses you would t have time to post on a video game board. I don’t doubt you spend your parents money on stubs, this comes down to you suck and can’t win so the game is bad. Stfu already. Now go on one of your 15 accounts and support yourself
I'm literally at my office laughing at this. My guy, you keep thinking I'm sammy who? Of course I have time to post on forums, I'm not working on the floor like you are! That's the thing, when you become a boss you let others do it for you.
Hey I thought I was supposed to be Sammy!
Sammy lives rent free in that guys head! Lol
@samguenther1987 said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
This year's SDS support line is non existence. That tells you something.
Yeah no you don’t. If you owned a business that alone multiple businesses you would t have time to post on a video game board. I don’t doubt you spend your parents money on stubs, this comes down to you suck and can’t win so the game is bad. Stfu already. Now go on one of your 15 accounts and support yourself
I'm literally at my office laughing at this. My guy, you keep thinking I'm sammy who? Of course I have time to post on forums, I'm not working on the floor like you are! That's the thing, when you become a boss you let others do it for you.
Ok cool, whats the name of 1 of your bussiness?
Why would I disclose that to you, and all these random people? So you guys can raid my business? Haha think again.
SDS employees getting ruthless. Bring it on.
@yankblan_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@tybud_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
Stop the hate. Let's not end up like 2K baseball.
Stop the hate? You just told SDS to shut down a game just because you're not liking the content. The world does not revolve around you, some people actually like this year's content.
So maybe you should just shut down your playing of MLB The Show, and leave us in peace.
No it doesn't but it does revolve to wealthy folks like me who pay for packs/cards to keep this game going. If it wasn't for folks who spend thousands of dollars for virtual goods you think DD would be a thing? Nope. Go play offline champ and let the big boys make a change.
OMG, what a pompous a**.
I would be curious to know what is your field of "expertise", M. Magic-fix Business owner and how it compares to what SDS is doing. You sound like the most awful boss ever.
" Customers is always right" take care of them, and they will take care of you, that's how we relate.
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
This year's SDS support line is non existence. That tells you something.
Yeah no you don’t. If you owned a business that alone multiple businesses you would t have time to post on a video game board. I don’t doubt you spend your parents money on stubs, this comes down to you suck and can’t win so the game is bad. Stfu already. Now go on one of your 15 accounts and support yourself
I'm literally at my office laughing at this. My guy, you keep thinking I'm sammy who? Of course I have time to post on forums, I'm not working on the floor like you are! That's the thing, when you become a boss you let others do it for you.
This year's SDS support line is non existence. That tells you something.
I own several business across massachusetts and I can tell you as a business owner perspective if I can't fix simple things I would close up and re open when I have my [censored] figured out. It's sad to see my favorite past time game fall apart Ike this.
@tybud_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
@BestPalV_PSN said in Let's focus on next year's game.:
Stop the hate. Let's not end up like 2K baseball.
Stop the hate? You just told SDS to shut down a game just because you're not liking the content. The world does not revolve around you, some people actually like this year's content.
So maybe you should just shut down your playing of MLB The Show, and leave us in peace.
No it doesn't but it does revolve to wealthy folks like me who pay for packs/cards to keep this game going. If it wasn't for folks who spend thousands of dollars for virtual goods you think DD would be a thing? Nope. Go play offline champ and let the big boys make a change.
Stop the hate. Let's not end up like 2K baseball.
Sometimes you just have to let go....
Game crashing after "patch"
No solution after 18 days
Please feed the hamsters running your servers
Why am I being matched with people in Mexico and the West coast if I live in Boston
Why am I being matched with people in Mexico and the West coast if I live in Boston
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.
Let's focus on next year's game.