Nobody, the fun part of the game (beside playing games) is the grind. If I spent real money that would kill the fun of the beginning of the game cycle.

No thank you. Baseballs are white with red seams.
@the_dragon1912 said in One of the biggest issues with the game right here:
I respect you a great deal Mitch, as you are one of the best players on these forums. I have no problem with this however. The pitch location was down and away outside of the strike zone(although not by much). Good pitching input and Pitch location have to matter too IMO. Almost every WS player is already hitting .350 with the top players approaching .500. I agree this game has its faults, but that is more based on inconsistency rather than actual poor gameplay IMO. The reason we have problems with this game every year is because the community can't agree on what we actually want. 90 percent of the community want a baseball game while the top players, content creators, and kids that believe every word that the contents creators say want a batting practice simulator. SDS tries to please both crowds and that's how we end up with a product such as this game. I think 17-15 games at Shippett on HOF and even Legend are much more a a problem for a BASEBALL game than you not getting a hit on this particular pitch. Looking at the ERA's on the top of the leaderboard is just sad IMO.
A pitch in a good spot doesn't all of a sudden make your bat weaker. The reward of throwing a good pitch is that it is harder for the hitter to get a good swing on it but at the end of the day once that pitch leaves the pitcher's hand it's all on the batter. It doesn't matter if the pitch is right down the middle or on the black, if you put a good swing on it and barrel it up, it's going to come off the bat nicely.
@JediOfArgonath said in One out away from a perfect game:
I actually think it’s on you to prevent them from quitting. I’ve thrown 3 perfect games this year when the opponent didn’t quit. In each of them I made sure to never lead by more than 2 runs & to not do anything to enrage him such as bunting or replaying homers, ect...So for me this doesn’t count as a perfect game.
So if I'm throwing a perfect game I shouldn't score too many runs on purpose????? I am sorry but that is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. No one to blame but the clown that dashboarded.
@Lord_Blumpkin35 said in so im done!:
so im done with the game, with med school ramping up and just a lack of energy to the game I wanna wish you all well and thank you! believe I ended up 92-42 or so, never made WS but never really pushed. Hopped on and used all the cards I had saved for team affinty 40 and pulled. deeegrom. Wish I could hand my stubs away since there at 750k or so, and could liquidate up to 1.5 million I think. Fav players rogers hornsby, the nolan boys (gorman and jones), tatis FOTF, and my co MVP sheff and george brett. Orel was my fav pitcher by far, and was my first DD ever! pulled trout 3x, degrom 4x, verlander 5x, max 3x, nolan 3x, belli 2x, miggy, smoltz, and so so so many others and am NMS. if I could give away my players I would or if I can do anything I will!
Good luck with med school!
@COOP_STOMP416 said in Bellinger price:
@the_dragon1912 said in Bellinger price:
Yes. From what I noticed the US of baseball event has been a lot of players first event ever. So they didn’t get to 20 wins and bought him not realizing that the central event will have the same 3 rewards
Are you sure? The new event with Lefty Grove doesnt have him. I dont think he will pop up again unfortunately. Good thing I bought him for 683,000.
Sorry to tell you but that wasn't a good thing. Two more parts of that event will be coming soon where you will have the chance to get him for free.
Haha ya I am not crazy about those sounds either. My main issue is that you get to still use them as the road team. I feel that if they are going to use those sounds, they should only be used when you are the home team.
@nobuttonstickpro said in Another "Dashboarder" (Cheater):
but it's just pathetic how some people lash out when things don't go their way......that's exactly what you are doing. You didn't get credit for a homer (not getting your way) and you are lashing out.
Big difference. When you dashboard because things aren't going your way, you're taking something away from someone (even if it's just a homerun on a video game) . The OP being mad about it and posting about it didn't take anything away from anybody. They just posted about their frustration about something that clowns who play this game do (this is a forum about the game). The OP didn't take anything away from anyone by posting about it or "lashing out" as you called it.
@studman7_psn said in perfect perfect double plays:
@rabid55wolverine said in perfect perfect double plays:
Out of curiosity, why cant you hit a ball perfectly and still hit into a double play? You can hit a perfect grounder right at someone. The foul ball perfect hit is a little weird though
I want a video game. Imagine if you had a perfect headshot in COD and missed, or executed a perfect turn in GranTurismo and crashed, or a perfect jump in Mario Brothers and still fell in the pit. I want input to RULE outcomes 100%.
The difference is that this is baseball. In baseball you can perfectly hit a ball and get out while you can bloop a ball and get a hit. That's just the way this sport works.
@JaymesTime said in Event players watch out:
I won’t post their PSN. But their team name is “xbh with postseason players I quit please” and they bat Joc and Muncy 1 and 2 with no other postseason players.
This guy squared up to bunt before I can even decide if I’ll help him or not.
Never help people with prestige or getting hits with certain type of cards. If they want to prestige or need hits with certain types of cards make them earn it.
@raesONE said in Grow up:
SDS decision to make prestige an online only thing is to blame for all this.
I mean ya we can say that but we can also blame the people who aren't willing to just earn their stats like they should. I would feel pretty pathetic getting a prestige card knowing I didn't actually earn it.
I don't understand when people are saying that people are trying really hard in the event. Should they just be throwing the ball down the middle and get out on purpose when hitting? I genuinely want to know what that means or why that would be bad?
We shouldn't all have access to the best cards. People should get some type of rewards for doing great things in the game like going 12-0 or making it to WS just like everyone shouldn't get a trophy just for playing in a league. If they were to make these packs then it should definitely be more than 100,000 stubs though.
@Lornee56 said in Why Dashboarders... Why?:
I haven't had any dashboarders for my all prestige lineup since I give the other player at least a 2 run lead in the first.
Ya I get that but I shouldn't have to give someone runs to stop them from dashboarding. It's sad honestly. Can't lie though, in event games I do actually feel some relief when I give up a few runs in the first because I know I will likely get the prestige stats that I earn.
@mitchhammond24 said in SDS you must do something about dashboarding.:
I’ve never before seen this many people complain abt getting a free win.. Honestly don’t get why people care abt prestige sm either. It’s only +3 doesn’t make a difference in most cases. I’d rather see prestige be rs only
No one is complaining about a free win. The complaint is about dashboarding. If these clowns waited for the ball to land and then quit in the pause menu then there would be no issue.
@RF21 said in 10 Things I hope get fixed in The Show 21:
Fix pause times...
Perfect/perfect feedback... this should be a simple fix. If it is not going to be a HR or hit, do not give it the perfect/perfect feedback.
dashboarding- people do it because they know it is a HR, so just give players credit for the stats immediately if it is a HR. That way even if the other player rage quits, there is only 1 upset player and not 2.
You can't expect every perfect/perfect to be a hit. That is not how baseball works. Just like in real baseball, there are times you will square up a ball and it goes right to someone and other times where you hit it off the end of the bat and you are early and you get a bloop hit. That's just how baseball is.
The pitches always look slower in the game when you're pitching opposed to hitting. It's like that for everyone.
@bostondirtdog21 said in A love letter to toxic player:
@OreoRockstar said in A love letter to toxic player:
The spinning outfielder in the fly ball and the outfielder who runs to touch the wall than comes in are newer to me. Very annoying, But more recent.
I have recently started seeing the outfielder diving, getting up, and then making the routine catch. I’m just WAITING for the time the lag prevents the catch and I hit an inside the park homer.
Haha I have seen a few times where they mess around with doing circles or diving early and almost end up missing the ball but they always catch it. I can't wait for the time they end up missing it.
@CalisGW said in MLB reclassified Negro League as major league:
@bayareaj1991 said in MLB reclassified Negro League as major league:
@CalisGW said in MLB reclassified Negro League as major league:
Just checked. MLB average salary is a smudge under 4 mil. NBA average salary is over 10 million. So yeah , wayyyyyyy wrong.
Google is your friend.
Well as of last season NBA was 7.7 million but yes this year coming up it is expected to be 10 million while baseball is 4.4 million. No reason to be rude though. I never told the guy he was wrong or that I knew for sure. I just said that I was pretty sure which is based off of what I have heard a lot of athletes say so I assumed they were right considering you know they are in the actual business.
When you say “ the rest of that is correct”. You are implying the notes part is wrong.
So yes, you said he was wrong.
Yes you hedge before that and said pretty sure , but then contradicted yourself a few sentences later and indeed say he was wrongFurthermore, hearsay and I heard someone say this or that is a poor way to enlighten yourself in life.
Our president always says “ I heard “ and look where that got us.
When I am wrong I am wrong. You are right, I did imply that he was wrong so that is my fault. As for the hearing someone say part, that would make a little more sense if I was saying that I heard this from random people on the street or friends, but this is what I have heard from pro athletes who I would consider good sources on the topic just like if a doctor told me things about the body I would most likely believe him. As for the president stuff, I like to leave politics alone so I'll leave that part alone. Either way, thank you for teaching me something today. Have a great day.
@bjd10048842 said in How do you keep interest in next year's game?:
MLBTS 20 was my first baseball game since MVP 2005.
Despite some complaints about RNG, I had a blast this year. I've completed nearly everything and have over 99% of the cards in the game. Only missing the EXTREME Pearson and Gehrig.
Anyway.....after pouring so many hours into this game, I'm unsure how I feel about "starting over" on MLBTS '21. For those that play year after year, how do you get the motivation to start the grind from scratch.
The main reason I ask is I played 2K for 2 years straight, hardcore. By the time I got this year's game, I quit the MyTeam card mode in a week because I couldn't bring myself to grind for the same cards (some even have the same picture!) that I just did the year before.
Does the Show "feel" new each year? Just looking for ways to get motivated to start the grind all over and if MLB differs from other games with fresh new stuff each year. NBA 2K got more stale than a month old bag of open chips!!!!!!
Starting from scratch is what makes me most excited for the new game. I wouldn't even want to be able to carry my team over from this year. Some of the main fun from this game is starting your team from scratch and grinding to build that team up.
What player would the live series collection have to be to get you to drop $1000 day one?
Add the option to customize the ball color
One of the biggest issues with the game right here
One out away from a perfect game
so im done!
Bellinger price
Dj horn, stadium sounds
Another "Dashboarder" (Cheater)
perfect perfect double plays
Event players watch out
Grow up
Am I missing something with the new event?
Black Friday Idea
Why Dashboarders... Why?
SDS you must do something about dashboarding.
10 Things I hope get fixed in The Show 21
Pitch Speeds (Apparent)
A love letter to toxic player
MLB reclassified Negro League as major league
How do you keep interest in next year's game?