I dont understand why we still dont have a Max Everything Willie Mays. I get it he's not going to the MLB LS Reward because he was in 19, but if you can give us a Max Mantle/Foxx/Cabrera.......Mays was better than all those dudes.

One of the biggest issues people have is not practicing. Yes you can get a monitor over a TV and that will help with Reaction time. But you know what really helps: Take 10 minutes and practice. Turn the sliders all the way up so the fastball looks crazy fast. Use Degrom on fastballs only and practice hitting the 4 corners. Use Burnes for Sinkers down and in. Use Degrom for sliders away. 10 minutes of practice. Get in a BR game and fastballs will appear to be going 88 mph. It's a process, it's cliche' but PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.......OR IN OUR CASE PERFECT PERFECT
Bro....i think to start....
Mini Seasons + Events.
If you jump in events, man i'm throwing it right down the middle, let's get this done!
1 Mini Seasons with the 4 vouches - 42 points.
Event - 20 points.
Might do the mini seasons twice and the event to get this done.
125/125 CON115 power right
125 power left
110 vision.125 Clutch.
This card will be sick.
Other cards in the program
Walker Buehler
Jazz Chisolm
Gerrit Cole or Blake Treinan (although he already has a 99)
@BxnnyMxn__PSN said in The Negro Leagues are in MLBTS 23! Yes!:
…They are probably holding out big-name players for future editions. This did say Season 1, so there is still hope for more Greats down the road.
I’m kinda leaning that way too, and it makes the most sense in all honesty…especially when you consider that (I’m admittedly making an assumption here) chances are, your average baseball fan isn’t going to be acquainted with the better part of the players from back then…I mean everyone has heard of Mays, McCovey, Satchel, and Big Josh Gibson, but I’ve rarely heard mention of many others…myself included as an average fan that is ignorant when it comes to the Negro Leagues, except every old timer that I can remember discussing baseball with from my younger days (when these people were still alive), now these guys ALWAYS made sure to bring up the incredible talent that made up that league. I got the impression from the press release that, indeed, one of the major tenets behind this incredible upcoming edition is just that; to educate us all about some of these incredibly talented athletes. I personally cannot wait!
Hey, real quick, on the subject that you brought up about ‘stories’, I’ve just remembered another that I heard a while back on some show that I caught on tv that is relevant here. It was a show, possibly a documentary, where they had this very grizzled, ancient looking old retired sports journalist from way back in the day…picture the guys in cheap suits, cigarette smoke as thick as fog, and each man with a portable typewriter in their laps and you’ll begin to get the idea. This old timer was around to see the golden age of baseball (again my opinion) and he covered the Yankees back when greats like Gehrig, Ruth, and DiMaggio played. He said one day he was walking through a particular ball field (I picture from what he said like he might’ve been going through the concourse and hadn’t emerged into the seating yet), and his routine was to speak with the players during BP prior to the game to try and get some juicy bits of info, rumors, news, etc. He said all of the sudden, he heard the most tremendous(yet very familiar) sound that he had ever heard…he said it was unmistakably the familiar ‘CRACK’ of bat on ball, but he said the only swing that he ever heard that made a noise like this was from the Babe himself, but, he being someone who covered the Yankees, he knew that there was no way it was he because the event he came out to cover was a game between two teams from the Negro Leagues! The hairs on my neck stood up as he was telling this and you could just see it in the old man’s bright eyes - he was reliving this moment! He said the man at the other end of that bat, a mountain of a man over six feet and “well over 200lbs of solid muscle”, was none other than the incomparable Josh Gibson!
Isn’t that awesome?
So for me, My team name has been 'the Barnstormers' taken from when the negro league teams would take on the MLB teams in the 20's - 30's. Dizzy Dean's Cardinals matched up with Satchel Paige's team in 1938 i believe in Belleville IL and i got a chance to talk with someone who's father took her to that game when she was 12 years old! (she's well in her 80's now)It's actually one of the few times Satchels team actually lost. My CAP has been Josh Gibson for some time now. Got a chance to visit the negro leagues this past november, the inclusion of the negro leagues opens up a huge Vault of not just black players, but there was tons of dominican and carribean players who never got to see the major leagues. People cry for there favorite players to show up in the game and i get it. But when they get a chance to play with Oscar Charleston.......whom Buck Oneil said was the Greatest player he's ever seen.......i just hope they do his ratings correct. He was just as good as players like Willie Mays. I'm hoping that Josh Gibson gets a collection reward because he deserved people to have to put the work in to get him.
1a. Watch Koogs46, Scann, Gomesdalegend for opening day tips
2. Open Packs
3. Configure all my settings.
4. spend an extra $100 on speciality packs.
5. Quick sell all duplicates.
6. Grind StoryLInes.
7. Grind Conquest.
8. Mix in Events early before the stacked lineups hit.
9. Work on my custom Stadium.
10. Re-introduce myself to my wife and kids. -
PS as I was watching that game on Apple +, I noticed that there are also a bunch of episodes of “This Week in Baseball” with Mel Allen and Bo was on the very first episode I turned on..guess who else was? Jim Abbott! There’s someone who, had he arrived on the scene now instead of then, would probably be viewed (and rightfully so) as one of the most incredible and inspirational athletes of all time! To make it to the Majors and I believe the Olympic Team as a pitcher despite being born without a HAND! Just to make it is incredible but he also pitched a no-hitter and I know I remember seeing him get a couple of hits as well!
I'm in my 40's and Bo Jackson is one of the most explosive best athletes i've ever seen in my life. I never got to see him in person, but i hear stories about how crazy athletic he was!
MLB: Josh Gibson Max Everything
I would like this, but I think they might want to do a Storyline Version of him first to tell his complete story so....NL: Stan Musiel
AL: Derek Jeter Signature -
Get in practice mode and put the time in. I used Meter forever and just switched last season. Now i can never go back because Pin-point is the best IMO. That's the only way.
i understand, after 30 years of drafting/gaming, my hands aren't quite the same either. I'm in my 40's now and i have to stretch and warm up the muscles to get the blood flowing.
People are forgetting there will be a 'wildcard' slot to play a person through all the seasons.
Custom practice. Team practice vs sliders, sinkers, and fastballs in the corners. 10-15 minutes before every game.
@raesONE-_PSN said in Best hitting view to recognizing low and out of the zone pitches is?:
I don't think there is a specific camera that will help you with this issue. What you should focus on instead is your plate discipline, patience and pitch recognition. The more pitches you see, the easier you'll recognize them.
Take 10 minutes every single game before you play and get in practice mode vs sliders/cutters. Work on it before you step foot in a game, every time. Team practice and actually face the top pitchers, you will get better. Turn the sliders up for the fastballs so you can train your eye for outlier.
Isn't it funny how the Negro Leaguers Dont get the HOF card art, They get the old school art with 1 to No quirks. SDS, THERE HOF'S TOO!
@dbub_PSN said in Comprehensive List of Players Yet To Get a Top Card:
No more Juan Marichal/Buck O'Neal drops. (Not saying they're not deserving, they just don't move the needle)
@dbub_PSN said in Comprehensive List of Players Yet To Get a Top Card:
No more Juan Marichal/Buck O'Neal drops. (Not saying they're not deserving, they just don't move the needle)
They were Lazy, dropping Last years Buck Oneil, stats and all. Boring. Did they forget the Negro Leaguers ACTUALLY ARE HALL OF FAMERS TOO. Why not Get Buck Oneil a HOF card art and boost his stats? Nope, there lazy and or disrespectful, just giving us the same card from last year.
So the new BR reward is 99 Buck Oneil, a recycled card from last season and Juan Marachial.
On that 99 Buck, Isn't he a HALL OF FAMER? Why just give us an old recycled card.........with recycled stats. Why not just give us 99 Buck Oneil Hall of Fame card with juiced up stats. Oh and SDS, it's ok to give our Negro leaguers some QUIRKS!
@TheGoaler_MLBTS I didn't do moments/conquest. I felt like mini seasons was the funnest way to get it done. Yes i had to win 20 games on legend but it's vs the CPU and all of my pitching is Elite, overall i went 20-9 on legend and get 84 points via wins vs the CPU, played the rest of the mini seasons playoffs on Rookie and got another 21 points for winning the seasons. Done and Done.
I finished last week....
didn't do moments, didn't do conquest, I did Mini Seasons, 1 Season. Won 20 games on Legend, (playing vs the CPU on legend isn't that hard, go to a cheap HR stadium and shut down the CPU that's geared toward killing fastballs) finished several missions including 50 inning pitched by a reliever, and when the event was on, i got points via homers/RBI's (8 i believe total). So pretty much I thought Mini Seasons was the easiest way to get it done. I finished with around 117 points (you get 21 points just finishing mini seasons).Overall, i enjoyed that grind over the control destroying moments!
'23 Collection Reward Guesses
why you suck
Extreme - How are you doing this?
World Series Card prediction
The Negro Leagues are in MLBTS 23! Yes!
Your 2023 first 48 hours plan
The Negro Leagues are in MLBTS 23! Yes!
'23 Collection Reward Guesses
Any tips on Pin Point for lefties?
Any tips on Pin Point for lefties?
Feature Premiere - Live Content & Diamond Dynasty (03/23)
Best hitting view to recognizing low and out of the zone pitches is?
Comprehensive List of Players Yet To Get a Top Card
Comprehensive List of Players Yet To Get a Top Card
Halloweek Program
Extreme Program - where are you at so far?