*Last year I played well over 100-games in RS. This year: fewer than 20.
*I used to despise the marketplace but now find flipping cards by far the most rewarding and enjoyable part of this beautifully presented digital abortion. In the last week, I’ve made 3-million stubs and purchased Gehrig, Wagner, and Chapman. I’ve yet to use them online and might not!
*In years past, RTTS was my zombie escape mode. Not this year. Thanks for ruining that, too, SDS. Asshats.
*When I occasionally feel like I am “forced” to actually play one mode or another to finish card collecting, it feels like a dreaded filthy chore; one to be endured rather than an enjoyable leisure activity and my day is invariably worse when I turn it off in disgust.
I’m not a gaming expert or anything, but I can’t imagine having your customers hate playing your product is a sustainable business model…unless there’s another factor involved.
At first it was confusing when I realized that I kept playing this steaming slot machine pile despite hating it. Then I learned something about algorithms, group status (Making WS! Getting the banner!), gambling psychology, and ultimately dopamine addiction.
I don’t post much but I do lurk. So many complain and say they’re going to quit. Then someone else will predictably chime in saying, “you’ll be back next week/year” or even dig out an old post where the person said the same thing the previous month! Of course they’re almost always right. How many people joke about how the game blows geriatric sheep but how “addicting” it still is?!?
It runs far beyond MLB 21. The Dopamine Drip is designed into all of our contemporary digital simulators, platforms, and devices. In this game, and I assume others, its tube runs from the constantly refreshed content. They know it. This years game is something to be ashamed of. Do you suppose the flood of content, especially with the TA programs, is a coincidence?
I no longer rage at the game. It’s inanimate. It’s SDS itself that deserves the pitchforks.