The more I play...the more I notice that it impacts more than just Manny. This game runs horribly compared to last years's not smooth at all. IDK...I would probably start by taking out the dirt animations...which seems as good a suspect as any.

I'm having this issue with Manny every at bat (it's also worse with runners on base).
The Grich.
I just unlocked Manny and am noticing that when he's batting there is a stutter in the pitcher's throwing motion. Is anyone else seeing this? This doesn't happen with any other cards that I've used.
Yes...the father/son combos count. So the Vlads, the Griffeys, Bichettes, Holliday.... Pretty decent boost. Seager gets up to 74 speed at p5...which makes him plenty viable at SS since he has diamond fielding and a larger player model.
The sons count. Junior gets up to 99 speed.
The Cali boost is quite good...if you can get past using Salmon for two innings.
Can we get a juiced 99 of this guy? Maybe in a Christmas Pack like that Mcmahon was/is for Thanksgiving?
I haven't received an email either.
It's not really dead. I've actually been enjoying it quite a bit lately. I do think the dynamic assist (clearly present) needs to be toned down...but whatever. Im also not looking forward to starting a new season...and hoping we just get 99s from the start.
Note: This post was inspired by the "right handed batters you do well with thread." goes. Please reprogram Willie Mays' swing. He plays like hot garbage. It's next to impossible to turn on an inside fastball without completely selling out for it and even then you're probably going to be "late" or "just late." Breaking balls aren't much better as Willie just doesn't generate the exit velo needed to be a consistently good hitter. There is no reason that guys like Trea Turner and Fernando Tatis should be significantly better than Mays...but they are...and that's a shame. Willie was one of the greatest to ever play...but in this game he's pretty much an automatic out. Please address this issue if possible...
(Side note: can you do something about Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire while you're at it?)
Trea Turner
Teoscar Hernandez
Derek Jeter
Ryan Jeffers
Salvador Perez
Pete Alonzo
Marcel OzunaDONT TRUST:
Willie Mays
Adrian BeltreThis is an intersting topic. Willie Mays has been terrible for years...and there are other right handed hitters (like Mike Schmidt) that are garbage as well. I really wish SDS would address this issue (since it's been constant). Tweak their swings and give them "pull" or "extreme pull" tendencies for all I care...but please...can we get some of these cards to play like the beasts that they were?
I mean...not to hijack the thread or anything...but is no one going to say anything about the fact that a few posters view Trout as a better reward than Soriano?
As for the quitters...let em quit. They are only hurting themselves. What we do follows us. And if you're going to quit an online game of MLB the Show it's only a matter of time before you quit on your job, your family, your faith, and maybe even life itself. Don't be that person. Finish your games! Even if you've smacked eight perfect/perfect lineouts while your opponent has raced out to a 6-0 lead without hitting the ball harder than 85 mph...after fouling off ten pitches an at stick it out. Take your loss like a man and know the next game you'll be playing on rookie difficulty to make up for the loss that was just forced upon you.
Seriously though...why Trout?
Put em in your lineup and find out. The worst that could happen is you spend 15-20 minutes grinding for nothing...which shouldn't be an issue since we are all spending 80-90 days doing that...only to do it again.
A few things:
S2:C1 is pretty easy to complete (just been mindlessly grinding vs cpu...and almost done)
Wild cards should absolutely count towards season 2 stats. Last year, S1 cards counted towards S2 stats...this year we can't even get the wild card stats? Silly. If a card is ELIGIBLE for season 2 (ie: a WILD card) then it necessarily is season 2 ELIGIBLE...this seems simple to me.
Last thing: For those opposed to allowing wild card stats to count, provide a definition of a wild card. Actually...I'd like to hear someone from SDS answer that as well.
What's a wild card?
Sorry...must have missed that.'s kind of stupid don't you think? The entire design of this game this year is geared towards pushing players towards multi-player. How does this decision promote that goal? So we are basically playing a game in which you can use the best cards for about a week until the season expires. But...never fear...if you want to use those cards online moving forward, there's wildcards...but those don't count towards progress in the current season. So now you have to spend additional time grinding out those cards (for a collection you can maybe use for a week until December). But...don't worry...we will make sure to nerf your xp so when you're grinding against the cpu you won't be making progress towards this season's program...but it doesn't really matter because you can only use those cards for a week as well.
Does any of this sound ok? I actually kind of like the idea of wildcards and the lineup diversity it creates...but I dont want half of my stat progress to not matter. Am I wrong?
So...I just did a test playing the East Affinity Conquest. I put Kerry Wood at my wild card to see if his stats would count towards TA progress. They did NOT. Is this going to be how multi-player works as well? If so, I think I'm out. When there are four eligible wild cards that would mean almost half our lineup would be garnering NO PROGRESS towards anything. This leaves two choices, both bad: 1. Don't use wild cards. 2. Spend additional time grinding against the CPU because half the stats from multi-player don't count towards anything. Option 1 renders season 1 completely pointless while option 2 seems like a whole lot of unnecessary work. No thanks to either.
For a game that is supposed to simulate baseball, it doesn't do a very good job of simulating baseball. When you're "very early" on a low and outside pitch, you "reached" for a "pitchers pitch" and should hit a weak grounder to one of the infielders. Instead, this game allows you to foul off pitch after pitch after pitch. Chance after chance after chance.
It's incredibly frustrating to have to make 8+ pitches an at bat when your opponent should have been out on the first one (and the second, and the third, ...). -
Not a big fan of the 74 mph rocket shots the game places just out of reach of the 2B and SS?
Pitching is a little better after the patch...although a few players still feel broken (I'm looking at you Eric Gagne). With that said, pitching would be "ok" if they would let you strike out guys who deserve to strike out. It's hard to have to make 9 good pitches every at bat. Curiously enough...its always the same type of opponent that gets the benefit of these unlimited chances. Honestly it's the biggest thing in this game that needs to be changed. That's where the real "rng" is at. It's not the late hits or very early hits...its the excessive, and unbalanced, amount of extra chances that are given to bad players.
Dropped frames, Manny Ramirez
Dropped frames, Manny Ramirez
Team Affinity Bosses
Manny Stutters?
family Captain: Brothers & fathers, but not sons?
family Captain: Brothers & fathers, but not sons?
Captain Blizzard Drop 3 is the worst
Kyle Tucker
Finest & FInest Codes
Game is so dead....
Request for SDS: Can we please get him fixed?
Righty Swings You Trust (especially R vs. R)
Ranked Seasons…
SDS please make Wildcards count towards S2 TA
Wild Cards and Team Affinity
Wild Cards and Team Affinity
SDS - Fix Foul Balls or your game is DOOMED
gameplay logic is crazy
Pitching online