I don’t know how they got away with launching this mess, they pulled Cyberpunk from the PS store for less.
I don’t like it tied to DD either but I’ve also been able to level up my archetype with strictly RTTS.
If you wanna level up your pitcher to the 50 cap quick play as a closer a few seasons, it doesn’t take long.
If you aren’t enjoying RTTS give franchise mode with player lock a chance.
I had been playing RTTS since 2009 and am not a fan of this version after playing through a season so for the first time I gave franchise mode with player lock a chance and am having a blast.
You can:
Use a knuckleball
Create a two way player on your terms
Switch positions whenever you want
Progress through the minors at your own pace
Set your own ratings, you want the 99 player beast out of the gate have at it.
Pitch on short rest
You also don’t have to worry about equipment or perks.
Try franchise with player lock, you can start out as a 99 beast or languish in the minors as long as you like. You also can start out with 5 pitches and a knuckleball.
I was able to add a pitch my next training session and my stats are tracking without having to do the diamond dynasty trick so that means progression would be faster.
So far so good.
I have a 99 SP and 99 2B rating and have a 99 durability rating with it.
The game starts me at pitcher in game 1 of the NLDS, sits me in game 2. Starts me at 2B in games 3/4 then sits me in game 5.
Ohtani in real life isn’t sat near as much as you are in this game, and if the Angels make the playoffs this year he’s taking every turn in the rotation and playing every other game. With so much focus on two way player this year this is a pretty big oversight, it’s like they didn’t have anyone test playing a few seasons to realize your maxed out player is benched 40% of playoff games.
I have a stud RTTS closer and nothing like the lead off hitter hitting a weak sauce grounder to third where there is no 3B and the LF is practically in CF so I give up a double to start the inning.
When I used my 99 it took till right after the AA All Star Break to get to AAA and early August for MLB.
Instead of RTTS this year I’m creating my own player and utilizing player lock on franchise. You can use a knuckleball and set your own ratings and it isn’t tied to DD whatsoever.
A path forward (how SDS could fix this mess)
They messed up this year
Another Option for the RTTS Experience
Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.
has the update yesterday fixed rtts archetype progression and is progression over all faster
Two Way Player Playoffs
The infield shift is the saboteur of my perfect game.
Earliest AAA and MLB call ups?
Knuckleball Pitcher no Longer an Option?!