has the update yesterday fixed rtts archetype progression and is progression over all faster
I was able to add a pitch my next training session and my stats are tracking without having to do the diamond dynasty trick so that means progression would be faster.
So far so good.
I had Power vs Righty's advance much farther in one game that it did before.
I went to Ballplayer and there is still the annoying bug that reverts your appearance back to default every time you look at your loadout.. so I am not at all confident they fixed much at all. Also still no secondary positions appearing!!
Position STILL shows as Starting Pitcher on your Player Card. It all literally looks like the exact same mess. I've updated and restarted PS5 and game by the way.
Progress is tracking for archetype in RTTS now atleast. Every other issue/bug for Ballplayer I know of is still unfixed.