Well the extra time it takes makes the game feel like a chore. No one likes chores and maybe they should consider making double affinity event weekend or work something out similar to that. Right now with no baseball and this game is getting bashed left and right maybe a little community love would be good. I dunno im not the PR man but just a little professional criticism.
May 1, 2020, 1:26 PM
May 1, 2020, 1:21 PM
@maskedgrappler said in They made MTO irrelevant with this update:
@Agent00Cage said in They made MTO irrelevant with this update:
Danngggg that sucks. Well I think alot more people will not be playing this game due to heightened time it takes to grind for cards. Oh well! time to play other games
again, they fixed a bug that was in play for one week. If that's enough to push you away you were gone already.
Yeah but honestly that was a good bug for the game. I rather spend 6 hrs and get 120 points, than spend 12 hrs! do 2 runs of the same team! just to get a card. Even though we live in pandemic times no one has time for that.
May 1, 2020, 1:17 PM
Danngggg that sucks. Well I think alot more people will not be playing this game due to heightened time it takes to grind for cards. Oh well! time to play other games
May 1, 2020, 1:16 PM
Depends on the pitchers wind up you might have to say 3 clicks. So if its Syndergaard for example click for when he starts, second click for when his foot comes up then down and then when pitch is coming third click. Wish I can find a video for better example but experiment on Syndergaard first this method.
May 1, 2020, 12:55 PM
I use the click click timing method from McGunski videos and its serving me well. From initial wind up of the pitch to when the foot comes down and there you go. Works for me 80% of the time
Apr 28, 2020, 5:25 PM
He's cheeks. Sell immediately
Apr 24, 2020, 3:20 PM
@PennStateFencer said in STOP TANKING!:
You’re never going to get everyone to stop undercutting you by large margins. Some people may be flipping, but others may want to dump a card they earned ASAP. Everyone has different criteria for the amount of stubs they must earn to make the sale worth while.
Your best bet is to wait it out, and if your sale still doesn’t go through after a long period of time then it was overpriced to begin with. The sooner you accept this, the happier you will be in the long run.
I guess you are right. Everyone doesn't have the same mindset, however they need to realize that more stubs could be made if they wait it out too instead of being impatient. Yeah im ranting on a internet forum over a video game market but eh maybe someone will listen
Apr 24, 2020, 3:12 PM
Please for the love of god stop undercutting the market by a lot of stubs! You are killing the market by going 1k less than my selling price or others. Now im losing stubs and you are losing stubs thanks. Just ranting on by these market killers out here that do not how to play it smart.
Apr 20, 2020, 11:21 AM
Inventory, go to mlb ownership, select not owned, boom all the dups show up there
Apr 16, 2020, 6:17 PM
@PhatWhiteOwl said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
"If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy."
Except you're not. SDS doesn't read your comments. It's just bitching on the message boards. That's all it is.
Clearly you haven't read the other posts in this thread to see the improvements we have mentioned. Do some reading first
Apr 16, 2020, 6:09 PM
@JDatt30 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
They have a product and you decide to purchase it. If revenue is not being generated at the rate that SDS wants then that is the point where they will re-evaluate their model on how they provide cards to the community. It is not up to them to feel bad for the person who spends money on their product. There ultimate goal is to make money just like most other businesses.
Companies are not putting in work to try lose out on money. If things are priced too high or not worth it then people will stop paying which will result in changes from SDS standpoint. As long as the money keeps coming in, nothing will change.
And that is where they keep giving garbage 85 diamond cards that will just ride the bench or be in the collection section never to be seen. Its honestly a lose lose for us and I guess we have to just not spend money on the game since no one wants to fight the man on this.
Apr 16, 2020, 4:23 PM
@Speedy44 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@lucas8181 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
"should be entitled" and that, my friend, is where this post has gone terribly wrong. If I go to Wal-Mart and I don't like the price of pork, I buy something else. I don't go to the front, ask for a manager, and tell them I'm entitled to a free loaf of bread.
Ok the thing here is you have to spend money first. People have spent money on 17, 18, 19 and now 20! That's a lot of money and their is no thanks from SDS besides a gold pack.
We play this game to win and winning is fun. I do realize that people have fun playing their way and that is okay since everyone else has their own definition of fun. I digress, but the fact of the matter is there should be an entitled subscription pack for those that spend money on the game every year for stubs. If you want the good cards you gotta get stubs right? A lot of people don't wanna spend time flipping the market like a stock broker and that's where the spending of real money on stubs comes in.
Can you name a single game that rewards people who spent money on the years prior?! No. You think people bitccc now you cant even imagine how much worse it would be for the annoying 'no money spent' crowd to shout from the rooftops bc they are at a disadvantage
Well people spend money to get the advantage duh. Spending money speeds up the time it takes to get these cards that we all chase to win games. If a few people complain that's fine, but the people that spend money on the game win and are happy with their purchase it makes SDS happy as long as the money keeps coming in.
Look no one is knocking the no money spent guys as you do whatever you wish with your time and that is respected. But on the other side of things people that don't have the time or patience to spend that amount of time glued to the market flipping commons, and bronzes spend their hard earned money on stubs.
Also I think the no money spent crowd I believe is the least of their concerns as the real money is the ones who spend and invest into diamond dynasty stubs. Just being completely honest and you take that however you wish.
Apr 16, 2020, 4:00 PM
@Weshill627 said in Reward for completing collections.:
Yeah they made common, bronzes non-sell. that was the problem. If i got a high diamond pack on night one and got Mike Trout, he would be inserted into Center field for months and into the collection. It would honesty help me out if he was non-sell
Exactly! The problem is they made the lower cards non sell which would make the market upside down (ie commons, bronzes more valuable than golds).
Having the ability to get a high diamond reward for being a completionist every "season" or year should net you something like a Trout or Arenado. Listen baseball is becoming if not the least popular sport behind the NBA, NFL, and maybe soccer. Why not entice people with extra rewards and bring in some fans? It makes sense and if you disagree I don't know what to tell ya. Have some optimism and try it before you knock it.
Apr 16, 2020, 1:57 PM
@dbarmonstar said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@dbarmonstar said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
What about those of us who do not spend the extra money and still finish the collections? Do we deserve the high diamond pack as well. It is not that hard to flip cards, save the free stubs you earn to do the collection. If they did the Hi diamond pack that card would have to be non-sell and any duplicate of that card you would only be able to quick sell. Hahah. You do not have to spend extra money to complete collection. Is it really rewarding just to buy every card buy purchasing stubs with cash??????????
If you have all the time in the world more power to you and enjoy that since its your time you are spending. For those who don't have the leisure of spending hours on end looking at the market flipping commons and silvers for a few stubs no thanks I rather spend my time doing other productive things in life and just buy the cards straight up.
I just cant fathom why people don't wanna fight for things in a game where we are in control. Hunters and hunted people! Don't be the hunted and fight for what you believe in!
SDS give plenty of cards and stubs in this game. I do not have a problem if SDS chooses to give out a high Diamond pack for collection as long as it is given to everyone who complete collections not just those who put extra money into the game. I have no issue with people who put extra in the game. Your money you can spend it how you like. That Diamond if they did it like I said should be non sell and if you get a duplicate you should not be able to sell on the market.
See theres an idea that SDS should look into. There's tons of arguments and solutions that can be implemented to make this work. Now a proposal is presented to SDS and we can see this come to light.
Apr 16, 2020, 1:48 PM
@dbarmonstar said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
What about those of us who do not spend the extra money and still finish the collections? Do we deserve the high diamond pack as well. It is not that hard to flip cards, save the free stubs you earn to do the collection. If they did the Hi diamond pack that card would have to be non-sell and any duplicate of that card you would only be able to quick sell. Hahah. You do not have to spend extra money to complete collection. Is it really rewarding just to buy every card buy purchasing stubs with cash??????????
If you have all the time in the world more power to you and enjoy that since its your time you are spending. For those who don't have the leisure of spending hours on end looking at the market flipping commons and silvers for a few stubs no thanks I rather spend my time doing other productive things in life and just buy the cards straight up.
I just cant fathom why people don't wanna fight for things in a game where we are in control. Hunters and hunted people! Don't be the hunted and fight for what you believe in!
Apr 16, 2020, 1:41 PM
@lucas8181 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@IaMbAtMaN7777777 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@lucas8181 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
"should be entitled" and that, my friend, is where this post has gone terribly wrong. If I go to Wal-Mart and I don't like the price of pork, I buy something else. I don't go to the front, ask for a manager, and tell them I'm entitled to a free loaf of bread.
Ok the thing here is you have to spend money first. People have spent money on 17, 18, 19 and now 20! That's a lot of money and their is no thanks from SDS besides a gold pack.
We play this game to win and winning is fun. I do realize that people have fun playing their way and that is okay since everyone else has their own definition of fun. I digress, but the fact of the matter is there should be an entitled subscription pack for those that spend money on the game every year for stubs. If you want the good cards you gotta get stubs right? A lot of people don't wanna spend time flipping the market like a stock broker and that's where the spending of real money on stubs comes in.
I'm pretty sure this guy is trolling all of you. He keeps using the word entitled in order to get you guys fired up a bit. Does anybody else see sarcasm in this? He's trying to get to the no money spent people?
Someone caught on lol
And with that, little Timmy found his way out of a very terrible, no good, very bad day.
If you let the internet bother you, then you don't belong on the internet.
Apr 16, 2020, 1:39 PM
@IaMbAtMaN7777777 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@lucas8181 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
"should be entitled" and that, my friend, is where this post has gone terribly wrong. If I go to Wal-Mart and I don't like the price of pork, I buy something else. I don't go to the front, ask for a manager, and tell them I'm entitled to a free loaf of bread.
Ok the thing here is you have to spend money first. People have spent money on 17, 18, 19 and now 20! That's a lot of money and their is no thanks from SDS besides a gold pack.
We play this game to win and winning is fun. I do realize that people have fun playing their way and that is okay since everyone else has their own definition of fun. I digress, but the fact of the matter is there should be an entitled subscription pack for those that spend money on the game every year for stubs. If you want the good cards you gotta get stubs right? A lot of people don't wanna spend time flipping the market like a stock broker and that's where the spending of real money on stubs comes in.
I'm pretty sure this guy is trolling all of you. He keeps using the word entitled in order to get you guys fired up a bit. Does anybody else see sarcasm in this? He's trying to get to the no money spent people?
Someone caught on lol
Apr 16, 2020, 1:28 PM
@lucas8181 said in Reward for completing collections.:
@Agent00Cage said in Reward for completing collections.:
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
"should be entitled" and that, my friend, is where this post has gone terribly wrong. If I go to Wal-Mart and I don't like the price of pork, I buy something else. I don't go to the front, ask for a manager, and tell them I'm entitled to a free loaf of bread.
Ok the thing here is you have to spend money first. People have spent money on 17, 18, 19 and now 20! That's a lot of money and their is no thanks from SDS besides a gold pack.
We play this game to win and winning is fun. I do realize that people have fun playing their way and that is okay since everyone else has their own definition of fun. I digress, but the fact of the matter is there should be an entitled subscription pack for those that spend money on the game every year for stubs. If you want the good cards you gotta get stubs right? A lot of people don't wanna spend time flipping the market like a stock broker and that's where the spending of real money on stubs comes in.
Apr 16, 2020, 1:18 PM
@SaveFarris said in Reward for completing collections.:
How about a nameplate that that counts how many years you've completed the Collection? (similar to the World Series Rings/BR nameplates)
Outside of that, sounds perilously close to "gimmie gimmie gimmie" whining.
We are consumers investing in a product that makes us happy. If we are not happy then we as consumers have every right to tell the makers of the game of improvements that would keep us happy.
No happiness= No more spending money
Its that simple and if they want to keep fans then make us happy. If you think its whining then that's your own personal opinion and that's okay. But, us that spend money should be entitled to at least a subscription high diamond pack for investing time and money into this product that keeps their lights on as a thank you.
Apr 16, 2020, 1:10 PM
@Nanthrax_1 said in Best Divisional Collection Reward:
@Agent00Cage said in Best Divisional Collection Reward:
Alomar is amazing and always gets a knock for me. However, he can be so slow running to first sometimes that has me pulling my hair out. So im looking for a speedy 2B man that can switch hit or just consistently hit.
Obviously this is an older Alomar (Orioles) because it's weird hearing he is slow to 1st.
I grew up watching prime Alomar and there was maybe one guy faster than him. Rickey.. That's it.Yeah I didn't take into account his age. 70 something speed is good and all but in this game it feels like they are running through molasses. I wish we could challenge at first base for online games but I don't see that feature anywhere.
They made MTO irrelevant with this update
They made MTO irrelevant with this update
They made MTO irrelevant with this update
Need some hitting help
Need some hitting help
Your thoughts on Live Series Arenado
Little trick to sell unlocked duplicates on the website
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Reward for completing collections.
Best Divisional Collection Reward