I don't hate it as much as I thought I would from a player / card perspective only bc I completed the live series towards the end of S1. With the Castillo captain - all of my position players are 92+. However - I am disappointed that they didn't really address the XP earned during gameplay. I guess that will stay the same the entire year. Definitely not playing as much as I did in S1. But having 3 great bosses to work towards is keeping me motivated right now.

I'm kind of torn on the seasons concept. To the point that someone made above - having 99's earlier in the game is nice bc I pretty much stop playing in Aug/Sept each yr. I'll come back for a wk in Nov/Dec and again in Feb/March but don't play nearly enough to enjoy the 99's in the traditional power creep. However - the complete reset this yr is bad. It's not nearly as bad as I thought it would be with having completed the Live Series collection and using Castillo as the cornerstone captain. I think my lowest starting position player / starting pitcher is a 92 OVR. Ultimately - I think I wouldn't mind this set up if there were multiple wildcard slots available at Season 2 launch AND the wildcards counted towards TA progress.
Barry Bonds
Bo Jackson
A Rod (not a fan of his - but his cards would be awesome) -
I'm at 982K XP. So I should hopefully at least get 2 of the 3 XP path bosses. Could get all 3 if there is another double XP weekend. I was hoping they would do double XP for this upcoming weekend with the extended holiday on Monday. Haven't seen that they have announced that yet (huge miss for the player base if they don't). As for collections...I finally hit 200 cards last night after getting 5 in TA3. No way I'm getting any bosses in that.
I'm really disappointed in the game this year. I've been playing DD since 2017. This yr definitely seems the most unrewarding as far as XP goes. I don't even mind the grind to 1 million XP or 1,150,000 for all 3 bosses - with the old XP rates this would've been achievable over a 12 week period. But this yr it just feels like a second job and I'm already burnt out - I normally make it to early / mid August before I stop playing (normally move to Madden). As others have said - I'll be lucky to make it to mid July this yr...but NCAA will get all of my time starting July 16th.
TAs done
All programs but Egg Hunt done
All conquest and mini seasons done
Collection - somewhere around 150 (i think)
Live series (need Betts, Freeman, Seager, Alvarez and Cole)
Season 1 Program - right at 750K XP -
I can't believe how much they nerfed XP and stub earning potential this yr. Last yr - I averaged somewhere around 1,000 XP and 30 stubs per conquest game. This year it's probably 600 XP and 4 stubs per game. They have crippled the market / game economy with their new approach. They want people to buy stubs with real money.
@GoTitans3_XBL said in Why Does SDS Get a Pass...and EA and 2K don't?:
@BrikMahorn_XBL said in Why Does SDS Get a Pass...and EA and 2K don't?:
@GoTitans3_XBL said in Why Does SDS Get a Pass...and EA and 2K don't?:
Because they give out a lot of packs and rewards for playing the game. And if you do decide to spend money you can buy the currency and not gamble. Full stop. That’s the answer to your question.
This game certainly has its warts. And anybody who isn’t up their butts call them out on buggy stuff but it’s still leaps and bounds above both EA and 2K and it isn’t close.
The other games give out plenty of rewards.
Basically, what it really comes down to...is that they make it EASY to get the best cards in the game. They've dumbed down this mode soooooo much for all the simpletons that they love it. Given how most of the idiots I play online play...it makes a lot of sense, tbh.
And for years, all I heard was how much SMARTER everyone who plays this game is than those who play MUT and MyTeam. I couldn't disagree more.
No they don’t. Just because you say something is true doesn’t mean it is.
When 2k dropped this year they had the trophy case which took countless hours to get a centerpiece to get a pink diamond that was outclassed in 2 weeks from pack cards. To get the top cards it would take a laughable amount of hours.
Madden rewards are slightly better than 2k but that’s just because they let you get the second tier cards easier. A huge amount of their players just gamble on rerolls to try to make their coins for big cards. But solos give a second or third tier card every promo basically. And to actually play the game online you get peanuts. They used to give out good rewards with packs and stuff but stopped it because of farm accounts. Madden would be closer to MLB the show than you think if they could have stopped coin transferring a few years ago.
As for just giving out all the cards EASY on this game the biggest griped I’ve seen people have is getting the all star rewards for just playing the game and that’s just too easy. But take a look at the program. To get 100 points it takes 200 IP. That’s over 22 games played. At 40 minutes per game that is 15 hours played. That’s quite a bit of game time. Maybe you have just been programmed to not respect your time.
Lastly, I always joke about 2k and madden players because they say it should be harder to get cards. Then they spend $1,000 on packs to skip the hard part. Don’t try to turn mlb the show into this games just go play those games if you like them so much. But based on your last post I’m guessing you just want to bash people and don’t really care about any counterpoint to your flimsy point.
This. All of it.
I've stopped buying / playing Madden altogether. I buy 2k every other yr just to play offline MyTeam to get my basketball fix in.
To me (a non-competitive mostly offline gamer) - MLBTS is BY FAR the most rewarding sports video game and it's not even close. I don't have a ton of free time but I'm still able to get most of the offline programs done. I enjoy the "grind" and playing with the different cards along the way to advance in the various programs.
I'm not saying it's for the OP...but I really enjoy the game and I love the 99's on day 1 as well. This is the best version of the game yet IMO. I've even got 3 of my buddies hooked on it this yr - and they've never bought the game before. It's just a fun - stress-free game.
I'm a 99.9% offline player...but some of these 99's are probably tied to online programs so I may have to get out of my comfort zone.
I'm really excited to have Team Affinity back.
And as others have mentioned...the Seasons aspect is an interesting twist. Based on the video Yoshi posted - it sounds like you can use any sets on the Nation Conquest map...but all "timed" conquest maps require active Seasons players. It may not be too big of a deal to me as I generally use the timed conquest maps as ways to grind POTM and Topps Now stats or whatever current program requires specific stats. But it will be an interesting twist for sure.
But I'm more excited about this game than I've been for a video game in the last 5 yrs. I think it's bc of the WBC excitement...it got me in baseball mode very early this yr.
I had 211 hrs of DD.
7 hrs of RTTS.Thought I had way more on both.
- Schedule a vacation day for Friday, March 24th (done)
- Configure settings
- Rip all packs that come with the digital deluxe version
- Scan market for any valuable pick-ups with bonus stubs from deluxe edition
- Play conquest - will knock out any smaller maps before starting on the US one
- Start my RTTS
- Start mini seasons
- Grind US map in Conquest
Literally having the same issue. I've created a CAP as Catcher for the last 3 yrs. Whoever blew up the prior CAP programs / builds and thought up this new progression / archetypes should be fired immediately. So very dumb.
Two weeks into S2: thoughts
Season concept is dumb
So just for fun...
Saw these two posts on X
Where do you stand coming into TA 1.3?
Why Does SDS Get a Pass...and EA and 2K don't?
Feature Premiere - Live Content & Diamond Dynasty (03/23)
DD Hours Played in 22
Your 2023 first 48 hours plan
My Ballplayer-Catcher Archetype, does it exist?