Your 2023 first 48 hours plan
My plan:
- Get through all the forced stuff (tutorials, etc).
- Create DD team to access mode
- Try to claim pre-order rewards. Get errors. Notice twitch packs didn't load either. Check forums to see 100 posts complaining about the same. Eventually get them. (its a long step).
- Rip Packs
- Get zero high rated LS diamonds (Ohtani/Trout/Judge and others).
- Cry.
- Put together very quick uniforms and basic AF logo.
All joking aside, actual plan:
- Same as steps 1+2 above
- Rip all available packs
- Depending on prices and assuming pre-order special packs are sellable ---- put in buy orders on captain cards/others from pre-order packs to re-sell at regular launch day/later.
- Then probably start Conquest (USA map and tutorials) on Day 1.
- Rest of early access is running through the tutorial moments, conquest maps and maybe mini seasons.
- If there is an event, probably give that a run before everyone has similar stacked lineups. ( I really wish Events -- at least some of them -- would have BR / Tournament style OVR caps).
- Eventually tidy up jerseys slightly. I put minimal effort into long as I don't hate looking at them, its considered good enough.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
Your 1,2,3
4. Sell duplicates
5. Make spreadsheets for the programs
6. Play the moments, small conquests, and quick programs
7. Start a Franchise.
8. Start my RTTS.I forgot how much I like Franchise, so I am going to try and add one Franchise game a day to my routine.
- Throw all of the above out the window if the servers don't work.
You forgot to get Energy Drinks for the night.
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
Your 1,2,3
4. Sell duplicates
5. Make spreadsheets for the programs
6. Play the moments, small conquests, and quick programs
7. Start a Franchise.
8. Start my RTTS.I forgot how much I like Franchise, so I am going to try and add one Franchise game a day to my routine.
- Throw all of the above out the window if the servers don't work.
You forgot to get Energy Drinks for the night.
LOL - I have them stocked up. Three Reigns and a couple of Monster Ultra Peachy Keens
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
My game plan changes daily. Naturally I'll do Steps 1-4. Then depending on if the cards in the pre-order bonus packs are sellable; I'll sell them off. Then I'll probably try to flip the World Classic cards (if sellable) and any equipment (preferably Diamond) as with the new face scan technology those cards may be hot.
Hoping to build my stub count up to 100K within the first 24 hrs.
While I'm flipping; I'll probably start investing in certain players that I think will have a hot season.
Also will probably work towards some of the lower rates LS team collections to chip away that collection.
Also, while waiting for flips and investments to process; I'll start off with any Moments and Conquest maps. Would like to get those done by official release day.
Then once all offline, except for Mini Seasons (for the same reason as you), I'll jump into Events and BR.
Not really worried about Events because until the first huge FB/Legend Collection player is revealed; Event rewards can be had for around 20K.
I'm also debating on dropping and extra $200 on stubs so I have some bank when I start flipping/investing.
Course, if any of the pre-order pack cards are needed (Captains and Set 1); I may just keep them.
1a. Watch Koogs46, Scann, Gomesdalegend for opening day tips
2. Open Packs
3. Configure all my settings.
4. spend an extra $100 on speciality packs.
5. Quick sell all duplicates.
6. Grind StoryLInes.
7. Grind Conquest.
8. Mix in Events early before the stacked lineups hit.
9. Work on my custom Stadium.
10. Re-introduce myself to my wife and kids. -
@Blind_Bleeder said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
Your 1,2,3
4. Sell duplicates
5. Make spreadsheets for the programs
6. Play the moments, small conquests, and quick programs
7. Start a Franchise.
8. Start my RTTS.I forgot how much I like Franchise, so I am going to try and add one Franchise game a day to my routine.
- Throw all of the above out the window if the servers don't work.
You forgot to get Energy Drinks for the night.
LOL - I have them stocked up. Three Reigns and a couple of Monster Ultra Peachy Keens
BTW Ghost has a new Cream Orange that I like better than Reign Orange Dreamsicle. LOL
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@Blind_Bleeder said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
Your 1,2,3
4. Sell duplicates
5. Make spreadsheets for the programs
6. Play the moments, small conquests, and quick programs
7. Start a Franchise.
8. Start my RTTS.I forgot how much I like Franchise, so I am going to try and add one Franchise game a day to my routine.
- Throw all of the above out the window if the servers don't work.
You forgot to get Energy Drinks for the night.
LOL - I have them stocked up. Three Reigns and a couple of Monster Ultra Peachy Keens
BTW Ghost has a new Cream Orange that I like better than Reign Orange Dreamsicle. LOL
I'll have to pick up a couple!
@ANF_GOLD99_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
1a. Watch Koogs46, Scann, Gomesdalegend for opening day tips
2. Open Packs
3. Configure all my settings.
4. spend an extra $100 on speciality packs.
5. Quick sell all duplicates.
6. Grind StoryLInes.
7. Grind Conquest.
8. Mix in Events early before the stacked lineups hit.
9. Work on my custom Stadium.
10. Re-introduce myself to my wife and kids.Why quick sell duplicates? Just list them. Card prices will be inflated.
@Khain24_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
Get zero high rated LS diamonds (Ohtani/Trout/Judge and others).
Cry.Me too. On the first few days of a new release, I treat every pack like I'm scratching off a lotto ticket. Also... never buy packs.
- Schedule a vacation day for Friday, March 24th (done)
- Configure settings
- Rip all packs that come with the digital deluxe version
- Scan market for any valuable pick-ups with bonus stubs from deluxe edition
- Play conquest - will knock out any smaller maps before starting on the US one
- Start my RTTS
- Start mini seasons
- Grind US map in Conquest
@adamsst_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
- Schedule a vacation day for Friday, March 24th (done)
- Configure settings
- Rip all packs that come with the digital deluxe version
- Scan market for any valuable pick-ups with bonus stubs from deluxe edition
- Play conquest - will knock out any smaller maps before starting on the US one
- Start my RTTS
- Start mini seasons
- Grind US map in Conquest
My game plan is identical to yours and it's a good one. Only difference is no rtts for me.
gentlemen - may the baseball gods be at your back on week one
my usual strategy each year is the same - all cards i collect i immediately sell off - buy a nice bronze / silver team that i immediately go to online with - whether events or RS - build up from there
this year i may wait awhile and dive into diablo 4 beta instead - let SDS get through the initial burp weeks - but yeah online for me all the way - 0 CPU games or minimal at best (conquest maps i hate but doable with enough to smoke)
@msacks11_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I'm really hoping we don't have the server issues for the first few weeks.
1st time??
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
- Tutorials- beer #1
- Create my team-name- colors etc- beer #2
- Tour the new game- familiarize myself with the site
- Rip packs- beers #3-5 to commiserate over my lack of Trout/Ohtani pulls
- Create RTTS player and start first Archetype
- Buy whatever pieces I need to have a useable first roster- beer #6.
- Call buddy who drives for Uber Eats and order more beer.
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
I hope they don't have the same server issues like they had to start with like last year and 21.
As far as my first 48 hours. Unlocking all the Phils and Guardians LS collection.
The annoying tutorials.
Get rid of the cut scene that floats around your pitcher during certain at bats.
The conquest maps and whatever programs I can bang out. -
@tomivory23_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@msacks11_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I'm really hoping we don't have the server issues for the first few weeks.
1st time??
lol i see that meme whenever i see that text
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
5. Make spreadsheets for the programsIf you don't mind me asking, what all does your spreadsheet entail? This will be my second year playing DD.
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
- Tutorials- beer #1
- Create my team-name- colors etc- beer #2
- Tour the new game- familiarize myself with the site
- Rip packs- beers #3-5 to commiserate over my lack of Trout/Ohtani pulls
- Create RTTS player and start first Archetype
- Buy whatever pieces I need to have a useable first roster- beer #6.
- Call buddy who drives for Uber Eats and order more beer.
- Wouldn't it be better to stock up first and not have to worry about ordering in the middle?
@Busta-21_XBL said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@TEXAS10PT_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
5. Make spreadsheets for the programsIf you don't mind me asking, what all does your spreadsheet entail? This will be my second year playing DD.
Blind Bleeder is the guy who makes his spreadsheets. You should ask him
@PAinPA_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@Ericulous1_PSN said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Your 2023 first 48 hours plan:
I think I posted something like this last year. So, what's your plan for the first few days of MLBTS 2023? For me:
- Get through all the "forced" tutorials.
- Configure all my settings.
- Rip open all packs.
- Do all the quick programs, Moments, small Conquests.
- Then... I'm guessing I'll work through the USA map. I'm assuming it will take a while for me to get used to the new hitting and fielding. I'd love to jump into Mini Seasons, but given the issues last year, I'll wait and if others run into problems.
- After a few days, maybe jump into the first Event.
- After a week or so, take my chances on BR. I need to let all the "A-players" work through it first.
What are you guys doing first?
- Tutorials- beer #1
- Create my team-name- colors etc- beer #2
- Tour the new game- familiarize myself with the site
- Rip packs- beers #3-5 to commiserate over my lack of Trout/Ohtani pulls
- Create RTTS player and start first Archetype
- Buy whatever pieces I need to have a useable first roster- beer #6.
- Call buddy who drives for Uber Eats and order more beer.
- Wouldn't it be better to stock up first and not have to worry about ordering in the middle?
Good point. I’d like to change mine :):