Advice for a ranked seasons slump?
I dislike Ranked Seasons. I hate playing against and with all diamond squads. I am only attempting to endure it in The Show 19 to get to 800 and therefore the platinum trophy as I achieved the plats in 17 and 18 and will achieve the 20. Stupid reason, I know.
I got up to ranking 678 or so and then started losing big time. 8 in a row.... now my last 10 out of 11. I’m now down to 421 again and I really don’t want to put myself through more of it, but for that shiny platinum...
I would like any suggestions those people better than me can share. I am finding myself unable to get hits with runners on base anymore. I’m also popping out a lot. A serious amount. It’s driving me insane. I used to start with PCI high and follow the ball, but I read advice that I need to focus more on predicting location rather than following the ball so I’m trying to do that more. In doing that I think I’ve messed myself up and I’m not being as patient anymore.
I’ve made some changes to my line up, which I hoped would help. I moved Baez back to hitting second which he was before the slump, and in my last two games he hit a homer first time up. So that’s something that worked, but other changes haven’t had any success.
Also this isn’t to do with me being bad, but one thing I’ve noticed is every time on a wild pitch that gets past the catcher with a runner on third, much like sticking to the highways sending the runner is suicide. They seem to jog to home and are tagged out by the pitcher. Every freaking time. Has anybody ever had luck getting that runner home on a wild pitch? I’ve stopped sending them because the out is inevitable.
Thanks in advance to anybody who is willing to offer advice.
Don’t play games back to back if you struggling. Play a different mode. Add a new card to the line up, batting practice, play some showdown.
@guccigangchuck said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
Don’t play games back to back if you struggling. Play a different mode. Add a new card to the line up, batting practice, play some showdown.
Thank you. Your first point is probably the most important, I’m finding that when I do play again after a loss, the negativity compounds and I make stupid mistakes over and over and get more frustrated, rather than going into an AB with a plan. How many times can I tell myself not to swing at the first pitch before I actually listen. I’ve blown so many walks because I swing on a high fastball in a 3-2 count (with bases loaded no less!) it’s embarrassing!
I’ve shaken up my lineup also. I wonder if that’s where my problem started though; I thought I should have higher rated players so I used the stubs I’ve accumulated over the year plus sold some cards to buy some diamonds. I’m probably overthinking what I expect of them. I also replaced Cole and Sale live cards with legend pitchers Wood and Ryan.
I am finding that contact swinging is almost useless, at least in 19. Balls aren’t making it past infielders. Any thoughts on whether it’s worth contact swinging to get on base?
I don’t know that I’ll play Showdown for a bit though... I completed the intro one but from what I’m reading it’s just more Moments to deal with which is a hard pass for me.
I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. I’ll definitely heed your advice.
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
@guccigangchuck said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
Don’t play games back to back if you struggling. Play a different mode. Add a new card to the line up, batting practice, play some showdown.
Thank you. Your first point is probably the most important, I’m finding that when I do play again after a loss, the negativity compounds and I make stupid mistakes over and over and get more frustrated, rather than going into an AB with a plan. How many times can I tell myself not to swing at the first pitch before I actually listen. I’ve blown so many walks because I swing on a high fastball in a 3-2 count (with bases loaded no less!) it’s embarrassing!
I’ve shaken up my lineup also. I wonder if that’s where my problem started though; I thought I should have higher rated players so I used the stubs I’ve accumulated over the year plus sold some cards to buy some diamonds. I’m probably overthinking what I expect of them. I also replaced Cole and Sale live cards with legend pitchers Wood and Ryan.
I am finding that contact swinging is almost useless, at least in 19. Balls aren’t making it past infielders. Any thoughts on whether it’s worth contact swinging to get on base?
I don’t know that I’ll play Showdown for a bit though... I completed the intro one but from what I’m reading it’s just more Moments to deal with which is a hard pass for me.
I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. I’ll definitely heed your advice.
Contact swing is not a good input to use. The best thing you could do, is practice hitting in practice mood and a hard difficulty maybe how/legend and just see the ball as it comes in. Also having a monitor helps instead of a tv
Take a break tbh is the best advice
@guccigangchuck said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
@guccigangchuck said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
Don’t play games back to back if you struggling. Play a different mode. Add a new card to the line up, batting practice, play some showdown.
Thank you. Your first point is probably the most important, I’m finding that when I do play again after a loss, the negativity compounds and I make stupid mistakes over and over and get more frustrated, rather than going into an AB with a plan. How many times can I tell myself not to swing at the first pitch before I actually listen. I’ve blown so many walks because I swing on a high fastball in a 3-2 count (with bases loaded no less!) it’s embarrassing!
I’ve shaken up my lineup also. I wonder if that’s where my problem started though; I thought I should have higher rated players so I used the stubs I’ve accumulated over the year plus sold some cards to buy some diamonds. I’m probably overthinking what I expect of them. I also replaced Cole and Sale live cards with legend pitchers Wood and Ryan.
I am finding that contact swinging is almost useless, at least in 19. Balls aren’t making it past infielders. Any thoughts on whether it’s worth contact swinging to get on base?
I don’t know that I’ll play Showdown for a bit though... I completed the intro one but from what I’m reading it’s just more Moments to deal with which is a hard pass for me.
I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. I’ll definitely heed your advice.
Contact swing is not a good input to use. The best thing you could do, is practice hitting in practice mood and a hard difficulty maybe how/legend and just see the ball as it comes in. Also having a monitor helps instead of a tv
Thank you. I do play on a monitor, an old 24” BenQ which does a much better job than my TV and even my new Samsung 27” 4K.
I thought as much with the contact swing and will avoid it now even with contact hitters and pitchers, and even on two strikes.
I do have another question you may be able to answer, I get the feeling with Meter pitching that it’s yellow line or bust; ie if I don’t hit the yellow line then how close I get doesn’t matter - one pixel away yields just as random a result as 50 pixels away. Is that a fair assumption?
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
@guccigangchuck said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
@Red_Ted_is_back said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
@guccigangchuck said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
Don’t play games back to back if you struggling. Play a different mode. Add a new card to the line up, batting practice, play some showdown.
Thank you. Your first point is probably the most important, I’m finding that when I do play again after a loss, the negativity compounds and I make stupid mistakes over and over and get more frustrated, rather than going into an AB with a plan. How many times can I tell myself not to swing at the first pitch before I actually listen. I’ve blown so many walks because I swing on a high fastball in a 3-2 count (with bases loaded no less!) it’s embarrassing!
I’ve shaken up my lineup also. I wonder if that’s where my problem started though; I thought I should have higher rated players so I used the stubs I’ve accumulated over the year plus sold some cards to buy some diamonds. I’m probably overthinking what I expect of them. I also replaced Cole and Sale live cards with legend pitchers Wood and Ryan.
I am finding that contact swinging is almost useless, at least in 19. Balls aren’t making it past infielders. Any thoughts on whether it’s worth contact swinging to get on base?
I don’t know that I’ll play Showdown for a bit though... I completed the intro one but from what I’m reading it’s just more Moments to deal with which is a hard pass for me.
I really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. I’ll definitely heed your advice.
Contact swing is not a good input to use. The best thing you could do, is practice hitting in practice mood and a hard difficulty maybe how/legend and just see the ball as it comes in. Also having a monitor helps instead of a tv
Thank you. I do play on a monitor, an old 24” BenQ which does a much better job than my TV and even my new Samsung 27” 4K.
I thought as much with the contact swing and will avoid it now even with contact hitters and pitchers, and even on two strikes.
I do have another question you may be able to answer, I get the feeling with Meter pitching that it’s yellow line or bust; ie if I don’t hit the yellow line then how close I get doesn’t matter - one pixel away yields just as random a result as 50 pixels away. Is that a fair assumption?
I use analog pitching but I feel like pitching itself is just a massive cluster when spotting sometimes.
I’m in one too. Just keep grinding man.
I suggest you take a break and just hop on events for a while.
@Khain24 said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
Take a break tbh is the best advice
Definitely the best way to go, worst thing I’ve found is to play straight away after a loss.
Since my previous post and reading the replies I did just that and won three out of my last four. Good times. Back up over 500 again. Unfortunately back to work tomorrow so may not get the chance to reach 800 before end of season.
I’m in an event slump, and have no idea why. First event I was able to get 27 wins, since the second event I’m 1-11, and the only player that I was able to use the first event and not the second is Oswalt and I wasn’t that good using him. It really sucks though as after the first event ended and I was three wins away from the packs, and then said the wins carry over had me excited, and here I am unable to get those three wins
@dandesix said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
I’m in an event slump, and have no idea why. First event I was able to get 27 wins, since the second event I’m 1-11, and the only player that I was able to use the first event and not the second is Oswalt and I wasn’t that good using him. It really sucks though as after the first event ended and I was three wins away from the packs, and then said the wins carry over had me excited, and here I am unable to get those three wins
Quit is you are unevenly matched, those three wins should be easy if you do that
Just wondering if I should switch to directional hitting to try get some easy wins? Seems people around here say that it’s easier to hit with directional.
Never used it before but not concerned about it affecting my use of zone hitting when I go back to it as that’s 11 years of muscle memory as opposed to a few weeks.
@dandesix said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
I’m in an event slump, and have no idea why. First event I was able to get 27 wins, since the second event I’m 1-11, and the only player that I was able to use the first event and not the second is Oswalt and I wasn’t that good using him. It really sucks though as after the first event ended and I was three wins away from the packs, and then said the wins carry over had me excited, and here I am unable to get those three wins
First event was on all star, this event is on Hall of Fame, that's why.
@dandesix said in Advice for a ranked seasons slump?:
I’m in an event slump, and have no idea why. First event I was able to get 27 wins, since the second event I’m 1-11, and the only player that I was able to use the first event and not the second is Oswalt and I wasn’t that good using him. It really sucks though as after the first event ended and I was three wins away from the packs, and then said the wins carry over had me excited, and here I am unable to get those three wins
Well the difficulty changed. So that’s probably why.
Didn’t realize that, thanks!