Where are the diamonds in packs ???
I've opened 90 packs and gotten 1 diamond. 85 Logan Gilbert.
So I just noticed the option to see drop rates online in the store . And forget the odds . The percentages for players are eye opening .
@TPRwell_XBL love him but he’s not valued in this game like others . I bought him outright for like 4k
@xbigdaddy42x_MLBTS I believe you. This time of year, every year, someone makes this post (and usually are whining) thinking they deserve a diamond for every 50 packs. My original post wasn't meant to single you out, but I was trying to make the statement in general because there are a lot of people who feel entitled to being able to pack a diamond. Someone else said you were complaining and I responded to that, but shouldn't have said you were complaining because that person doesn't speak for you. Standard packs have horrible odds (1:50) with a very low probability of getting a diamond (0.01961) and it is the same regardless the number of packs one has opened. For most people a dry spell does feel like the odds aren't the way SDS says it is. However, the math proves that is a feeling and not necessarily a fact. This feeling is normal when after opening 153 packs the math says that one would have had a 95% chance of having a diamond. However, there is a lot more to it than just the number of packs and the probability with those numbers. I believe these packs contents are generated upon receipt of the pack. If one had received 150 packs in a row where no one else received a pack in the middle of those 150, then that probability should be accurate. However, when looking at the number of players of the game receiving packs, one is not going to receive 150 packs generated in a row. So, people are receiving a sample of 150 of a huge population of packs. This will have a huge impact on the probability of receiving a diamond in a sample of drawn packs. This is where luck weighs heavily into the number of diamonds draw from a sample of 150 packs. I hope you have better luck!
Yea dude, you literally have the odds backwards. Sorry to break it to you.
It’s easy to try to act smart and drop statistics, until you realize you actually don’t know anything.
To answer the question: typically in the rightmost card.
i finally got my first one today (mookie)
@TubaTim90_PSN said in Where are the diamonds in packs ???:
Yea dude, you literally have the odds backwards. Sorry to break it to you.
It’s easy to try to act smart and drop statistics, until you realize you actually don’t know anything.
Everything he said is correct except the rate. He switched that (the percent he gave, 36ish, is the chance of not seeing a single diamond in 50 packs). But to say he doesn’t know anything is disingenuous. The reality of pack luck, and people’s misunderstanding of it, are confusing for a lot of people. He explained it very well.
Long story short, the big take away for being whining about pack rates is this:
They haven’t changed. You’re just experiencing bad luck. Everyone has those strings of good/bad luck. Don’t use luck to make decisions, though. Opening 50 packs without a diamond doesn’t mean your chances of getting one next time are better. (and vice versa). That’s the gamblers fallacy, and many people’s lives have been ruined with this thought process.
Diamond odds are exactly what they are stated and haven’t changed from previous games. Some are lucky and some are not. Some people have pulled multiple Ohtanis. You not pulling any diamonds is not statistically significant the grand scheme of the odds. If it was easier to pull diamonds the cards would all just be quick sell and no one would care about them.
got lucky opened maybe 50 packs so far pulled trout, J-ram, gunnar, houck, but I feel your pain
What’s weird is that I’ve been playing DD since 2020 and I’ve never been greater than the 1:50 odds for diamonds pulls. I understand it’s always 1:50 no matter what but to never beat the odds and now be in my 6th year is crazy. Or maybe just extremely unlucky. After a while it gets pretty discouraging but it is what it is.
Had zero luck till last night when I hit 3 diamonds
- From a pipeline pack
- From a standard pack
- From a chase pack pulled from a standard pack.
This is the worst luck I have had since 21 when I couldn't get a Dimond to save my life
It's weird. In the past four years I was able to complete the live series collection before Easter through extensive playing and flipping. This year I decided to ignore the market and only play every other day. But my luck must be turning because I was able to get it done prior to April just from pulling high value cards multiple times.
@theBlindRhino_PSN That is awesome! Sometimes we try to hard and then when we don't pay attention to it comes easier. I don't know, but that's nice you got it done. Now all these packs you get are just extra stubs and those will add up after a bit.
LS collections are rarely worth the effort for me; by the time I get the cards they’re either par/subpar relative to other options; and/or I have so much stuff to grind I don’t really use them that much. When I get to around 30 cards organically, I try to complete that team(s), then rinse/repeat. Usually around mid-June.
@yankblan_PSN said in Where are the diamonds in packs ???:
LS collections are rarely worth the effort for me; by the time I get the cards they’re either par/subpar relative to other options; and/or I have so much stuff to grind I don’t really use them that much. When I get to around 30 cards organically, I try to complete that team(s), then rinse/repeat. Usually around mid-June.
Same here, although with the Rocket being my favorite player all time I’ll have the AL done soon. The NL can be passive until later.
I see a diamond level piece of gear in about one out of ten equipment packs received. So, they are there.
I'm seeing gold level gear in about one in three equipment packs received.
@yankblan_PSN said in Where are the diamonds in packs ???:
LS collections are rarely worth the effort for me; by the time I get the cards they’re either par/subpar relative to other options; and/or I have so much stuff to grind I don’t really use them that much. When I get to around 30 cards organically, I try to complete that team(s), then rinse/repeat. Usually around mid-June.
Rumor has it that’s not the case this year. Apparently, with everyone clamoring for power creep, diamonds will be rarer this year. And, if the first week of release is any indication, the diamonds may not be that great either…
I've pulled 2 diamond LS so far...both Trea Turners.