Sad day for Game-pass and PC users
Easy_Duhz_It_replied to jackvbd on Feb 6, 2025, 4:52 AM last edited by Easy_Duhz_It__PSN Feb 6, 2025, 4:53 AM
@jackvbd said in Sad day for Game-pass and PC users:
If they leave MLB 24 on gamepass for the year and maybe add MLB 25 after the season is over that's reasonable i imagine. EA does that. I can't afford a XBOX or PS5 and prefer gaming on a PC for various reasons. I have a good PC. Still, if they made MLB 25 purchasable on gamepass for PC users that would be cool too.
How is it their problem that you cant afford a console? I cant afford a Ferrari but i dont expect the dealership to let me rent one for a dollar a day.
@Tikire meant for somebody else I think? I didn’t say that
I didn't say it was SDS's problem. You really have no idea based on your comments. Conversation closed.
@jackvbd they won't put it on PC because it'd be too easy to cheat
@jackvbd said in Sad day for Game-pass and PC users:
I didn't say it was SDS's problem. You really have no idea based on your comments. Conversation closed.
No you just want them to keep the game on gamepass because you can't afford a console and prefer PC.
Your financial situation or your preferences aren't their concern.
Now the conversation is over.
@LuvMyXBOX Again, Sony has NO SAYING on MLBTS's availability on platforms and services outside of PlayStation (except for micro transactions), because they do not own the right of the game's distribution and publishing on competing platforms. MLB is the publisher of The Show (under MLB Advanced Media, L.P.) on XBOX/Switch and only MLB decides if MLBTS goes on Games Pass and/or xCloud. If they agree with Microsoft on any deal, it's between MS and MLB. MLB agreed for The Show to be on Game Pass once it went multiplatform, and MLB removed it this year, Sony had nothing to do or say in that deal. Sony owns the license to use MLB in their game and owns the right to publishing the game on their platform ecosystem (including revenue and profits minus sales commission to MLB).
@Tikire That's all fine and dandy, but I was willing to BUY it if it was available like other games on Xbox for Windows/Gamepass. I was getting ready to BUY a preorder on Xbox for Windows when I couldn't find it and then saw all the anti-PC stuff in the release notes/forums.
I don't want to have to go out and buy a console when I have a $3000 computer I play games on that I worked hard to pay for and put together myself.
Console kiddies are making some terrible arguments because they just don't want to get into PC gaming. Which is fine. I've never cared about the PC/Console wars. If you want to play on console, play on console. We're all still gamers. It's just annoying y'all won't say what it really is and why you don't like it.
@Tikire said in Sad day for Game-pass and PC users:
@Red_Ted_is_back Actually you are incorrect on that about Sony getting a "cut" with Game Pass and what business goes on between MLB and Nintendo/XBOX.
Sony has NOTHING to do with the business accords and exchange of money with the copies of The Show on other platforms as this was part of the deal with MLB when the time came to renew the license, trust me, I'm a journalist and did my homework. Sony agreed to port and maintain (server duties and updates) MLBTS for XBOX and Nintendo in exchange for the MLB license renewal and a substantial reduction of the cost of that license.
MLB wanted more sales of The Show (they also get a cut for every copy sold regardless of platform) by expanding beyond PlayStation console exclusivity. They demand it, but they also have to take care of the publishing, as Sony refused to publish The Show outside of their platform (publishing is not easy nor cheap as it involves operation costs of marketing, manufacturing of discs/cartridges and distribution, Sony saved a huge chunk of money avoiding that). Want proof? Sony NEVER mentions the other consoles in their trailers. The other consoles are only mentioned –barely– in the game's website. The trailer for the Switch is different from the PS (check the trailer, XBOX or Game Pass are never mentioned as Sony does not want to give free marketing for a copy of the game they get zero on every sale). Microsoft does not spend money on marketing the game, either. So MLB had to do the publishing by creating a company to publish the game (look it up), and by doing so they own 100% all rights of distribution and deals with the XB/SW copies (including Game Pass which was a deal between MLB and Microsoft), Sony gets no cut on sales regarding other consoles, they already got their deal cut with MLB with the license discount; all revenue goes to MLB from SW/XB sales, minus a small cut for the respective platform storefront. Sony only has a say and takes the revenue on the micro transactions sales (stubs and packs) as this is indeed the money maker of MLBTS, a service outside of the game individual copy sales.
Sony owns the Developer (San Diego Studio) and the IP (Intellectual Property of the game "The Show"), MLB own the rights of the organization enterprise (the Major League Baseball league, not the Players Association, that's another independent entity) and Nintendo/XBOX only re-sale the game under their business ecosystem dealing with MLB and not Sony (who is the sole license holder).
Oh, that fee you pay with Game Pass BTW, holds little value unless you play a ton of high profile games every month to warrant the 240$/y in which technically, you are just RENTING the games and only what they offer your on a limited time. Because Microsoft remove titles eventually adding a time pressure to your enjoyment (same thing with PS Plus Extra/Premium, a rental service of limited and poor value). Yeah, the freeloading was kinda harsh and inaccurate, but still far from a real support/value ratio when you purchase the game regardless if is full price or on discount.
Buy your games, support the developer if you love the game. Own a copy of The show, physical or Digital, but own it so you can play at your will and not at the platform service discretion always subjected to change and rules.
I don't believe you. I think you're a fraud and a liar.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Sad day for Game-pass and PC users:
@jackvbd said in Sad day for Game-pass and PC users:
If they leave MLB 24 on gamepass for the year and maybe add MLB 25 after the season is over that's reasonable i imagine. EA does that. I can't afford a XBOX or PS5 and prefer gaming on a PC for various reasons. I have a good PC. Still, if they made MLB 25 purchasable on gamepass for PC users that would be cool too.
How is it their problem that you cant afford a console? I cant afford a Ferrari but i dont expect the dealership to let me rent one for a dollar a day.
Well now. Don't compare a console to a Ferrari. Makes no sense.
@OfcJDFarva The game is not coming to PC anytime soon, so don't hold your breath and plan on buying it on the console of your preference if you want to enjoy it now (avoid the Switch version, trust me, it's rough AF).
PC has a lot of issues, first of all the piracy problem which scares MLB and Sony. Second the handling of the micro transactions issue where there needs to be a secure system for in-app purchases or a store front within STEAM or EPIC to manage the purchase of stubs (not an easy thing to sort out, consoles have closed stores where this can be easily managed). For this to happen on STEAM/Epic Sony would demand PSN accounts to be able to buy and use stubs, not a very popular subject among PC players. So don't expect MLBTS on PC in the short term, at least for now.
@Jacky-Chan1 Yeah, so easy to label me as such without proof. Unlike what I stated which you can dig and corroborate because these are facts, like 'em or not. It is what it is, Bro.
I play exclusively on the Switch and don’t have any problems
@sbchamps17 Try it on a PS5 and the wool will be pull off of your eyes.
@Tikire said in Sad day for Game-pass and PC users:
@sbchamps17 Try it on a PS5 and the wool will be pull off of your eyes.
Can't afford it
@sbchamps17 Sad. Maybe the Switch 2 will have a much better MLBTS version. But the PS5 is where it's at.
@Jacky-Chan1 What doesn't make sense is pretending to be a baseball and The Show fan by complaining that it's not coming to Game Pass, if you really love baseball and want to support the game and your preferred console, you would buy the game like most of us do every year (I have never skipped a year).
So you can whine and scream from the top of your lungs demanding The Show to return to GP until you are blue on the face, meanwhile the rest of us will be playing from day one because we support the studio that develops it by purchasing the game we love (plus stubs).
Buy your games, or else is the reason why studios close and consoles fail. A tried and true business model.
@Tikire said in Sad day for Game-pass and PC users:
@Jacky-Chan1 What doesn't make sense is pretending to be a baseball and The Show fan by complaining that it's not coming to Game Pass, if you really love baseball and want to support the game and your preferred console, you would buy the game like most of us do every year (I have never skipped a year).
So you can whine and scream from the top of your lungs demanding The Show to return to GP until you are blue on the face, meanwhile the rest of us will be playing from day one because we support the studio that develops it by purchasing the game we love (plus stubs).
Buy your games, or else is the reason why studios close and consoles fail. A tried and true business model.
Wow you're reaching. Making assumptions.
The game should be free to play on all platforms. They make all their money on microtransactions anyway.
@OfcJDFarva I'm 54 years old and work in software development. I'll take a console any day over a PC for gaming. Your $3,000 PC is a waste of $2,500 if you ask me. Imagine all the game you could have bought for that extra $2,500 - hell, that's enough for a really good used motorcycle!