An idea for SDS
I genuinely don't think sets and seasons was a nefarious move by SDS to make more money, I think they truly tried to diversify the experience but it didn't work.
People took it as a punishment rather than a challenge. Fine .
Instead of " punishment " they should try rewarding.
My idea is to reward players with more xp and stubs if your overall team rating is lower than your opponents.
Or you could have reward tiers like if your overall is 85 you get more xp and stubs than if it was 90+ etc.
Also if you get to world series with lower team overall you get special icons and bat skins. Uniforms etc.
I don't know what do you guys think . -
At first glance: I do not like it … I guess people will tank XP with those lineups and still use the best/meta teams online. Look, there are some awesome captain cards and >50% (of the players I see) is not using a single captain.
In my opinion you gotta create modes with some building restrictions and good rewards. If ranked is the only „real“ online-competitive mode people will put up their best squad -
@YOSHI24_XBL thanks for your input
Also the rewards need to be huge like if your overall is silver tier you get like 4x the stubs and xp . I think even pxp should be tiered like that . Diamond cards get 1x pxp gold gets 2x silver gets 3x. And so on .