How to Save MLB The Show (In My Opinion)
@MeatSceptre1776_XBL said in How to Save MLB The Show (In My Opinion):
@TeakAUS_PSN yes it’s brilliant. The game not functioning because you get matched with someone in a different country is a problem.
MLB The Show, and baseball itself, is an international game.
They'll never disregard players outside of the US.
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN I didn’t say disregard them. I said make a ping requirement so I can play the game without lag or freezing.
@MeatSceptre1776_XBL said in How to Save MLB The Show (In My Opinion):
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN I didn’t say disregard them. I said make a ping requirement so I can play the game without lag or freezing.
I get the point that this could be adressed. But I do not see shield woods not as a problem/cause … If you have good connections on both ends, shield woods will still be awful and needs to be adressed. You can do two separate things the same time
@Dolenz64_XBL said in How to Save MLB The Show (In My Opinion):
But as soon as you put a controller into somebody's hands then it becomes more of an arcade baseball game.
Why? This is not an axiom, and there is no reason why a video game cannot strive a little harder to reflect the real thing. Again, there will always be exaggeration of the most exciting aspects, but that does not mean it has to be off-the-rails arcade style to exist. That a video game allows those with a controller in their hands to approximate what real world elite athletes do is already dipping into the unbelievable... the point, for many, is that they want to experience control of what they see from the seats of their hometown stands.
There's NBA and there's NBA Jam. This game is starting to lean into the latter, and I wish it wouldn't.
You give me and the best players in the world the same 80 overall gold card and their stats will dwarf mine meaning that the player skill with the controller dictates the outcome more that the stats or the attributes.
Of course. And they should perform better than you or I with those cards. But the best players in the world are going to skew everything with their prowess... demanding more precision in placement to generate HRs will do little to slow them down, but the thing is that you will not be playing the best players in the world. They will be somewhere in the far reaches of World Series on Legend, playing each other, and we will be somewhere further down the totem pole, preferably hitting HRs with about 10% of our total hits because making it more difficult to hit HRs would absolutely affect most of us.
My whole point is that we, the un-elite (which is most of us), should not be so prolific in our HR generation. Making this easy for most makes it laughable in the hands of those who are actually really good.
Granted, it is still "Fantasy Baseball" based on the fact that you can mix players of different eras and put them on the same squad but I would argue that it is still arcade.
Again, I'm not arguing with you that it plays more like arcade style. I just would prefer it not to. You don't seem to mind that it does, and that's fine... but that it does doesn't mean it must.
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN Yeah that's just play vs friends and someone creates The Yetis it was an easy exploit in 16 to get max stubs and we did exploit that until 17 came out
@MeatSceptre1776_XBL said in How to Save MLB The Show (In My Opinion):
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN I didn’t say disregard them. I said make a ping requirement so I can play the game without lag or freezing.
Technically you didn't. But what you're saying is that anyone with a bad ping would be considered 'out of country'.
They'll never go to Ping based matches.
What they need is dedicated servers.
@TeakAUS_PSN said in How to Save MLB The Show (In My Opinion):
H2H mode super serious/elitist where you must play a certain way
H2H has exclusive cardspick one.
I hate that this is accurate.
Low key, SDS should add an option where you can challenge somebody in your Ranked division to a Ranked game (obviously has the same effects on your record and rating that a normal ranked game did.
Anybody remember the best right handed first baseman in the game: Jimmie Foxx? Explain yourself, SDS. Actually nevermind, you'll end up bringing back sets and seasons for the "inconvenience."
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN They are definitely not going to dedicated servers. As much as we all would like that it’s too expensive. Having a ping requirement makes it easier and cheaper. Why should the rest of the player base be punished because of someone playing in a country with a low enough player count to warrant expanding the search that much? It detracts from the game.
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN Also bad ping could mean someone down the street with terrible internet. Not just people playing from long distances.
Obviously SDS should try to minimize ping > 100 games as much as possible. I don't know why anyone would want to go into an online game knowing the connection was subpar.
Again, any of this anti-casual stuff you guys are talking about like effectively banning people in other countries form using online modes needs to come with the removal of online card exclusivity (which should go away anyway regardless)
What about adding all of these legends in the game in five years? You can view the doc. Trust me, it's not a scam just to clarify.
lmk ur opinion
I stopped reading at "Co-op Everything" because you're right, and I've expressed that deeply in this forum before.
Want to add "allow inviting" to coop so you can play your friends too. Co-op leagues, tourneys will absolutely go crazy among baseball and slowpitch fans.
? What do you mean by the first sentence. "Who's right?"
@TeakAUS_PSN I agree with this but online is their money maker. They want you to play all modes.
@MeatSceptre1776_XBL said in How to Save MLB The Show (In My Opinion):
@TeakAUS_PSN I agree with this but online is their money maker. They want you to play all modes.
I wonder how much money they actually make off of online people that play online only for the rewards.
I am very confident the number of extra games I would have won if I whaled for chase and rare round pack cards is less than 2 and almost certainly 0.
"Standard Edition: Priced around $69.99 for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and $59.99 for PS4 and Xbox One."