Ideas for 25
I would love to see the ability. Obviously to move bull pins into the outfield. Also weather and wind and direction and speed with wind would be a massive factor and something cool to create. Also changing the location of the field instead of always facing South. Have it face north or west. That will just make things a bit more different as well. Most fields are facing south normally because the sun sets into the West which is usually third base side... I also want to see a lot more field degration where you play four or five 10 consecutive home games. You'll see a lot more wear and tear and the grass outfields you see it in a lot of parks especially in August and September where the outfielders stay in the grass isn't green. That's more of a yellow worn and turn. Look really like to see that wear and tear. Also with weather I will want to see games that have variable weather such as you start a game in overcast and it progresses into rain. Or if you start a game in rain it progresses into overcast or even the sun could come out after the rain showers
I think the need to expand their presents. Present bullpens, present stands, domes and retractable roofs even. Then let us be creative with the rest. Also, can we pick the transitions of the scoreboards in the stadium would be nice. Just start with 3 or 5 and if they keep doing 3 or 5 each year, we’ll get plenty in the long run.
Movable bullpens has been probably the #1 ask since SC's inception and it's been ignored time and time again for stupid props nobody uses.
Apply the trim code they have for the ground to the walls to eliminate props entering the field of play. Not sure why they made the prop the "hard" object and not the wall
Modern seats, and no I don't mean what they have now. I would like to see 90 degree corner stands like you see in most newer stadiums
Better suite levels
5)Expanded memory
Building block props...simple things like smaller blocks of seating, think like the minor league size but without the stupid suite-boxes on the top. Stairway options for the regular size ground level seating.
More realistic dimension templates, for example the completely rounded dimensions of the "county" style stadiums (Cleveland Muni, Milwaukee County, etc). OR let us have some sort of "allowance" with adjusting the walls...let us play with the height, and a total movement in or out of 20 feet before it becomes ineligible for online play.
No more "no-go" red flash of doom zones. So dumb that it couldn't be coded correctly...those no go zones creating so much awkward empty space. It also causes problems with props, which aren't anywhere near the field of play, to cause the error "Cannot place prop on the field"