New Content for Friday 13th just awful
@Dolenz64_XBL said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
@GoozeFn_PSN Not everybody plays Events.
In events you get 5 points for 21 xbh and a sixth point if you win. Offline you get 2 points for 21 xbh and you have to do it with 4 different groups of players and also get 2100 XP with Pirates.
So while I am glad you finished it quickly it is definitely more of an offline grind than most other programs have been. Probably not the worst but neither is it the quickest.
It's the only one I can think of where you had to do everything, and there is no repeatable.
I would think its at least twice as much grinding as any of the other programs, although launch Clemente would help cut it down if you can manage to get XBH with him -
@Dolenz64_XBL OK that makes sense. I never really looked at the missions and was surprised when I completed it.
@Teak2112_MLBTS Maybe offline you have to do everything. I don’t think I completed any of those missions. I think I completed it with event wins and moments only.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
@Dolenz_PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
another group of players think the grind takes too long.
I've never understood people who buy a baseball game then complain about having to play a baseball game.
I think saying something is a grind is not the equivalent of them saying they don't want to play.
Would you say that someone who does not enjoy Moments is complaining about having to play the game? Is someone who never attempts a Showdown someone who does not want to play? Are people who avoid playing online ones who don't want to play?
Maybe the Clemente missions aren't that bad. Maybe there is a lot of synergy between the 4 groups you have to get XBH with. But at first glance it looks like you need 84 XBH, 21 each with RF, Puerto Ricans, HOF Series and Pirates. I currently have 2 HOF hitters in my inventory (Biggio and Chipper) so it is not like I can load up my lineup and knock that out in one CPU game. I can't even buy a few on the market to pad my lineup since the only HOF card on the market is Goose Gossage. I have no clue how many Puerto Rican players are in my inventory.
Sure, this isn't MLB The Show 18 level of grinding but it is grinding to some.
@Dolenz_PSN Is it the hall of fame series only or can you use for example the Bob Gibson out of position card?
@GoozeFn_PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
@Dolenz_PSN Is it the hall of fame series only or can you use for example the Bob Gibson out of position card?
It specifically says Hall of Fame Series.
This grind was just the right length for me. It took like 3-4 hours, which is a good program length in my opinion.
I did get worried after realizing I had to either complete all Moments or enter the Event. First Clemente moment was hard (finally got Oppo Perfect Perfect) but the rest were super easy.
@Dolenz_PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
Would you say that someone who does not enjoy Moments is complaining about having to play the game? Is someone who never attempts a Showdown someone who does not want to play? Are people who avoid playing online ones who don't want to play?
I absolutely would say that they're complaining about playing the game because its generally the same people.
"Pffft im not playing mini seasons for a 97 overall"
"Im not playing 9 inning games for stupid stat missions"
"I hate that they force us to play online. What happened to play your own way?"
"This Moment is stupid. So is that one, those 2 and the other one."
"That Conquest map is too big and too much of a grind for what....20K in the TA? Not even worth it."
Those are generally the same people who say stupid [censored] like "Touch grass" when someone p5s a card or makes progress in the xp path. They've quite literally bought a game just to hate it.
@Dolenz_PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
@nymets1987_PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
The amount of grinding for Clemente is odd
I may not bother with it but this is a prime example of SDS not being able to please everyone. One group of players have been complaining that all of the programs were too short and too easy and that they finished them too quickly.
Then SDS releases a program that involves more grinding and another group of players think the grind takes too long.
I am all for easy programs lol
@GoozeFn_PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
@Teak2112_MLBTS said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this forum is now dumber for having read it.
And may God have mercy on your soul.
While being awarded no points
If you thought this was bad , get ready for the Mike Schmidt Evolution program!!
A grind for a guy that is guaranteed to collect dust in my collection.
Again, not criticizing the actual player in real life (one of greatest 3B of all time). His swing is just unusable for me.
@dbub_PSN said in New Content for Friday 13th just awful:
If you thought this was bad , get ready for the Mike Schmidt Evolution program!!
A grind for a guy that is guaranteed to collect dust in my collection.
Again, not criticizing the actual player in real life (one of greatest 3B of all time). His swing is just unusable for me.
Completely agree except that I can't stand him as an announcer for Phillies home games on Sundays