Unpopular Opinion
The majority of people agree with you and most of them are busy playing. It’s the trolls that come on here and scream NCAA and blah blah because they are bored in their moms basement.
@Tylerslikewhoa said in Unpopular Opinion:
The majority of people agree with you and most of them are busy playing. It’s the trolls that come on here and scream NCAA and blah blah because they are bored in their moms basement.
SDS reassuring people 5+ times that they are monitoring their feedback regarding DD is a sign of an extremely happy player base
@baseball229056 agree … I also like that my god squad is full of relevant live series players
@Tylerslikewhoa said in Unpopular Opinion:
The majority of people agree with you and most of them are busy playing. It’s the trolls that come on here and scream NCAA and blah blah because they are bored in their mom’s basement.
I’ve heard some hot takes in my day, but this is nuclear fallout, eyes and skin melting hot.
This forum has 3 or 4 active posts a day. Two months ago it had two pages worth. The Show sub Reddit has a handful of new posts a day. Two months ago it had hundreds. You’re probably right though. Everyone is too busy grinding for those sweet 89’s they forgot how much fun they had with 3 months ago. Probably also busy developing an early season 3 game plan on how to do the exact same thing again in 2 months.
i love mlb the show been playing for years but just started playing DD a couple years ago, i love the content! my only issue is im dont like playing H2H (i suck) i wish there was more modes for single player than just mini season, mini season and vs pc... it would be nice that there was another game mode or at least a way to earn the same cards in single player as in ranked or other h2h modes.
I don’t hate hate it, but I have no desire to regrind again and again, I think they should just give the 4 wildcard spots and not make us grind for the right to use the cards we have already grinded for.
So has anyone else noticed that the chipper jones season 2 91 is trash compared to season 1 87 chipper jones, I just noticed that.
@Raginbull2184 lol what? the 91 is much better
The 91 is definitely better, that's coming from someone who couldn't hit at all with him last year while this year I'm raking with him
The Season format was alright with day 1 99's. Having both the power creep AND Seasons definitely isn't. I'm not playing near as much as I did in Season 1, mainly because the slashed XP doesn't make it worth it for me. Sure programs have more XP in them which is helping, I'm not gonna deny that.