Companion App says complete tutorial or login in console first
Same issue. I've been playing the show for over a decade - this is absolutely pathetic from SDS
The inaction from SDS continues
Pathetic company
No help whatsoever
@Pat_SDS I honestly didn’t think it would happen. A response. Thank you for responding. Yes we are all experiencing this issue. Please tell me there’s some fix in the works? So happy we finally hear something.
@Pat_SDS here!
@AllRise__99 , @WaitingForGordo
Do you guys get the same error on the game site also? or does it happen only on the app?
@Pat_SDS same on website or app. It's cost me countless stubs.
@Pat_SDS is there some way I can send you a video? I have a screen recording. On the website it’ll say my account is level 0 and 0 stubs. On the app I can’t use any of the features except look at the first page that has the roster updates, news, etc. if I click on any of the other tabs on the bottom it stops working. I’m logged in under the same exact username and psn account. The website doesn’t recognize me when I link to psn or the show account so that seems to correlate to the app which also doesn’t recognize my account.
@WaitingForGordo @AllRise__99 Sending DM to both of you to further investigate.
ITS FIXED. thank you. It is fully working. I hope everyone else meets the same result. We stuck in this together and i appreciate keeping this a topic of concern. I apologize for some things I said but the frustration was building for months. Thank you.
@AllRise__99 how did they fix it? Do you have to log out and back in?
@WaitingForGordo I don’t know really. I went to screen record to show everything that was wrong and it suddenly was working. The one fellow named manny then emailed me and said they cracked it and figured it out. So it sounds like they identified the problem and I was really hoping it would work for others. The only thing I did was sign in on the website cause that’s what I was screen recording first. Then I went to open app and it worked.
@AllRise__99 ok - still not working for me but hopeful they will get to my account soon
@WaitingForGordo good luck to you brother. I hope you get access really soon.
WaitingForGordoreplied to AllRise__99 on Jun 11, 2024, 1:56 AM last edited by WaitingForGordo_PSN Jun 11, 2024, 1:57 AM
@AllRise__99 we're in business! Amazing. Glad this journey has a happy ending. Time to start flipping!
Glad the issue has been resolved @AllRise__99 , @WaitingForGordo!
Anyone else still stuck in the DD Tutorial message?
I'm having a similar issues saying new user needs to make a gamer tag. Never had this issue