Companion App says complete tutorial or login in console first
It would be one thing if this was a short term issue; we're into the middle of May and SDS has missed out on a fortune - how can they not care about this?
Help me please
Still locked out
I don't know why they don't care about this
Hey everyone if you’re having the same issue as us let me just save you weeks of work. Nothing works. There is NO fix. You are screwed. They will not answer you, or they’ll stop after their pea brains can’t fix it. Don’t waste your time. Just [censored] on here like us. Everyone else gets to play the market and invest and make money but not us. Get bent.
It’s the top page of the forum every day. The companion app hasn’t worked since the inventory glitch. I’ve unlinked and relinked probably 80-100 times at this point. It’s been 2 months. No access to app. Says my account is level 0 with 0 stubs. Console works fine no issues. App has no idea who I am. It lists my PSN name and logs in just fine. Cant use marketplace, manage team, or look at any programs. Says to complete tutorial on one page, log in on the console first on the other two. Email ticket says they’ll get back to me when they have a fix. That was over a month ago. Trying to reach out weekly but they never respond. Hey Manny if you’re reading this how about some common human decency and respond to an email. I’m an ICU nurse who busts my [censored] 12 hours every second. No delays, no mistakes or I’m toast facing lawsuits. They can’t even answer an email. It’s sad. They know people are having the issue and provide ZERO feedback. App worked fine the last 3 years. No help, no expectations of a response on this. After weeks of emailing Manny asks me if I’m making sure I’m clicking on the PlayStation logo. Am I 4 years old? Are you kidding? After weeks the most progress we made was “Are you clicking the PlayStation icon when signing In? No manny I’m clicking the power button on my phone and turning it off every time! Wow thanks for the fix!! FIX THIS. People have crazy advantages every day being able to use the market.
I've been having problems with not getting notifications that my cards have sold or when my buy order goes through, it started last Friday with the new content drop sent in a ticket but no answer then all the sudden it starts working again on either Tuesday or Wednesday but it happened again this past Friday then started working again tonight. Got an email back from Manny that it's on my end and to uninstall and reinstall the app except for the fact that I've already done that 2 or 3 times so I emailed him back telling him that it's not on my end that it's on theirs. They need to stop blaming us for everything when it's on their end
@sbchamps17 I wish not getting notifications was my issue. I can’t use the app at all. It’ll load the market place for a few seconds and you can view players but if you click on someone it’ll immediately go to the “complete tutorial” screen then it becomes unusable. When I link accounts I’ll sign into my MLB the show account, then click link with psn. It will always flash “error occurred” quickly and then bring up the screen where I choose what account to link. It’ll list my PSN with level 0 and 0 stubs, but correct PSN name. It also says I can choose the mlb the show account instead but there’s big red scary letters that say it’ll delete my account progress if I choose that one. That is the one SINGLE thing I haven’t tried for obvious reasons.
Yep - locked out for this season apparently
Guess it's time to give up
Garbage tech support
Do they even look at this message board?
Garbage company
The lack of communication is astounding. As a nurse if I’m late for anything or lack communication on this level I get REEMED. Embarrassing. They should truly be embarrassed. They get cooked on Twitter daily though for the game being completely garbage but these people behind the scenes that are supposed to help us should be the ones getting the heat. Absolutely awful
Laughable. No help. Absolute joke you all are
I couldn't agree more. We're entering season 2 and still NOTHING from SDS
Same issue. I've been playing the show for over a decade - this is absolutely pathetic from SDS
The inaction from SDS continues
Pathetic company
No help whatsoever