Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!
Anyone who wants 2K to make baseball games again needs to have a viewing session:
@allmustfall16 said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
@JEEZY-E said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
@allmustfall16 said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
2k is a trash company. How about just GTFO? If anyone on here promotes 2k, I immediately cant take them serious.
2k rips their customer base off worse than any company in all of gaming. Their “Myteam” model is the definition of insanity.
**** 2k.
Don't kill me for saying this but I like the locker code system they use
That’s fine man. But they put 20 different versions of every card out. They tank people’s value in cards a week after they release. Their system forces you to buy packs.
In a few years there will be a documentary on how criminal this era of gaming is with micro transactions, and 2k will have a whole chapter in it.
SDS is the only sports game developer that does right by their community.
Spot on man. The gameplay does [censored] me off on a daily basis in the show.. but SDS at least is more than generous with helping players who don’t spend money compete. You get all the lightning cards just by playing this year. Babe Ruth, all the tops now cards. The henchmen and inning bosses. No other sports game comes anywhere close to being that great with free content.
@Prime-2k said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
@NBerry5 said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
You obviously haven’t played 2k20, it’s [censored] way worse then this. NBA 2k20 is easily the best sports game out and it puts MLB to sleep in every way especially game modes
Why would you bump up a post from 5 months ago?
Anyway, the last 2K baseball game was MLB 2K13 and you could read a review for it here.
The series has been dead for 7 years and was never great to begin with. I don't understand why people want that franchise back besides just having competition to keep SDS honest. There is little to no chance they would actually produce anything better than what is already offered.
#1 the 2K pitching was by far the most fun method of pitching, sure this is probably an opinion, but each pitch having its own Motion to throw is a lot more fun than either up down or pushing a button.
#2 i see a lot of 2k bashing on here is almost exclusively directed at the card collector mode, and that is for good reason, but for other modes like MyLeague and Franchise, with customizations, 2K is better, again that is a fact. When talking about the current state of of 2K, namely NBA. 2K has continued to address and improve MyLeage and MyPlayer where SDS have largely ignored it in favor of DD, even Rebranding and relocating was half baked this year and nowhere close to being on par with how it is done in 2K. Again, this is a fact.
Gameplay we only have old 2k game play to go off of, there were years i favored 2k over the show, namely for pitching and analog hitting, this is OPINION and personal preference. Who knows where 2k would be with game play had they continued. I do know that i enjoy playing NBA2k despite the fact that i dont watch the NBA. So that says a little something about their ability to make a game.
DD is in my Opinion the best card collection mode of all of the ones i have played, but that is because that is where SDS concentrates the majority of thier time and effort. Most of us here play it, so its not a bad thing, but it does mean they have lagged behind in ingenuity for other game modes.
There are a lot of people passing off opinions as facts these days. And even worse a lot of people getting offended about people having a different opinion.
I welcome 2k or EA making a baseball game, having other options is a good thing, monopolies are bad, an competition is a really good thing. It should only make SDS start looking at addressing issues they have largely ignored. Worst case scenario you have 1 game for DD and one game for other modes.
This game mode is fun and has a lot going for it... but the H2H experience is an absolute joke. I hope H2H gets better next year, because the game could be great if the H2H end of it was better.
At the end of the day if 2k wanted to keep making baseball games they could have. If EA wanted to make a baseball game they likely could have. Theres a reason they didn't.
Your will never see a shark week conquest map from 2k. Or things given to their customers in the way SDS does. It would be very bad. They still have yet to take it contracts for cards you purchase.
If I remember correctly, 2K had the multi platform exclusive licensing for MLB. Meaning they were the only company who could make mlb games across multiple systems. This was their answer to EA snaking the NFL license.
And 2K marketed the [censored] out if it, remember the million dollar perfect game promo they had with Justin Verlander.
But guess what? The game sucked. Dropping frame rates on every pitch, stupid hitting engine (late on inside pitches for oppo homeruns) and a whole list of glitches.
Was the analog pitching cool? Yes. But it was a gimmick that nobody would use online, because if you made a mistake in the motion (or the game registered one) you literally threw a pitch that was called "meatball" that was an automatic extra base hit.
Did 2k drop baseball to improve their gameplay for basketball? If they did, it worked. SDS should take notice. Then again, maybe 2K has a patent software to make the gameplay much smoother?
@Matt_42187 said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
Did 2k drop baseball to improve their gameplay for basketball? If they did, it worked. SDS should take notice. Then again, maybe 2K has a patent software to make the gameplay much smoother?
They dropped baseball because it was getting slaughtered in sales and wasn't making them any money.
@Matt_42187 said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
Did 2k drop baseball to improve their gameplay for basketball? If they did, it worked. SDS should take notice. Then again, maybe 2K has a patent software to make the gameplay much smoother?
2k was great at most sports back then. I think they couldn’t make baseball as Sony had the exclusive license at that time.
@SurfinSantaCruz said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
@Matt_42187 said in Game is trash. 2k NEEDS to make MLB games great again!:
Did 2k drop baseball to improve their gameplay for basketball? If they did, it worked. SDS should take notice. Then again, maybe 2K has a patent software to make the gameplay much smoother?
2k was great at most sports back then. I think they couldn’t make baseball as Sony had the exclusive license at that time.
No, the way it worked was that 2K had the exclusive multi platform license, but platform holders could make their own baseball game.
Microsoft or Nintendo could have made one as well if they wanted.
In fact, 2k still had the license for a year or two after they stopped making an MLB game.