All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December
Yeah I'll probably just stop playing until Christmas like last year when I get PS gift cards.
I have a Core deck built for when the season resets but I might just not even play because I'm not going into ranked with an 84 overall rated team using free bottom of the barrel cards from storyline moments and cheap core cards while all the sweats get to use their Babe Ruth's, Willie Mays, and Jon Donaldson's.
Nah. I'll stick to real video games like Balders Gate or GTA. Games made by actual developers that actually do their jobs when their games are struggling. -
@YeahBruv412 thx for the announcement
NCAA is coming. Does SDS know this? Do they care? Will there be a mass exodus and if so, will they care then? As a fan back in the day, I’m hoping this iteration will be good. I enjoy MLB The Show and baseball as a sport as I played for many years on some pretty decent-good levels. Although I’m not of the NMS type, spending my “play money” occasionally on stubs, even that seems pointless because everything tied to xp is nerfed. I’m at 847k and after coming home from work, family time and a short workout it’ll be bedtime much less trying to squeeze in a few mini seasons games. The optimism in me keeps saying SDS is going to “reward” us all somehow (increased millionaire pack percentages, new programs/cards, etc…) that will rejuvenate the masses. But when…?
@OlSkoolE63 Honestly dude…I think SDS has accepted their pecking order in sports games and has moved into maximizing profit margin & nothing else. You’re right - There will be a mass exodus when NCAA drops…But there will still be people that stick with the show - Those will be the people SDS will then target even harder for the money. Just watch & see.
@AdeptOfMemory said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
Yeah I'll probably just stop playing until Christmas like last year when I get PS gift cards.
I have a Core deck built for when the season resets but I might just not even play because I'm not going into ranked with an 84 overall rated team using free bottom of the barrel cards from storyline moments and cheap core cards while all the sweats get to use their Babe Ruth's, Willie Mays, and Jon Donaldson's.
Nah. I'll stick to real video games like Balders Gate or GTA. Games made by actual developers that actually do their jobs when their games are struggling.Cant wait for your "THIS GAME SUCKS" posts in season 2. See ya then!!
@YeahBruv412 Yeah, but we’ll get reeeeeeaaally cool cards.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ I wouldn't say "this game sucks". I don't know when the last time I said those words together about this game itself before.....maybe I have but I don't have the time to dig. I DEFINITELY might say the devs suck. Yeah that.
@YeahBruv412 i disagree with this , they use to money grub you in this game to no end , they were stingy with cards , stubs as rewards , and XP , the whole thing was designed to require you to continuously open your wallet to buy stubs to buy packs that would yield [censored] so you would have to buy more stubs to buy more [censored] cards ,and so on ,other wise you completed absolutely nothing , you had a bunch of half completed programs and goals they have loosened up ALLOT , one thing they have changed over time is it use to be when you got a Diamond , any Diamond player that card was a guaranteed beast , your gold cards were your good players , silvers were the backbone and bronze were fill ins , common were trade for stubs ,they have saturated diamonds cards so much and they are not all equally good , some you have to play for some time befre they start producing , some are beast mode off the bat
@YeahBruv412 said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
@OlSkoolE63 Honestly dude…I think SDS has accepted their pecking order in sports games and has moved into maximizing profit margin & nothing else. You’re right - There will be a mass exodus when NCAA drops…But there will still be people that stick with the show - Those will be the people SDS will then target even harder for the money. Just watch & see.
There's gonna be a YUGE drop off once NCAA hits, you're absolutely right. Especially if SDS doesn't make massive sweeping changes/reverts to the format for S2. I've re-downloaded the Division 2 and was running around Washington last night. I forgot how stressful that game can be at times
There's gonna be a YUGE drop off once NCAA hits, you're absolutely right. Especially if SDS doesn't make massive sweeping changes/reverts to the format for S2. I've re-downloaded the Division 2 and was running around Washington last night. I forgot how stressful that game can be at times
To be fair there is going to be a huge drop off regardless of what SDS does and they know it. The question no one is asking is how long will people stay with NCAA before coming back to The Show? If this game was better it would be sooner and people would probably juggle both. But as constructed people will stay with NCAA longer for the nostalgia/newness factors. Why go back to The Show if you have to start over? I'd rather wait to see what changes come for '25 and decide if I want to "Chase the carrot" as the OP nailed.
Here is the thing, NCAA is going to be trash im sorry. Its made by EA. Madden is trash. It's going to have the same trash "money" plays and routes and unrealistic "traits" or whatever ya call em I've already forgotten, that it will make the game sucks a$$. Im not saying ppl will not flock to that game im sure some will (i won't be), but don't get your hopes up for it. Seasons/Sets will be my unfortunate abandoned eventually onto something else
@Cubsfan217 I don’t know if you’ve ever played the NCAA football games or not but the big difference between NCAA & Madden has always been their offline dynasty mode. It’s the single greatest offline mode in sports gaming history in my opinion. Madden doesn’t have any good offline modes. When you’re playing the CPU you don’t have to worry about “glitch money plays”. Trust me - NCAA is gonna be
@YeahBruv412 what about online Dynasty mode? And there version "mut/DD"? Yes, im aware there will be offline ppl that will play alot but online will be garbage and im pretty sure EA is going to push online mode for that $$$
@Cubsfan217 Well of course, It’s EA lol…Yes, It’s going to have Ultimate Team as well and that’ll be the money maker for them. But for us old guys that played Dynasty before online play was even a thing - It’s gonna be fun.
@Cubsfan217 lol I can’t believe people think this is the game that will end it all. They are already offering combo ultimate editions of Madden AND NCAA together for over $250. Most people will realize 11 years was a long time ago and playing through franchise mode offline doesn’t feel like it used too. All content and updates will be for it’s UT mode and that will be that. It’ll be fun for a bit and then a money grab for 11 months.
Way too many games that are better than sports games these days.
@DeleteyourTTVBTW i know. They just don't know.
@YeahBruv412 said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
Just got the last of the bosses and now I’m 100% done with all cards, programs & collections…I’m never doing this again. This required complete dedication to this game - Completely abandoned all my other video games I enjoy playing. I set out to complete Season 1 and I did that. Now I will get back to playing my other games and just play casually in RS until the next season drops at which time I will not touch Season 2 rather I will just play offline & work on P5’ing both of my squads (God squad, Yankees TT) when I feel like playing The Show and will resume playing online in December when all cards are brought back into play. The current setup in DD is not healthy or good. And next year I’m just going to buy the standard edition and play regs…I am DONE with chasing carrots.
Congrats on spending
on a video game
@Jacky-Chan1 congrats on worrying about anothet man's wallet like a female.
@YeahBruv412 said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
@Cubsfan217 I don’t know if you’ve ever played the NCAA football games or not but the big difference between NCAA & Madden has always been their offline dynasty mode. It’s the single greatest offline mode in sports gaming history in my opinion. Madden doesn’t have any good offline modes. When you’re playing the CPU you don’t have to worry about “glitch money plays”. Trust me - NCAA is gonna be
This is so true. I just hope they don't go all in online (which they will for the $$$). I have a feeling though it will be like the nostalgia we have toward MVP Baseball offline - it's not coming back.
@go4stros25 I mean usually I don't care about how people spend their money but it's very sad SDS still keeps getting rewarded by the whales when all we want is a quality MLB game.