Collection Cards
Why waste the 99 Brett and May's cards in a collection that no one can earn until they have a week left in the season to use them????? I bet 90% of players do not even have 1 of those cards. What a joke
I got all three. Near P5 with Brett. I don't use Mays or Pettitte. You can still use season 1 cards so long as you aren't doing activities geared towards season 2.
@Cordzilla99 You can wild card him.
2 months from now...
Mays and Brett are pretty darn good though. I did some calculations, and with the Free and cheap cards I already had locked in (and the Free cards still coming over the next two weeks), it basically, cost me about 100K per card to collect Brett and Mays both). So 200k additional to buy the cards needed for both. With so many cheap cards at Quick sale value right now, I figured why not......cause you'd wont be able to buy two cards like that that cheap on the market that's for sure, especially during the first two phases of season 2. Hopefully the second WC slots isn't too tough to get to
@theBlindRhino How many hours a day do you play?
I have played, on average, a few hours a day and have completed every Division of TA Ch 1, 2, 3. And yet, I am still 100k away from my first Boss pack. If I do get a Boss card, it will be expired shortly after. "Seasons" are horrible, they should go back to "Innings"! -
@theBlindRhino you are in the minority sir, us peasants won't reach that more then likely
Exactly, I have collected every card over the last 3 years and I’m not even close. The main reason I’m playing less this year is because the game is so deflating, feels like I’m always behind and now with less than 3 weeks to go before all these cards are useless, I really don’t see the point.