this game isn't pay to win
@Dolenz said in this game isn't pay to win:
The game is not pay to win, at least in my definition of the term, but that does not change the fact that the steered hard into the monetization of the game.
Expensive packs are introduced every week. it seems like all of the cards earned freely from programs are No Sell which greatly hinders the average user's ability to accumulate stubs to buy these packs or purchase the players (who are better than their corresponding program rewards).
To answer your questions. I don't flip cards as that is not enjoyable for me. I don't play online so those rewards don't help me. All the program rewards are flagged as No Sell. I have something like 23 season 1 cards and 18 of them are no sell. I don't buy packs because I don't want to gamble with the stubs I do have. I am reliant on offline Stub rewards and pack luck.Ok then you can’t complain about not being able to get every card in the game if you don’t want to do most of what the mode consists of
that’s like saying I want to play on rookie mode and get rewarded the same as people who play on legend! I’m sorry but they do need to reward players differently that play every mode in DD, play on higher difficulties, and play more competitively.
@Justillien I'm at work right now, it's one thing to be unpleased but continue to whine does nothing, want them to fix the game? Don't buy it next year, as goes for more who feel the same as you, if you keep buying the game year in and year out you're not doing yourself a favor. At the end of the day its a video game who cares.
@Justillien SDS been pumping out the same game since 17. It hasn't lost its way at all.
@chucky97___ it seems like you do buddy you're the guy with 300 posts about a virtual game and defending the company while you're at your fkn job bro nobodys whining [censored] pipe down and get back to work goofy
@chucky97___ thats cap and you know it bro lmfao
Yeah, good points.However, they do fix some things very quickly:
- Fix the deleted accounts on all systems.
- Fix the crashing on all systems.
- Add more content (offline grinders are a large portion of the game base).
- Increase options for more repeatable XP rewards... Only getting 600xp points for a three inning mini-seasons game is too low. They should allow us to >earn< repeatable xp rewards again in mini-seasons and Conquest.
- Changing the 15k xp 18 hour/daily cap to a weekly cap of around 150k, at least. A large portion of the game base have work/school schedules that prevent them from playing every day.
There are many other things they need to address as well, but these are the top five imo.
It's not pay to win, hell I'd lose to anyone with any card. But this year there are more "pay to play with the guys you want to use" than in previous editions early on with limited ways to earn packs and stubs. But I also think things are stale so we'll find anything to complain about.
@Justillien How so? I was never a fan of 21, 22 was aight, 23 was awesome but everyone hated it, 20 imo had it all but thats also covid bias, 19 and 20 Cards were actually being sold for a million due to you actually had to earn the card not just a ranked program or br card, 18 immortals were awful, 17 The programs required an insane amount of grinding also just late be great, 16 was awesome because no one really cared. So please enlighten me how it's cap?
@Justillien can't come up with anything to contribute so you resort to insults, I'm just passing my time while grading lol, I've been logging onto this forum every year, this place used be a great place.
@xElRojo44x weekly cap makes more sense. Or even just raise the dailey cap, i think the intention is there, but the execution is still off.