Account Reset? 4/4/24
@lilsmoker717 Nice, my stuff still isn’t back on console but app/dashboard has been fine so maybe they’re rolling out the fix lol
My app has been fine the whole time. Still been trying to unlink and relink and have nothing on console yet. Playing Ps4
It is all back and running. I am on the game now. they restored the last saved file. I had a few wins last night, but they don't show up on my record. I couldn't care less about the wins. Thank you for fixing the problem. I don't have to rework my way to this team again!!!!
@xxfrystealerxx out at the moment but my companion app is back
@GuyIncognito55 great! I should be able to login on console soon so
it’s the same as app and here!
@DSummers- oh, sorry for the false hope then. I assume that's what they're doing and maybe why they haven't announced it. They probably won't even announce it tho. No updates whatsoever and only acknowledging there's a problem.... Crazy. Hopefully yours is fixed soon
We had this issue in 23 for my league and I found a way that fixed the issue.
If you unlink on your system first, u gotta close out of game completely. Step 2 make sure you unlink on the both theshow and playstation.
Step 3 go to playstation website and log completely out then log in with the correct psn name you used for the show.
I suggest using a PC browser but go to console first and link it there u will get code then go to always pay attention to what name your linking make sure it's the one with the most progress.
Your welcome H.B.
@GuyIncognito55 okay I’m all good on my end!!! Hopefully same for you
what a stressful day man
@Peekay_ said in Account Reset? 4/4/24:
@x814xmafia Sony owns San Diego Studios so what's the difference ultimately?
The difference is "owned by Sony" as opposed to " a division of Sony" which is lawyer speak for all the costs and fixes and responsibility is on SDS and the money made and profits go to Sony. ( SDS pays the bills and Sony gets the paycheck)
Everything is good for me now on console as well, if you’re stuff isn’t back yet they’re definitely rolling them out
The accounts of those affected should now be restored.
Please close the app completely and log back in.
Thank you for your patience.
@lilsmoker717 lucky my is gone still
It's very important why this happened.
SDS must find out the cause, and tell all users. -
@Victor_SDS thank you for finally adding an update to your thread
@Victor_SDS well my is still gone so what do I do
@Victor_SDS mine still doesn't work
ok mines fixed thank god ... i loged into my game it not fixed ... so i loged out my app on my phone logged in and everything is there ... so i unlinked my account and relinked it .. all my stubs there reboooted ps5 and i have my stuff eveyrthing is back to normal ... 1 log in app ..log out and if you log in and see your stuff . log into website log and then unlink .. reboot your ps5 and relink ... thank god sds under 24 hours ... now my back up on the show ,com has nothing but my game back and working so will see they must be working on this !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@MoneyManMike55 said in [Update 9:33 PM] Account Reset? 4/4/24:
@Victor_SDS well my is still gone so what do I do
Completely close and restart the app. Also clear cache if you can. If that doesn't work, reach out to support with an account issue ticket here.
@Victor_SDS I closed the game, redownload it and it’s still gone
on the web site i still get this when i go to game ..
An error occurred!Access is denied due to invalid user token.
Please login with your console platform account here. If the issue persists, please contact our support team here.
is that normal ? my game is working on the ps5 my app is working on my phone .. should we just leave the web site alone for now ????? thank you guys so much for fixing this in under 24 hours !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!