Refunding the game
How do we go about getting a refund? I didn’t pay 100 dollars for this unplayable game.
Probably return it from where you got it from and if you got digital through whatever console you have, they all have support.
I really hate modern gaming community. Zero patience. Look I'm steamed as much as anyone, I paid $145 CAD for the digital deluxe, but holy [censored] these things need some time to figure out. The fact that the newer generation of gamers has zero patience is a huge part of the reason this patch nuked the game...the devs weren't even allowed the time to test it properly.
I can't imagine alot of them would have survived the launch of Halo and how difficult that was out of the box.
@Sarge1387 You're trolling, right? What do you think the Devs SHOULD have been doing the past 4-5 months? Probably making sure everything is
ready to roll out, not roll out a product that CLEARLY wasn't ready for whatever reason. Whether it's Ramone, employees, etc someone needs to be held accountable for the lackluster product MLB The Show is.
Isn’t this is a common thing with video games? they’re released and the developers create patches on the go as problems arise
Unless it’s as bad as cyberpunk I don’t think this warrants a refund.
The only people that should be asking for a refund is switch players
And lol at mentioning Ramone… Ramone is not a developer.
@iRockNewbzz- don’t mind him, he’s got some issues lmao. But fun game go look at mlb the show viewership on twitch and YouTube then go compare it to another sports game. Been an MLB the show player since 2007 and the game is the in the worst place it’s ever been 2 weeks in.
I have a better question how did they test the patch and NOT see these issues ??
If a SDS fanboy can explain that and not give me a BS excuse for SDS I would LOVE to hear it. -- HINT -- There is no excuse for this level of incompetence.
@mookieparlaybetts said in Refunding the game:
Isn’t this is a common thing with video games? they’re released and the developers create patches on the go as problems arise
It is, it's been around as long as connected gaming has been. Difference is alot of these apparent children here don't understand that. Imagine the late 90's when you had N64, and you bought a cartridge and it had problems. Well, you're either screwed for playing it, or you take it back and get refunded.
@KingJonEric said in Refunding the game:
@iRockNewbzz- don’t mind him, he’s got some issues lmao. But fun game go look at mlb the show viewership on twitch and YouTube then go compare it to another sports game. Been an MLB the show player since 2007 and the game is the in the worst place it’s ever been 2 weeks in.
Did you skip 2017 where the servers were offline for the first month of the year?
Modern gamers? Couldn’t release an unplayable game on Atari, Nintendo, PS1, PS2, Dreamcast etc . I can go on and on. Releasing broken games and fixing them later with an online patch is not only becoming common, it’s become the standard. No one buys a $70 record and half the songs are missing the vocals .
@SaveFarris thanks for making my point. It’s 2024.
I am going to expand on my last post a little ...
If there was just one error or so then I would be like ok that sucks and they will try and hot fix it etc but when the patch for the most part bricks the game then there is ZERO excuse for it. I have been complaining about the XP cap --- they were like how bout NO XP for you all now then when we get it fixed you will just be happy to play it and the 15k cap.
@Sarge1387 That part is correct, but for Switch users not even being able to access DD since Early Release, doesn't that prove the Product wasn't ready for release? It's not like they didn't know it wouldn't be a problem
I love going to a restaurant, paying for my meal, then getting the finished product weeks or months later.
Releasing broken games has been happening for decades now, its not remotely new.
And its almost always the publisher's fault
I suppose with this game its even trickier, because they have to answer to Sony and I assume MLB. they are forced into a release window
And being forced to make a multiplatform game hasn't helped either - what happened today is most likely a result of thatThat doesnt excuse this disaster though, this patch was spectacularly bad. Even so it will be fine in a day or two and life will go on.
What they should have done is made their case to Sony and MLB to not release a game this year, and rather update 23 while they worked on a next gen game for next year. One year cycles arent enough to get meaningful things done these days
I guess nowadays if you buy a $50,000 car and it drives out of the parking lot fine but all of a sudden the brake start squeaking, the oil starts leaking, the radio doesn't work, and the lights flicker, that I should just wait for the car company to call me back and let me know When they will be able to fix it because it was a known issue even when they sold the car to me. I'll just deal with it and be thankful that at least they acknowledged that my card does not work. Can't wait to take it back in and have the oil leak fixed Only to notice the air conditioner is broken.
@Teak2112 huge key point. I know people still play on old gen. I know money is hard to get sometimes. I don’t think SDS has the capability or staffing to be able to make a functioning game that’s basically the same for every console.
2k and madden both have separate markets etc with there games. If I upgrade from MUT ps4 to ps5, it’s a diff game.
If I upgrade 2k24 my team (I don’t play that casino) from ps4 to ps5, it’s a diff game. Same with park and my player.
With mlb the show the only different thing is created stadiums. Markets are all still the same. Game is the same. Etc.
mookieparlaybettswrote on Mar 28, 2024, 3:18 PM last edited by mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS Mar 28, 2024, 3:18 PM
You guys are in here comparing cars and eating at restaurants to video games smh
@bostondirtdog21 ironic the last car I bought randomly shrunk in size two weeks in.
@Sarge1387 so paying $100+ dollars for a game from a AAA studio and expecting it to work as advertised is too much to ask? Why do people keep making excuses for these studios that don’t give a [censored] about their player base.