Co Op Gets no love :(
It is really a shame that the devs seems to not care one bit about co op. Such a great game mode with so much potential, and playing online with friends is what makes video games so fun. My prediction is that co op won't exist in the upcoming games because it is clear they have no intention of making it better.
Problems that remain with co op include:
-No PXP in the mode
-Freeze offs way too often
-Broken ranked system that you can't climb due to freeze offs
-Can still bring any started out of the pen
-No records or statsThings that need to be added
-Ability to form teams (like nhl clubs or nba pro am)
-Stat keeping for teams
-Stats count towards PXP and missions
-Separate co op reward path to incentivize playingPlease SDS. This is the best idea you have ever had and you are purposely letting it die. Why is no effort being put into the mode. It is clear that they were not ready to jump to all consoles and put way too many resources into that. Sad that we don't even have a next gen version and they still won't give us one single thing in co op. Done buying this game once they take the mode out which 100% will happen
Yeah the freeze offs are the #1 thing on your list for me. It wouldn't make much sense for them to add features while the game mode is still basically unplayable.
But once the freezes are fixed, I'd love to get PXP in Coop and more ranked missions that can be completed in Coop. Doesn't even need to be a completely separate program path as long as there are more Coop ranked missions. Just anything to incentivize playing the game more than just the Innings Played coop missions because freezes make that impossible too!
It is really sad that it feels like they're letting Coop sit really low on their priorities list. Playing with friends is more fun and it's how you keep groups of people playing the game. And they just don't seem to care about it. Those who play for Coop will just end up going to a different sports game where there are Coop game modes that are actually supported.
@Grave-Arbitar yea that is true, make the mode work first then make changes if possible. Don't agree on the reward piece, that is the one thing they could easily add without having to really have a working game. Separate rewards for events, mini seasons, ranked, Br, etc already so co op rewards would be easy. The rest we could wait for a working mode to add. Either way sad to see they dont care at all
It’s so nice to see that Im not the only one that feels this way! Coop is by far the coolest thing they have ever added! I just don’t understand why it doesn’t get any love. It would keep the game fresh and keep me wanting to play it. My brothers and I played a bit of it last year near the end of the year when you don’t really care about stats or pxp, well I’ll be honest I always care about stats but anyways. It was the most fun I have ever had in the show so much fun! As it is with all the exact same modes I’m honestly already getting bored. Yeah… they added storylines but come on they take maybe and hour to finish it’s basically just moments and some cool videos. what are we gonna do the rest of the year? Stop doing storylines and focus on the best thing you have Co-op!!!!!!
@MeekFireClub Yea it has a ton of potential, I just want to see it make the next step and for co op players to be truly incentivized
Don't care one bit? They literally just launched it last year. All their changes helped co-op a ton. It's not perfect yet, 3v3 is way less laggy than last year, and that stuff came from the changes they made to all game modes. Be patient. It's a good mode and always people on, rarely trouble finding a game. They'll likely deploy a very progressive update next year.
@sheyworth you are wrong! This is the third year they have had coop in the game. With very little changes to it. I think 3 years is a long enough wait to expect some sort of changes that make it usable.
yes last year was when they made changes to coop but this year is almost exactly the same. It's really frustrating, this is what I was expecting the most from '23 to '24. My friend plays much more often than I do and he's always wanting to play coop but I feel like I'm wasting my time playing coop when I could be playing solo and getting PXP, more regular XP, missions, TA, etc. I think they focused almost all of their development time from last year to now on storylines.
No pxp in coop is ridiculous I agree