Discussion of Returning Players in MLB the Show 24
he lied, got caught, owned up to lying and STILL preformed great in 09 to lead the team to the championship despite facing that adversity. i am indeed thankful for what he gave us. a huge reason why people dont like him is because he isnt as cuddly as a guy like david ortiz is but who cares
just win the [censored] title
I'm sorry but Arod should never be in this game
ace_hardlight28replied to sbchamps17 on Nov 17, 2024, 9:42 PM last edited by ace_hardlight28_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 9:44 PM
i dont see the harm in it. andy pettitte got caught using roids in the early 2000’s and he still made this years game. if you dont want to use his card then just dont use him lol
"just win the [censored] title"
What?? Big Papi has 3 rings! He just won the [censored] title. Multiple times. And is considered one of the most clutch players of all time.
It's not because he's more "cuddly".
ace_hardlight28replied to dbub on Nov 17, 2024, 9:48 PM last edited by ace_hardlight28_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 9:48 PM
ah yes everyone glossed over the infamous “vitamin milkshakes” he claimed to have caused his positive steroid test. i also find it funny that you bash arod but want manny ramirez in the game
I wish we could just get a top 3 or top 5. There are thousands of legends we could add. I think the obvious are:
Barry Bonds
Ty Cobb
Ted Williams
Roger Clemens
Joe DiMaggioNegro League players next year will be headlined by:
Oscar Charleston
Cool Papa BellI think cool milestone cards ideas could be Jose Canseco 40/40 card, Barry Bonds 762 home runs, Pete Rose 4256 Hits, and a DiMaggio 56 game hitting streak. Even a Don Mattingly 5 grand slam card would be fresh. A player they have the rights to.
Just some fresh all-time greats or fun players.
dbubreplied to ace_hardlight28 on Nov 17, 2024, 10:33 PM last edited by dbub_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 10:37 PM
@ace_hardlight28 said in Discussion of Returning Players in MLB the Show 24:
ah yes everyone glossed over the infamous “vitamin milkshakes” he claimed to have caused his positive steroid test. i also find it funny that you bash arod but want manny ramirez in the game
Manny may have been a cheat but not a liar and choker like your boy. And Manny would just be a fun addition to the game. I think most here would agree.
Oh and it's weird that MLB never suspended Papi and he's in the HOF. It's almost as if they believed him! But we should listen to random Yankee fans instead of MLB...
@NWOStunna A DiMaggio 56 hit streak card would be awesome to see. It's also the most likely. Bonds would be cool too, but I think he disassociated from the pa (anyone feel free to correct me), Pete did have the gambling thing (which with leagues accepting partnerships with betting apps, would probably be different), but he has a whole different story I remember hearing involving a minor, so that's most likely why he won't be in. Others you've mentioned would be cool to see (as someone who's 27 but enjoy seeing older legends in games).
@bpwildbill11 that’s right I think. Bonds, as far as I understand it, specifically held his own digital rights separate from the MLBPA in his playing days, with the ultimate goal to make a personalized baseball game (à la Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball from the SNES days, from back when I was a teenager and, uh, before you were born, yikes!)
That’s a moot point now, but Barry’s never exactly been accused of being just too accommodating to work with. Time does do crazy things. Heck, everyone was cheering for Mike Tyson as the ‘good guy’ Friday! I guess never say never, but, I just don’t see it myself. Maybe a Reggie Stocker flashback, but I was always a Jon Dowd guy myself.
Pete Rose, I recall there were a few posts on this forum about him a while back. You know what, he’s a pretty divisive figure I gather.
My gut, I suppose as dark as it is, is that MLB, Cooperstown and many others were just waiting for him to pass so they could honor/enshrine him without having to deal with him directly, but again, time will tell. Think he was pretty much just about to get reinstated in ‘21 or ‘22, but sort of got in his own way, which is more or less who he was. During that reinstatement push, the investigator from the gambling scandal (John Dowd) hinted Pete had inappropriate conduct with a minor in like the 70s, but, it was so long after the fact and a bit sensational. We’ll never really know one way or another.
Shoeless Joe’s not back in the fold, but he’s also not the all-time hit leader. A-Rod isn’t, Manny isn’t, and Ryan Braun IS in the game and one of them... is not my favorite ballplayer. I mean, I bet you Barry Bonds and Pete Rose both on the cover of The Show 25 wouldn’t even crack the top 50 list of strangest things to happen in April 2025.
@SnotRailz said in Discussion of Returning Players in MLB the Show 24:
@YOSHI24 A LOT of these lists or players that should be legends have no merit whatsoever, it's just because 'likes them"....Brett Buttler? in the league 17 years and 1 time , yes ONE TIME ALL STAR, career batting average of 290 ok that' s good, what were the rest of his stats? Exactly no one cares to remember cause he was an average player and this one above Twins Fan at all by chance or "no These are just the greatest players ever" and not ever mentioning great Twins that have been left out like Tony Olivia or Rod Carew..nope had to stick in that 4 year time span when you chose to be a fan because they won two world series. Pucket of course, Dave Windfield yes but what he did as a yankeee not as a twin, lol Dan Gladden? Why not Steve Lombardozi or Greg Gagne or Gary Gaetti? Love how just because people have memories of a player(s) or team in a brrief period they were "all legends bruh" as everything has to be the greatest or worst now in society no one can just be very good. That's an insult . Good Lord. Oh i forgot Randy Bush and Tim Laudner.
Tony Oliva* (in the game)
Dave Winfield*Rod Carew is also in the game.
Why so angry, guy?
The cards I miss most are Hornsby and Foxx.
Robin ventura my favorite player... Give me a 99 ventura please
I feel so bad for Pucket, he was in the game for literally 10 minutes as a collection 90overall that no one used. I remember trying him and loving his swing. The fact he didn’t get a 99 that year (or I believe he didn’t) is a shame.