Update what? It’s all there dude. Elevated bullpens, the bleachers in right field, rooftop patio etc.
right field need to be fixed up, left field need to be fixed up, all the 500 levels need more update ect. what else you dont understand?
This isn’t going to be done mid game cycle. The stadium they could scan when they did scan it when the team allowed them to scan it is what you get. They’ll update it for the next game. Same thing happened when the Dodgers changed their entire centerfield and outfield bleachers. It wasn’t correct in MLB20 but was perfect by MLB21.
@tknationgod_PSN said in ROGERS CENTRE UPDATE:
right field need to be fixed up, left field need to be fixed up, all the 500 levels need more update ect. what else you dont understand?
Details on “fixed up” please
They’ve added Rooftop patio in the 500’s, Rogers Landing(even though they can’t call it that), the elevated bullpens, the bleachers, the outfield district…left field is fine because they aren’t doing the major changes til this off season. I’m a Jays fan and even I don’t care that they haven’t added every minuscule detail yet. Because they’d have to change the render for next year again anyways. What part of that don’t you understand?
its not that i dont understand, like we pay $80 for this game and the game doesnt even have much improvement from last year anyways and it doesnt take that much effort to change these type of stadiums. comparing to nba 2k this game is wayyy behind and just copy and paste every year so at least fix these minor issues is what you dont understand you suck up? stop sucking on mlb the show bro
These entitled kids, rknationgod has anyone ever called you a Karen before? So Rogers centre is basically 3/4th fixed from all the changes that happened this year so what? Eventually it's all going to get done, and most likely next year. Maybe if you casuals and newbs didn't play DD so much and make arcady baseball such a priority for SDS they'd have more resources to fix stadiums every year.
@tknationgod_PSN said in ROGERS CENTRE UPDATE:
its not that i dont understand, like we pay $80 for this game and the game doesnt even have much improvement from last year anyways and it doesnt take that much effort to change these type of stadiums. comparing to nba 2k this game is wayyy behind and just copy and paste every year so at least fix these minor issues is what you dont understand you suck up? stop sucking on mlb the show bro
You don’t seem to comprehend stadiums are scanned early in the development process. They don’t just go around and scan stadiums all season long and update them at will. Anything not correct is due to construction delays or because the team kept some things under wraps to keep things from leaking ahead of time. Nice comparison to a video game company with 100 times more employees and stadiums that are basically glorified gymnasiums.
The update is complete for this season, SDS can't add stuff til Rogers does and Rogers are done for this season.
joshjay has anyone ever asked you if you fell from the tree before? cuz im just asking a simple question as they did updated rogers center back in may and rogers centre in real life constructions were done back in march so i was hoping for another update just like camden yards last year. it's really not that deep little bro
@tknationgod_PSN said in ROGERS CENTRE UPDATE:
joshjay has anyone ever asked you if you fell from the tree before? cuz im just asking a simple question as they did updated rogers center back in may and rogers centre in real life constructions were done back in march so i was hoping for another update just like camden yards last year. it's really not that deep little bro
Refer to Fubar's response, does that help at all? Do you know the inner workings of SDS when it comes to finalizing a stadium for The Show? You don't know and we don't know, only SDS knows. So until you have a definitive answer we can only speculate with educational guesses. Fubar's response is good enough for me. So you can cry and throw a hissy fit but until they tell us we won't know for sure, okay champ? Now go open up some stubs and have a hot pocket.