Twitch drops.
They can't because they're to busy adding special cards to regular packs.
Same problem here. Drops have always worked in the past. Nothing going into my inventory tonight. Would love to hear something about this….
Same problem as well
Waiting on 7 packs from yesterday, 2 from today. At least I’m not the only one.
Still waiting on Twitch packs and Scouting Report packs... Seems like I won't be getting any this year
They are supposed to be guaranteed diamonds in the special packs and I haven’t gotten one yet either. At least that’s what the streamers are saying
Am having the same issue also I been watching a lot and I feel like should have more packs by now
I have been getting my packs right away(reg & special). but I did hear it could take upto 24 hrs
how did y'all link your twitch accounts??? im struggling how to do it
Been watching a lot and have only received 4 reg and 1 special. By my count I’m still missing 6 regular packs and at least 2 special packs. STILL waiting on my Scouting Report packs too…
I’m in the same boat I’ve earned over 10 haven’t received any.
I havent gotten any either. Yeyo said if we unlink our account and relink it should work but when i got to unlink it says i will lose all yall know if we log back in we get all our progress back? Dont wanna lose 450k xp lol
Got 3 packs on Friday. Missing a total of 10-11 between yesterday and today… also I’ve never gotten my scouting report packs.. they aren’t reading these but I wanted to complain anyways. Hopefully the packs show up sooner or later. XBlaireBear on xbox Just in case lol.
I haven't gotten the packs either
None here either - never been an issue until this weekend.
What's the point of having twitch drops if they don't work for 90% of people? Let's advertise twitch drops so we can get people to sit on streams for hours just to get nothing. Good job.
What I seem to notice is the vast majority of the packs missing are the guaranteed diamond ones…which is sus AF
I’ve left multiple messages in the forum and submitted ticket for help, WHERE ARE MY PACKS?!
Dogshit company never have issues with any other twitch drops and massive people having the same issue but yet no word on what the issue is. No one cares about all these useless cards your putting into the game everyone’s a 99 already fix the game and all the issues maybe
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Twitch drops.:
They are supposed to be guaranteed diamonds in the special packs and I haven’t gotten one yet either. At least that’s what the streamers are saying
Did you watch one of the four streams that had the Special Diamond packs?... I was in YeYo's stream and I got the diamond packs - got Yoshida (sp?) Kaiju card and a Live Series SP Ryan from the Twins. You also have to stay in the stream(s) for the required amount of time to receive the packs, then you have to go into your Twitch inbox, click the notification and then claim the packs... I got most of (if not all of) my packs rather quickly.
If you unlinked and relinked your account then it should work. I want to say double check that your PSN or XBox GT account is linked to your Twitch... if that doesn't work then take a lot at your The Show account specifically and see if that's linked to your Twitch but I think it's your PSN or XBox GT that has to be linked.