Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?
I have lots of the high end cards like Griffey, Mantle, Ohtani, etc... and haven't had to buy any of them. However, I am fortunate enough to be able to play at home and while at work when I have time.
That being said, it is a lot of grinding.
OP 100%…..not a fan of most of the changes this year and I’m already feeling burned out on the game. They all add up to trying to make cards less accessible and ultimately urging players to buy stubs and drop more money into the game. It may generate more money for SDS in the short run but the long term damage will be done and countless players will leave in droves. If SDS stays on the current course they are forging this year it will be the last for many loyal players of this game. As long as they make more money though they won’t care a bit. It’s sad because at this point a lot of us can see the end is coming and all we can do is hope that SDS sees and hears the community backlash and makes some serious changes before the ship hits the iceberg.
SDS In the patch notes for “ Developer Insight – Explanation of Changes to Ranked Seasons & Battle Royale Program Rewards ” they explained why they made the change to no sale cards in World Series and BR. Truthfully that’s the way it was a few years ago (World Series, 12-0 or no rewards)
What they left out is they’ve manipulated the entire market the past two years to force people to have to sell them in the first place. Think about the changes to gold cards. And have you noticed they’ve limited the sell now on unlockables whether it’s uniforms and for sound cards ect. They never addressed the community market in their explanation and that’s what the community was most pissed about.
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
OP 100%…..not a fan of most of the changes this year and I’m already feeling burned out on the game. They all add up to trying to make cards less accessible and ultimately urging players to buy stubs and drop more money into the game. It may generate more money for SDS in the short run but the long term damage will be done and countless players will leave in droves. If SDS stays on the current course they are forging this year it will be the last for many loyal players of this game. As long as they make more money though they won’t care a bit. It’s sad because at this point a lot of us can see the end is coming and all we can do is hope that SDS sees and hears the community backlash and makes some serious changes before the ship hits the iceberg.
Yeah, I’ve been playing this game for a really long time and I just don’t get a lot of enjoyment from playing the CPU or doing moments. At this point of my “career” I’m more into playing against others. I’d love to use more of the high end cards but I refuse spending real life $ like I have in years past. I’m just kinda over doing that at this point. I think we’re heading in the madden and 2k era of the show. It’s hard not to feel like 99s from day one were just a front for them to push out paid content. Kinda sad IMO.
@misanthrope1313 said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
SDS In the patch notes for “ Developer Insight – Explanation of Changes to Ranked Seasons & Battle Royale Program Rewards ” they explained why they made the change to no sale cards in World Series and BR. Truthfully that’s the way it was a few years ago (World Series, 12-0 or no rewards)
What they left out is they’ve manipulated the entire market the past two years to force people to have to sell them in the first place. Think about the changes to gold cards. And have you noticed they’ve limited the sell now on unlockables whether it’s uniforms and for sound cards ect. They never addressed the community market in their explanation and that’s what the community was most pissed about.
Agree with you. The market is off this year. I’ve never been a flipper of cards but I do know margins are super thin for the majority of them. I would totally be fine with BR rewards and ranked rewards being no sell if they’re earned through the program but why event cards or topps now, etc? I can’t really put my finger on it exactly but something feels off to me compared to previous years.
Maybe I'm an outlier, but I prefer this year's approach. Of course, I don't collect; I imagine that I would find stubs a lot harder to come by if I felt the need to complete the collections... I don't want the collection rewards, and I tend to sell players I'm no longer using because I'm just not that interested in grinding for cards I don't want. I complete portions of programs to get certain cards I'd like to play with (doesn't bother me that all aren't sellable), and I've been able to field a team I'm happy with (with the luck of a couple good pulls and no more money spent than I usually do - about $40 on top of the standard edition since launch).
I like that I don't feel compelled to chase every card this year. My usual goal is to collect all the Tigers cards, but I didn't get Miggy's 99 during the 1st season and I won't get Verlander's 99 this season. Just not interested in spending all my stubs for cards with an expiration date.
What I very much do not like is that so many of the best cards are paywalled in expensive packs twice a week while program rewards are clearly not up to the same level. The incognito program out on Thursday will be however many hours grinding for a 90 overall Keston Hiura among various other low to mid 90s. Who is excited to do that?
@mrwonderful95 said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
I appreciate the content but it feels a little too grindy for me. Personally I don’t have hours upon hours to dedicate to grinding TA against the computer on rookie to finish all the missions. Yes, you can field a good team with free cards but you can’t field a great team without spending stubs. To me, it seems like most of the great cards are hidden behind packs you have to buy or purchase through the marketplace.
Personally, I’m happy with the way the game is playing but it’s been kinda exhausting to play. BR is fun cause everyone’s fielding an even team. I’m not saying I don’t like the game, I do like it, I’m just a little tired of it at this point. I’m curious to hear how others are feeling at this stage of the cycle.
It's not fun. Half my games feel like I'm rolling dice when I hit the ball and I've lost multiple games to freezes, or my fielders doing some dumb bs. Not to mention the only hrs I let up are pitches that are messed up by 1 degree so it goes down the middle instead of in the dirt
@Skarmaen_PSN said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
I like that I don't feel compelled to chase every card this year. My usual goal is to collect all the Tigers cards, but I didn't get Miggy's 99 during the 1st season and I won't get Verlander's 99 this season. Just not interested in spending all my stubs for cards with an expiration date.
What I very much do not like is that so many of the best cards are paywalled in expensive packs twice a week while program rewards are clearly not up to the same level. The incognito program out on Thursday will be however many hours grinding for a 90 overall Keston Hiura among various other low to mid 90s. Who is excited to do that?
You’re spot on. That kaiju program and event are way too much grinding for cards I wouldn’t even use.
Sounds like some people in here just don’t like baseball
I always like the game itself, but the programs and the grinding and the amount of non sellable cards has really turned me off this year. I used to play many hours a day, I'm retired, so that's a plus, but this year I have played way less.
I love baseball, but this game needs a serious injection of something. -
Took the words right out of my mouth.
I used to enjoy grinding, but now it seems SO time consuming and boring.
The CPU on Rookie is just insane.
Common pitchers throwing the ball all over the place, then dotting.
It's more stressful than enjoyable. -
This is my third year to play DD and the gameplay is my favorite so far. Still not perfect, but I enjoy it way more than '21 and '22. However, this is the least I have enjoyed DD. I am still on the fence on sets/seasons, and some of the "no sell" stuff isn't ideal, but the biggest issue for me is how geared the game is for "offline" play. Rarely do programs have options for completing them online. Yes you get a slight pxp bonus, but you can't really complete programs without playing offline modes like showdown, conquest and even mini seasons. I think how much offline "grinding" is required makes me not enjoy the sets/seasons thing. It is kind of seems pointless if the card is only useful for two months.
@mrwonderful95 said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
I appreciate the content but it feels a little too grindy for me. Personally I don’t have hours upon hours to dedicate to grinding TA against the computer on rookie to finish all the missions. Yes, you can field a good team with free cards but you can’t field a great team without spending stubs. To me, it seems like most of the great cards are hidden behind packs you have to buy or purchase through the marketplace.
Personally, I’m happy with the way the game is playing but it’s been kinda exhausting to play. BR is fun cause everyone’s fielding an even team. I’m not saying I don’t like the game, I do like it, I’m just a little tired of it at this point. I’m curious to hear how others are feeling at this stage of the cycle.
Agree. Haven't played in a few days after grinding a ton. It is so hard to make stubs just playing the game I think I have 20k right now or so. My packs got really dry since making WS which supports my theory.
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
OP 100%…..not a fan of most of the changes this year and I’m already feeling burned out on the game. They all add up to trying to make cards less accessible and ultimately urging players to buy stubs and drop more money into the game. It may generate more money for SDS in the short run but the long term damage will be done and countless players will leave in droves. If SDS stays on the current course they are forging this year it will be the last for many loyal players of this game. As long as they make more money though they won’t care a bit. It’s sad because at this point a lot of us can see the end is coming and all we can do is hope that SDS sees and hears the community backlash and makes some serious changes before the ship hits the iceberg.
Agreed. This year's content has been a big disappointment. Hopefully they will scrap the Set expiring rules and enhance the Captain boosts, which is one addition that has promise.
I’m still having fun but I’ll be honest it’s starting to wear on me. Especially when I’m grinding for something and I’ll be able to use that card for like a month and then it might as well be put in the recycling bin.
@mrwonderful95 said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
I appreciate the content but it feels a little too grindy for me. Personally I don’t have hours upon hours to dedicate to grinding TA against the computer on rookie to finish all the missions. Yes, you can field a good team with free cards but you can’t field a great team without spending stubs. To me, it seems like most of the great cards are hidden behind packs you have to buy or purchase through the marketplace.
Personally, I’m happy with the way the game is playing but it’s been kinda exhausting to play. BR is fun cause everyone’s fielding an even team. I’m not saying I don’t like the game, I do like it, I’m just a little tired of it at this point. I’m curious to hear how others are feeling at this stage of the cycle.
absolutely mate - maybe it is that we as people want more out of life - the idea of grinding so hard for something that is truly so meaningless - i think this is the take away here - and you should be proud of yourself for feeling this way - imagine throwing all of your possible life choices away on some random videogame
I've backed away over the last week or so. I grinded like crazy during Set 1 to get 2 of the 3 "big" cards. Once Set 2 dropped, I was excited to get Corey Seager. Then I started the TA2 grind. A few days in, I just kind of stopped. I think I ran out of gas. I've played a ton over the last 3 years due to being home so much, but I think I'm just burned out a bit. I'll come back at some point, but I need a break.
@The_Joneser_PSN said in Anyone feel like the games not that fun this year?:
Maybe I'm an outlier, but I prefer this year's approach. Of course, I don't collect; I imagine that I would find stubs a lot harder to come by if I felt the need to complete the collections... I don't want the collection rewards, and I tend to sell players I'm no longer using because I'm just not that interested in grinding for cards I don't want. I complete portions of programs to get certain cards I'd like to play with (doesn't bother me that all aren't sellable), and I've been able to field a team I'm happy with (with the luck of a couple good pulls and no more money spent than I usually do - about $40 on top of the standard edition since launch).
You bring up a KEY point here. One that SDS has clearly decided to take advantage of.
There are people like you...and I tend too fall in this category too...who just enjoy playing the mode with the best team we are able to field. We will sell off cards to make Stubs, complete Programs ONLY if we really really want a specific card, and find a way to build the best team we can given the Stub "budget" we have and a mix of cards obtained thru targeted grinds.
However, there is a whole other set of players - the collectors.
They want to own every card...and SDS is trying to take advantage of their desire to do so. They know that among these types, the desire to COMPLETE "unfinished tasks" is extremely high. Just type "Ziegnarik Effect" into Google for more info on that.
This is why we see posts about people not having FUN this year.
SDS knows this. And they do it on purpose, in the hopes that eventually the monotonous, mundane tasks will become too much...and in order to complete the "task" SOME people will just "give in" and BUY Stubs.
Long time DD players who've become accustomed to owning and collecting every card in their digital binder will have the hardest time adjusting to the new changes. And for many of them, it won't happen until Season 3 starts...although some of them are starting to see the writing on the wall already.
They see that the grind will be endless...or they will have to buy Stubs to stay competitive and keep completing all the tasks.
You aren't alone dude. I've only played I think 17 ranked games this year? In comparison to previous years, its crazy low. I find most of the time I fire up the game I'm stuck grinding moments or conquests agains the CPU just so i can try and keep pace with what's been coming out but I agree in this sense the game has lost a bit of it's flare. Absolute heaven for those who can log 30-40 hours a week playing the game, but for us casuals who can only play a few hours this ain't for us. The only thing in the past that helped was flipping cards, and even that now is 4x the grind it used to be.
With that said, gameplay is fantastic. Just copped a PS5 a few weeks back and my goodness what a difference....I actually WANT to play the game again.