Anyone Else Seeing This?
Since launch, am I the only player who has noticed that after a few weeks of realistic hitting (in terms of how the ball reacts off the bat), we are back to lazy fly balls that hang up forever?
Also, with the exception of outfielders occasionally getting a bad jump, has anyone else noticed that every card once again plays like Willie Mays?
SS's are once again tracking these moon gravity balls to the warning track?
And absurd diving animations are creeping back in?
The game is morphing into '22...
Does anyone think they can explain this?
I thought the game was better at launch also.
Honestly I think it’s just all the 99s they’re throwing out there. You don’t really see this in Br where you’re using lesser players.
The game has reverted, it was a great game until the patches started. Now it’s homerun or bust, and it’s what these idiots at SDS think baseball is.