Can a rtts position player earn quirks?
Road to the Show
Can a CAP position player earn quirks?
I had my CAP with quirks last year. Idk how I did it but it was there lol. My CAP is a 99 ovr this year as well but still no quirks idk what triggers it.
\When they announced that there were going to be 4 new perks, I remember seeing in that how the "passive" perks (read: the ones that are given to a player strictly through attributes) went away - because they were having no effect on gameplay.
Last year passive quirks were in the game and were earned by reaching level 90 in certain attributes. The passive quirks are not in the game this year. I do not believe active quirks are earned as those in DD are earned from stats from 2022 season.
May 4, 2023, 8:02 PM
May 5, 2023, 8:35 AM