Season 1 eligible cards? Conquest XP not taking in TA
DoIHearBossMusicwrote on Mar 26, 2023, 7:09 PM last edited by DoIHearBossMusic_PSN Mar 26, 2023, 7:59 PM
Aren't live series cards core cards that are always eligible? I've been tallying a ton of Cards stats and nothing is taking on XP TA
Also what's with the aggressive conquest hexagons lol
@DoIHearBossMusic said in Season 1 eligible cards? Also Conquest:
Aren't live series cards core cards that are always eligible? I've been tallying a ton of Cards stats and nothing is taking on XP TA
Also what's with the aggressive conquest hexagons lol
Conquest is slooooooow and much more aggressive. The Central TA map was fine because there was plenty of wide open space to get a good foothold at the beginning. The West TA map is a PITA. It took me probably half an hour just to clear the non-stronghold hexagons last night. Too many narrow pathways that got clogged up immediately. Then every team eventually had multiple hexagons with 15 or 20 or more fans. They patched conquest speeds last year so I hope they prioritize doing it again this year.
I keep getting scared thinking a server disconnect is coming on these long conquest sim pauses then I remember this is how it used to be. Though I do want to give kudos to SDS I haven't had a single disconnect so far this year and this is usually one of the rougher periods
People have been saying conquest has become more aggressive several times a year for several years now.
I personally have not noticed a difference.
@Dolenz said in Season 1 eligible cards? Conquest XP not taking in TA:
People have been saying conquest has become more aggressive several times a year for several years now.
I personally have not noticed a difference.
I play conquest regularly over the years and will say it is a pain this year. Today I took the Nats stronghold and had 9 fans to spare, attacked an adjacent hex with 7 and lost and they didn’t lose any. They took 2 more of my hex’s and then proceeded to attack the stronghold I just took on the same turn! Of course I simmed and lost so had to redo that one. I had never seen this until today. Was losing a lot of sims all day. I like the concept of conquest and all of the stubs, packs, xp, and grinding you can get done, but I want to play baseball, not hexagon simulator, lol.