I know the games is based off real time stats and performance but…
It’s getting ridiculous how much they tinker with the ratings in this game based off if a guy is going thru a mid season slump or whatever may be like just leave some be especially when season is over and last update makes players that are good bad like Acuna is a bronze hitter now? Wen he was just a gold and Stanton went thru a slump before end of year and they made his ratings atrocious they shud focus on making more cards of players we never seen and making the game more real like bald that get hit to warning track and defender is running full speed at wall and makes catch like make them drop the ball and get knocked out by their surroundings like it would be in real life I love the game but def much room for improvement.please bring online Franchise back too and work on making co op better too with more options n features I can go on but yea that’s my opinion and venting for the day
You don't understand this game
Yea ok paL
Nobody cares jerkoff
Three people do…