Scum out there still using R2
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@NatsChampions19 said in Scum out there still using R2:
@maskedgrappler said in Scum out there still using R2:
If I ever play you ill use r2 every single pitch.
@SDS_Jax @Collin_SDS
You're trying to report someone for using something they are allowed to use? Like someone else said, it maybe causes a 2 second delay and is better than pausing after every pitch. Again as someone else said, I use it to check pitch locations/types and usually as soon as I start looking the guy is pitching the ball so it barely delays the pitcher.
I just played a dude who was an asshat. He saw I had a better team on paper so of course he does the childish friendly quit. Once I refuse he turns into the biggest dbag. Holding R2 on every single pitch. So I think ok maybe he thinks I'm pitching too fast so I'll give it some time between each pitch, But nope no matter how long I waited to pick a pitch he still held R2 like a child. He even threw in some entertaining bunt dancing for the last couple innings. Gawd I love playing online.
Now I really want to know what those deleted posts said and why one of the respondents was banned
Am I the only World Series player that didn’t know that R2 caused this lol. I always just used it like all the time to look at what pitches were thrown and the pitch count.
People don’t do it to slow you down they do it cus it causes you to lose location while pitching. Doesn’t effect me cus I use pulse. It’s just irritating.
I don't know what you are talking about? What does R2 do?
@oldgamingdad727 said in Scum out there still using R2:
I don't know what you are talking about? What does R2 do?
If the batter is holding R2 it doesn't allow you to pitch for a few seconds. More annoying than anything and if you have pitch fade on then the ball will disappear before you can pitch. So now you're just guessing on where you are aiming.
Why all the hate towards quick pitching? Didn’t know y’all like playing a 2 hour game that should take 30 minutes. Slow pitchers are the worst.
@BirdmanMorin said in Scum out there still using R2:
I can't believe that allowed this to happen in this years game after pretty much having it corrected last year. People when they see they may not be able to beat you start using R2 again. And don't start with the slowing down people pitching too fast again, that is NOT the case.
It's just like stepping out of the box. Meant to annoy and part of the game.
@Tflores1986 said in Scum out there still using R2:
People don’t do it to slow you down they do it cus it causes you to lose location while pitching. Doesn’t effect me cus I use pulse. It’s just irritating.
When I used to use pulse, if my opponent held R2, it caused a whole world of missed locations.
@iLurk84 said in Scum out there still using R2:
Why all the hate towards quick pitching? Didn’t know y’all like playing a 2 hour game that should take 30 minutes. Slow pitchers are the worst.
No hate.
I understand what your saying. Q.P has its place and can be useful, especially if its a one sided game and everyone wants to move on in life.
Im not great at hitting, so I do need a moment to see how your pitching me. If I can get an idea, then I might actually be able to get some hits otherwise I'm just flailing in the wind. I use zone and flick when hitting.
The problem is r2 isn’t really used that often to slow down pitching from what I’ve seen. It’s most commonly used by lower level players/trollers to throw off the pitchers. Most games it’s not an issue but there has been some games where someone will use it to try and cause a meat ball/ball in a critical situation, this is the biggest issue with it I see. If someone is trolling and doing that and bunt dancing I just sit and wait till I get auto pitch and then step off till I can’t anymore. By then the guy is usually so jumpy they swing at bad pitches and if they keep doing it I’ll waste more time.
For people with quick pitching issues I think what needs to happen is the pitches, pitcher info, and previous ab pitches should be displayed during the animation of the hitter stepping in the box. For in the ab I think it should be an option to where there is a delay that displays this info while the batter is stepping out and stepping back in after the pitch/foul. If both players hit x it skips like normal.
For people saying that when they’re hitting they want to control the pace, learn baseball. Pitcher controls the pace and tempo of the ab and game. If you don’t believe me watch some of Jonny cuetos highlights where he mixes up his rhythm and Delivery
@maskedgrappler said in Scum out there still using R2:
I'd rather people use r2 than pause after every pitch. It's never bothered my pitching, the cant hit it once you start your windup.
Bottom 7th let's say, bases loaded..I pitch mad fast and accurately on corners. I make their heads pin. I expect them to hit down to call time. Maybe lock r2 when he sets, count 2 and 2. Strategy. Spamming it tho, lame. 1st inning it starts with some. Sorry bro catch 22 situation but it's needed