Does signing in through the app count for daily logins?
Does signing in through the app count for daily logins? Especially if you’re unable to sign on through your console for illness or whatever reason? Just wondering. Thank you.
No. Dont think so. 99.9 percent sure
No. Only into the game if you’re talking about getting the daily reward(s).
Console only. App and web do not count.
Just reiterating what those above have stated.
Similar to most console games, they need you to interact with the console itself for the daily reward. I would hope they leave it this way.
Well I was thinking if you were away from home such as in the hospital, which I was earlier this week. I’m home now but I missed signing in one day. I suppose I could’ve asked someone to sign in for me but I didn’t, which I wish I had done. But I disagree with not being able to use the app. Like I said if you are unable to sign in from home, signing in from the app recognizes that you are in contact with the game. May not be able to play it but you are in contact with it.