Twitch drops
I am claiming my drops but they are not showing up on my ps4
Double check here on your profile and make sure it is still connected. At the beginning of the year I was not getting any even though Twitch thought i was connected and let me claim them. When I finally dug in to why I was not receiving them I had to jump through hoops on this sight to get reconnected, which included creating an account on the site and not just relying on my PS login. It was a hassle but I get them now.
Just wondering, did you have to unlink the game in the game and then relink to be able to sign into your account? The problem I’m having is I can’t even sign into my show.comm account because I get an error. And I’ve asked several times and I keep hearing they’re working on the problem. I know other people have this problem too. Would love to know if any of them got it worked out.