Bro y
This game has to be so horrible it’s made me quit sport games complete copy of last years game but with horrible random lucky hitting there be swings idk y I got hit r home run n then other time I’m completely all over the pitch for no results I be havin my bat go three balls fly outs on perfects even got amazing pci placement n middle of the green timing for a foul ball just for a very late to be base hit then for very late to go threw pitch there is no play this game n get better it’s almost as if u got to take breaks bc it’s just annoying to play n there is no getting better when everything is based off luck when u have a good swing while havin that good swing is so difficult in the first place n I’m not saying make every good swing a home run just make it a lil more rewarding then 3 outs in a row
I be havin my eyes hurt and I be havin truble catching my breff after reeding dis.
@SaveFarris_PSN this is bringing your A game.