Moments suck
First program of the year and I’m already sick of moments. It’s nothing but a mindless repetitive chore. In fact I took a break for playing these boring moments to clean my house because that seemed more exciting. These should be something that you can breeze through. I play this game to play online ranked not a mindless annoying grind against the cpu. I’m sure I’m in the minority but they’re just boring and unoriginal.
Anyways besides moments I’m having fun. Please let me know the best ways to grind ox while skipping moments.
Thanks for sharing. We were all wondering what your thoughts on Moments were.
@dolenz_psn said in Moments suck:
Thanks for sharing. We were all wondering what your thoughts on Moments were.
Thanks it means a lot forum veteran.
Are you talking about the Spolight Moments? The were so amazingly easy it was ridiculous. The Michael Young one took me about 10 attempts because I kept hitting the ball right at the fielders. Multiple two hit games.
Best way for XP is just play. I'm at over 500k and i haven't even done the Showdowns. I'm just playing conquest and mini seasons, the moments, etc.
I have learned I disliked them a lot but it’s so much about patience as others stated
I’m sure soon prob tomorrow i will be angry at one for Topps now
@nymets1987_psn said in Moments suck:
I have learned I disliked them a lot but it’s so much about patience as others stated
I’m sure soon prob tomorrow i will be angry at one for Topps now
Omg, the Topps now moments are gonna suuuuuck. They always do.
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Moments suck:
Are you talking about the Spolight Moments? The were so amazingly easy it was ridiculous. The Michael Young one took me about 10 attempts because I kept hitting the ball right at the fielders. Multiple two hit games.
Best way for XP is just play. I'm at over 500k and i haven't even done the Showdowns. I'm just playing conquest and mini seasons, the moments, etc.
No those were easy. I’m just bored of them I guess after 4 years or however long they have been in the game. I think they could be something more special, but unfortunately it’s the same regurgitated tasks over and over just with different players.
@imbeater_psn said in Moments suck:
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Moments suck:
Are you talking about the Spolight Moments? The were so amazingly easy it was ridiculous. The Michael Young one took me about 10 attempts because I kept hitting the ball right at the fielders. Multiple two hit games.
Best way for XP is just play. I'm at over 500k and i haven't even done the Showdowns. I'm just playing conquest and mini seasons, the moments, etc.
No those were easy. I’m just bored of them I guess after 4 years or however long they have been in the game. I think they could be something more special, but unfortunately it’s the same regurgitated tasks over and over just with different players.
100% agreed
@schwizzle_nizzle said in Moments suck:
@nymets1987_psn said in Moments suck:
I have learned I disliked them a lot but it’s so much about patience as others stated
I’m sure soon prob tomorrow i will be angry at one for Topps now
Omg, the Topps now moments are gonna suuuuuck. They always do.
Yeah definitely going to make me want to stick a fork in my eye.
The only problem I have is that they no longer give you stubs for completing them
But do they swallow?
I learned my lesson and no longer do moments after last year..
My advice is you have to be willing to play all the online modes (BR, events, RS) and when you do play offline stick to conquest and showdowns.
Sprinkle in some mini seasons and co-op even to keep your mind at ease
Agreed. Moments are the worst thing they’ve ever done to this game. The worst part is some cards require you to do moments. That’s what I hate the most.
"Get 1 XBH" is all! I watched 8 pitches and got walked TWICE in a HITTING moment. They should at least be forced to give you a pitch to hit on 3-0 counts. And any attempts to foul off a hit results in a popup. Only took about 25 attempts because every single hit went straight to a glove lol
99 cents per moment. I always say that but specifically the two extra base hits with JD Martinez last year and the hit a homerun with Jasson Dominguez this year. Both took over 20 attempts and while I got them done, it is too much of my limited game time taken up not to mention the annoyance. 99 cents per moment is fair so players can move on to the content they really want to play. Also, the Jackie Robinson moments from 2020.