PS4 to PS5
I just purchased a PS5 and it will arrive some time next week. I have purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition of The Show 22. Will I be able to play this weekend with early access on PS4 and be able to convert my progress to the PS5 next week or will it be like I've completely started over?
Basically I don't want to use all of my stubs / open my packs etc. on the PS4 and then when I download the game on the PS5 all of that stuff be gone and lost.
@thehof123_psn said in PS4 to PS5:
I just purchased a PS5 and it will arrive some time next week. I have purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition of The Show 22. Will I be able to play this weekend with early access on PS4 and be able to convert my progress to the PS5 next week or will it be like I've completely started over?
Basically I don't want to use all of my stubs / open my packs etc. on the PS4 and then when I download the game on the PS5 all of that stuff be gone and lost.
Yes. Not sure how you transfer everything. But you should be able to play the same account.
That is if you bought a diskless PS5
Yes it's digital PS5. I just wanted to confirm my progress is potentially tied to my PSN account and I can continue to play on the upgraded platform without losing everything.
@thehof123_psn said in PS4 to PS5:
Yes it's digital PS5. I just wanted to confirm my progress is potentially tied to my PSN account and I can continue to play on the upgraded platform without losing everything.
All diamond Dynasty progress is saved in the cloud. You can go back and forth between the two consoles seamlessly as long as you are using the same account. I did that often this past year.
Excellent - thanks so much! Super excited to be able to play on PS5 this year.
I just got a PS5 a couple of weeks ago and my profile on PS4 transferred to PS5. The music settings didn’t but the game did.
@thehof123_psn said in PS4 to PS5:
Yes it's digital PS5. I just wanted to confirm my progress is potentially tied to my PSN account and I can continue to play on the upgraded platform without losing everything.
Maybe not related, but I bought a digital PS5 last year, and loaded MLB 21. A few weeks back, I booted up my PS4, and MLB downloaded automatically. I opened it and everything was there. I say you'll be good...