World Series 1977 Yankees vs Dodgers
General Discussion
Good afternoon, I wish I had cards from the world series of the '77 when you had players like Ron Cey, Graig Nettles, Steve Garvey, Willie Randolph and others who contributed to baseball in those years. Thank you and waited for your reply.
Garvey was on this game a couple years back. That was a great series, because my 5th grade teacher played the game in the classroom. For a kid who loved baseball like me, I got no work done.
Yes a great Series Yankee Dodger legends Trivia , who was Dodgers catcher? First to answer gets a throatguard
Steve Yeager
A winner Yeager
The throatguard deal was a hint. Not altogether sure now, but i think he caught splinter in neck and invented that hang down part we see on masks today