pitcher confidence and non pci hits
Over the past few years there have been possibly 100 posts complaining about non pci HRs and perfect perfect fly balls but havent seen anything about the effect of pitcher confidence on this. I saw a video where college lefty was showing screen shots of pci placement with slow motion contact etc and he mentioned pitcher confidence but didnt elaborate at all. He seems like a pretty normal guy and a solid player who doesnt generally complain. Im wondering if pitcher confidence is the reason why we see the non pci hr or the perfect perfect flyouts. Not saying this should be the case or was necessarily what SDS wanted but it could be screwing things up.
If pitcher confidence is high it could be causing something in the programming where those perfect perfects are toned down or if confidence is low that non pci hit or hr happens more often. A few years ago there was something going where pitchers who had a high HR/9 would just never give up HR. They turned that off completely and it fixed the problem.
I think with them trying to make confidence matter its possibly screwing up the hitting feedback. I know years ago in a stream they spoke about the effects that pitcher confidence has on hitting and I always though that was pretty dumb. I think pitcher confidence should just make it easier or hard to locate a pitch or give more break or velocity.
I think confidence and clutch create all kinds of wackiness....especially with 100+ attributes.
IMO it's not confidence. To me declining confidence affects ability to place a perfect pitch & making it harder to find & hit the strike zone. Your Control, Velocity & Movements takes like a negative 5 to 10 off its attributes.
IMO it's Pichers with very high HR/9 & H/9 stats inately debuffs a PERFECT/PERFECT hit ball more frequently then other Pitchers.